

[Purple is Facebook - Red is Myungsu's text and of course black is your text!]


"Get off my laptop!” She jumps off your bed, scribbles to her feet and runs past you and out the door. You blink before shaking your head, you’re exhausted. You’re back from your summer job and all you want to do is sleep. Eating can wait – that is if your mother doesn’t barge in your room and drag you to the dinner table – you hope not.


You quickly change into more comfortable clothes and sit on your bed, you get your laptop and place it on your lap. You begin closing tabs and windows your sister was reading, “Damn, all she ever reads are stupid Fan sites,” You murmur as you close the tab, you then see your Facebook profile open and on some fan like page.


“How did she get into my Facebook account?!” Oh, my password is automatic you answer yourself dumbly, you quickly check your notifications before closing the whole thing and other tab pop, how tabs does she open?!


You frown at the picture before you, he looks cute, you think before mentally facepalming. You read the comments under the picture and sigh heavily. Crazy people, you click and carry on typing your own comment but you don’t send. Your finger is above the enter key but you don’t press it.


“Should I? No – his fans will kill me!” You mutter staring at the key, you hear a knock on the door and you turn to it. “Yeah?”


“Dinner time!” Your brother says cheerfully, you nod your head even though he can’t see you and quickly put aside your laptop and dash out of the room, into the hallway and downstairs to the kitchen.




With a full, happy and satisfied stomach, you walk up to your room and stretch, “Time to get some sleep!” You giggle to yourself as you enter your room, you slam the door behind yourself and walk towards your bed, you get your laptop with a large smile that quickly drops at the sight of many notifications, you click on them and it leads you to the picture from before. You eyes grow wide and you gasp as you read the comments after yours. WHAT THE – I DIDN’T PRESS ENTER! I HATE YOU FB!  you scream


Who do you think you are?! My oppa’s not a jerk!

How can you say that?? I HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU.


OMG you are jealous! :( he's soo hot and cute <33 AND BETTER THAN YOU!

That was a mean comment about my future husband :(!

Sarcasm is not cool.

Brb I have a to find and kill >:|


Omg how dare you? You don’t even know him in real life you idiot!

Sleep with your eyes open you stupid 12 year old girl! :/



“I am so screwed!” You shout as you click on the account settings and deactivate your account, “Well, I didn’t mean to send that! You people need to chill out!” You scream at your laptop before closing the lip and carelessly placing under your bed. “Damn,” You breathe out, “Those comments scared me – they don’t know me in real life, so I’m good to go. And I’m not 12!” You turn and lay on your stomach; you get your phone and start scrolling down the contact list.


“I’m bored,” You say as you keep scrolling, you contact list is in the alphabetic order; you get startled when you receive a text message. You go away from the contact list and pass your thumb on the new message, it opens and you blink as you read it. Why didn’t I delete his number?


From: Kim Myungsu

I know you’re awake. Go to bed.


You blink again, “Should I reply…?” You shrug and quickly type a text back.


 You go to bed :|


You roll your eyes when you receive another text in less than a minute.


Dance practice in a few min :)!


Your eyes widen, you look at the time on your phone and frown. You hesitate at first but you dial his number – the numbers that never seen to leave you alone even after years, you still remember every digit.


Life is all about taking risks.


After one ring he picks up, “Hey,” He chuckles, “What is it?”


Your heart pounds and you find it difficult to speak.


“Come on, say something,” He hear him say with a laugh, there’s a bit of noise, is he walking? You ask yourself, “I’m preparing a few things I need before dance,” He informs proudly.


“It’s almost 10pm,” You finally find your voice, “You need to rest – it – it’s not good for your health,” You mumble.


“Don’t worry about me~” He childishly says, “You’re talking to an idol here.” He reminds you.


He’s an idol now.

He’s not the same person.

He is an idol.

He is not the same –


And before your mind could progress on what to say next, your mouth runs on its own, “I want Myung back – I hate idol Myung.”


He laughs, “I’m still the same person,” You can tell he is smiling by the sound of his voice, your lips crawl upwards unintentionally but you don’t mind.


“Well, the Myungsu I know loves sleeping and throws his legs all over the place like his owns the world,” You state softly.


“I do own your world.” He points out, you hear the sound of a dorm opening and closing though you’re not sure if he stepped into a room or not.


“Conceited son of a – ” You cut yourself of before you burst out into a fit of giggles, I’ve never felt so happy, you think with a smile.


“Conceited or not, you still love me,” He tells you, “Hey,” He says when you don’t respond.


“Mhm?” You hum as you roll onto your back.


“The guys are waiting for me – practically yelling my name,” He snorts, “Can I…?”


Even though you can’t see him, you know what he is about to ask but you don’t give him a chance to ask it, “S –sure,” You nod, “You can call me anytime,” You add.


“Alright,” He laughs, “I have to go now,”


“Bye – ”


“I never,” He pauses, “I never stopped.” He hangs up, leaving you to your thoughts; you pull the phone from your ear and stare at it blankly. You grip it tightly and hold it against your chest.


“…don’t break my heart again…” You whimper closing your eyes.


Protect yourself





 I hope you guys enjoyed it! I’m afraid I’ve run out of ideas so I’ll write the next chapter[s?!] like I was been doing at the start: writing chapters blindly and heading to the land of nowhere LOL she deactivated her account XD Until next time! :]

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xcruella #1
this has been the fourth time im reading this and it's trilogies and im still loving it! awesome stories there :'')
Chapter 3: Just started reading cos I just found it tonight, but my lorrrrd, it's good. I'm only up to the third chapter at the moment but I can just feel myself getting hooked so far. I know this is a pretty late comment seeing as you must've finished this fic a while ago but I'm glad I found it - I just love L's characterisation and how you use the letter 'L' really ingeniously at the beginning of the fic. Thanks for the fic, I'll keep reading!
This is really gooood! I'm not done with the fanfic tho
Ough so don't delete ><
New reader :) what happened to the sequel? ;(
pinkfinite97 #5
Love your story :)
read this last night along with the sequel. :)) this story is really good!
love your story♥
I want Jinyoung. /sobs Give him to me. TT ^ TT
I love how my heart was alreadu racing, pounding and breaking by chappie 10. LOLz. XD
vanillaxkun #10
To the sequel~!!!!