Chapter 9

Hidden Secrets

“Welcome home Miss…” Uncle Dong smiled when he saw BoA enter the living room, but stopped when he saw BoA’s crying face. “Is anything wrong Miss? Maybe I can help?”

“It’s ok Uncle Dong,” BoA replied softly. “I will be fine. Carry on with what you were doing. I will be upstairs in my room if you need me.”

“Yes Miss…”

When BoA is out of sight, Uncle Dong picked up the phone and dialed out.

( Over at BoA’s )

BoA shut her room door quietly and let her tears drop. She slipped onto the floor behind the door and sniffled, “Stupid Jae Joong. I hate you. How can you believe someone that you don’t know?”

She spent the next hour thinking and daydreaming after crying, for her eyes were hurting from all the crying. “Stupid Hyorin. I will make you pay for spreading rumors.”

( Over at Jae Joong’s )

“…this is the project that we will be investing on next month. So Mr. Kim, what do you think?”

Jae Joong didn’t reply but just looked far away, as though as his spirit wasn’t even there.

“Ah… Mr. Kim…?” Changmin called out, nudging him slightly on the arm.

“Oh yes! Great! Leave a copy of the presentation for me. I would like to go through it again before making any decision.” Jae Joong ordered. “Anything else?”

When Jae Joong saw that nobody replied and everyone was shaking their head, he dismissed them for work.

“Yah… Jae Joong ah… What’s wrong? I don’t think you were even listening to the presentation.” Changmin said. Jae Joong didn’t reply, but just looked down, as if he was thinking of something really important.

“I don’t think he is even there.” Junsu said, and sighed. He walked over to draw the curtains close when he realize that the employees were looking in.
Changmin shook his head and sat on the meeting table, “So… did something go wrong with your date with BoA?”

Jae Joong lifted his head and glared at him. Though it was a glare, but it was a soft glare, “And to think you told me you didn’t hear anything.”

Junsu let out a small chuckle. He had heard the story from Changmin and thought it was pretty funny for a ruthless gang head to have such a reaction when he is in love.

“Some Hyorin girl from BoA’s school came and disrupted our lunch. She say’s that BoA’s a b*tch and asked me not to trust her.” Jae Joong sighed and placed his head on the table.

“*groans* Don’t tell me…YOU BELIEVED WHAT SHE SAID?” Changmin looked at him with disbelieved.

“Don’t give me that look. BoA gave me that look before she left the restaurant crying.” Jae Joong said, exasperated.

“AND YOU MADE HER CRY? AWW... COME ON MAN… BoA’s a nice girl,” Changmin glared at him, looking shock.

“Well Hyorin said that there were two great looking guys looking for her in school yesterday and that I can go asked anyone in school if I doubt her. She has witnesses! What am I suppose to do? I was too upset and shocked that BoA was such a person.” Jae Joong whimpered.

“Uhh… Jae Joong… that two good-looking guys wouldn’t happen to be Jang Yunho and Micky Park right?” Junsu reasoned. “ If it is… you are soooooooooooooo not going to get a glimpse of BoA ever ever ever again.”

Jae Joong sat up straight on his chair when Junsu made his point. “ARGH! YOU’RE RIGHT! IT MUST BE THEM! SH*T! WHY DID I BELIEVE THAT CRAZY MANIAC IN SKIMPY CLOTHES! I MADE BOA CRY!” Jae Joong said, pulling his blonde hair, lost for words.


Before Junsu could add in another word, Jae Joong was already sprinting towards his office for his car keys.

( Over at BoA’s )

“Knock knock”
“Oppa’s home, Dimples. Why did you lock your room door? What are you doing in your room?” Yunho shouted from outside. He had received Uncle Dong’s called an hour plus ago that BoA seems to be pretty upset. He had finished his paperwork in a rush just to get home. Well actually, Micky offered to complete the rest for him. “Come on out for dinner!”

“I’m not eating!” BoA replied loudly.

Yunho sighed. It was obvious that she was throwing a tantrum. “Come on sis. Tell Oppa what’s wrong. Oppa will help you.”

“You can’t help me!” BoA looked up upon her ceiling to stop her tears from dropping.

“Aww… Come on… At least give Oppa a chance…” Yunho whined.

BoA opened a door to show a small gap, signaling Yunho that it was a hint to get in. “Why didn’t you on the lights sis?” as he stepped on something wet and squishy, Yunho sighed, made a face and the lights.

“That’s a lot of trees you killed Dimples,” Yunho glanced around the room gave BoA a smile to indicate that he was joking. “So what’s wrong?”

Yunho made himself comfortable on BoA’s bed and allowed BoA to lean onto him for support, as he used one of his hands to smooth out BoA’s messy hair.

BoA couldn’t contain her unhappiness any longer and began to babble, while crying, from top to bottom, from first day of school to Hyorin, from Hyorin this morning to Dana, and from Jae Joong to Hyorin.

Yunho’s heart ached when he knew that his baby sister had been keeping her troubles from him. BoA realizes that Yunho looked sad and told him that it was because she loved her Oppa so much that she didn’t want to tell him. Yunho seems to understand and smiled at her. He lifted his hand to wipe the BoA’s tear-stricken face. BoA returned him a smile and stifled a yawn. Yunho let out a smile and patted his sister’s head.

Soon, BoA fell asleep with her face snuggled close to Yunho. Yunho looked at her sister’s angelic look and wonder how a girl so small, someone whom is bullied in school, be a powerful gang head. Yunho sighed and decided that it was hard to figure out a female. He looked around BoA’s room and realizes how grown up his baby sister is. Make up, perfume, different clothes for different occasions, her messy table with her drafts of latest designs.

“Brr brr…” BoA’s phone vibrated on the small table next to her bed. Yunho picked the phone up only to see Jae Joong’s name on the caller ID. Yunho groaned and mumbled under his breath, “Not now… not after she finally stop crying…” and he hung up on Jae Joong.

Jae Joong called a couple more times and decided to turn off her cell, when suddenly, a different person called. Dana. “Hello?” Yunho whispered.

“Umm… sorry… I think I’ve called the wrong number…” Dana said on the other end.

“No wait! You are looking for BoA right?” Yunho asked.

“Umm… Ya…” Dana replied sounding confused.

“Well… she is asleep right now though... I’m afraid she can’t pick up…”

“At this time of the day? It’s only 7!”

“That’s right…” Yunho replied, rudely. But he was sorry after he remembered that BoA told him earlier on, on what has happened to Dana before. “Sorry…”

“It’s ok…Wait… Did something happen? She was about to go somewhere after school.” Dana asked worriedly.

“Well… it’s a long story… she just fell asleep after crying…”


Yunho rolled his eyes and pulled the phone away from his ear further away. “Like I said, it is a long story.”


Yunho then decide that it was better to let that crazy friend of BoA come over to see her before his eardrums explode. Yunho agreed and told her the address. Yunho didn’t dare to shift away for he was afraid that he might wake BoA. Hence, he dialed the number to his own house and when Uncle Dong picked up, he informed him that there would be guest coming.

Jae Joong pulled his car over at the Jang’s driveway. Uncle Dong opened the door for him to enter and said, “Sir has been expecting you.”

“He has?” Jae Joong asked, surprised.

He made his way up the white spiral staircase with Uncle Dong. “Sir and Miss are in this room.”

Jae Joong politely replied a thank you and knock on the door. Jae Joong heard a “come in” from Yunho and pushed the door opened.

Yunho slowly crept away from BoA, lifted her blanket over her curled up body and turned to look at the guest. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!”


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Chapter 25: Aww omg hyorin turned good :')
Chapter 23: Sorry what happened to BoA's dad? I don't rmb.
Chapter 36: This is still my favorite fanfic
I read this on BoAjjang this is my fave fanfic EVER. You are awesome :>
jjlover4 #5
wahh..!!keeep up ur good work ur story is my favourite... i am looking forward to ur updates =)
jhen414kpopaddict #6
wahhh!!! I'm your new subscriber!! I love it!! I love this fanfic!!! thanks for writing this!! keep on updating!!!!!!
xiaoyun87 #7
yuichi : ah yes =) i remember you ~ keke. thanks for liking this =)<br />
<br />
jjlover4 : thanks =) updated =)
jjlover4 #8
heey.. i love ur story so much ...XD<br />
plzz update soooon
hello, I think this is the first bojoong story I've read since I've been a fan of the couple..and I totally love your story, also the sequel..and this is one of my favorites ^-^