

”Don’t use your air – you might sprinkle your saliva all over it!” You groan, ”Use my hair blower – it’s in the bathroom.” You roll your eyes as you watch him head for your bathroom with a sigh. When he got the blower, he comes back into your room and sits on the ground. He folds his legs and gets to work.


“You’re supposed to connect it for it to turn on, Gongchan,” You roll your eyes for the second time; he looks up at you and pouts.


“Noon – ”


“Don’t call me that,” You interrupt him.


“Can’t you clean your lens yourself?” He asks, you give him a look, he pouts again and turns back to the camera on the floor. He carefully picks up the camera and begins working on cleaning the lenses.


“I’m older than you so what I say goes,” You chuckle turning back to your book, “The camera was expensive – ”


“How much was it?” Jinyoung who is beside you busy with his assignment asks not taking his eyes off it.


“Expensive.” You say, wincing as you remember how much it was, damn, half of my savings! You think with a shiver, mom and dad aren’t gonna like that – what they don’t know won’t hurt them.


“Half of your savings, huh?” You hate how he seems to know you so well; then again, he is your best friend and has known you for years. He can pretty much read your mind at times.


“No – don’t ask!” You snap, you glance at him and find him staring at you with a smile.


“So –”


“Where’s the cleaning fluid? I thought I – Where’s the fluid?!” Gongchan asks in a panicky voice, you move from your study table and walk over to your nightstand – you open the drawer and pull out a bottle, you kneel in front of Gongchan and hand it over to him.


“Quit panicking, dork.” You stand up and walk back to your previous seat, Jinyoung already has his nose back in his book.




You stare at your vibrating phone on the table; Jinyoung absentmindedly picks it up and hands it over to you before turning back to his work.  You get your phone from him and stare blankly at the dark screen.




The screen goes on and you stare at the two new messages:


Baby, two days. Why haven’t you called me?

From: Kim Myungsu


You smile at that, you really did forget to call him. Must have been both Jinyoung and Gongchan manage to make you think of nothing else but them. Gongchan whines a lot and Jinyoung, well Jinyoung is just Jinyoung.


I could be dead

From: Kim Myungsu


Overreacting much, you think. You look up from the screen when you hear the sound of your blower, “Use the cool button, Gongchan – you don’t want to damage my camera!”


Don’t be an idiot!


You send the reply as you take your seat next to Jinyoung attempting to get some work done but with no such luck. Myungsu feels like disturbing you with his messages – he’s obviously on break. Speaking of which, you haven’t seen him for a long – two days ago – okay, you have – but that’s webcam. There’s a difference! You think.


Are you free?

From: Kim Myungsu


“Go blush somewhere else,” Jinyoung mumbles.


You snap your head his way and blush furiously, “T – this is my room!” You protest.


“It’s mine now and you’re polluting it with him.” He rolls his eyes.


“He has a name - !”


“I’m trying to clean your stu – your lens. Be quiet!!” Gongchan snaps from the floor. You stand from your seat and walk out of your own room because they just kicked you out like they own it.


No, I’m ing expensive.


You hit send and walk down the hallway like you own the world with a large smile on your face. You’ve never felt so happy, you’ve never been this happy in a long time – it’s not like you weren’t happy before – something felt missing and now that space has been filled. I’m flawless, you think with a wink as you shake your head.


Babbbbyyyy~~ Be mine

From: Kim Myungsu


You smile wider.


You’re getting stupider each passing second.


You step into the kitchen and head right for the fridge, you scanning it – staring at the food inside and finding nothing appealing – you close the fridge and walk out of the kitchen to the living room. Your brother’s sleeping on the couch – snoring. Your sister is out – with your parents, she said something about trying to make – order – them to buy her an ipad. As if.


Do you hate me? T_____T

From: Kim Myungsu


Omfg! The guy I see on TV and the guy I’m texting now are two different people – though both are annoying, you think ignoring the text. You walk to the shoe rack by the main door and put on your shoes, you’ve been in the house for two days straight – because you felt like you didn’t need fresh air. You tuck your phone in your back pocket with a sigh.


Well now you do, you step out of the house and exhale the fresh air. You walk further away from the house with a dreamy look on your face. Jinyoung and Gongchan probably won’t notice you’re gone because they are absorbed in what you left them doing.


You give Myungsu space, you don’t want to seem clingy – clingy is unattractive – and he’s always busy.


He’s always busy.


You sigh in defeat, if only he was normal – he is normal, you think, but his life – stalkers.  You stop at the sound of your ringtone and pull out your phone from your back pocket. You hide a smile at the ID as you answer the call.


“You should take care of yourself,” He says lowly over the phone.


“I always take care of myself,” You respond with a laugh.


“What are you wearing?” He asks seriously.


You pout, “Are you trying to be erted now?”


“Your y arms are mine…” He goes silent, you frown, you hear steps behind you but you ignore them.


“Yah, you jerk, are you there – Ah!”



 Didja miss me!? I guess not LOL Until next time :]! 

A minute of silence please. 22.07.11, Norway. My heart goes out to all those who have lost their loved ones and the country itself. Æ ælsker Norge, vi står sammen.

Ja, vi elsker dette landet.

Everyone, take care of yourselves!

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xcruella #1
this has been the fourth time im reading this and it's trilogies and im still loving it! awesome stories there :'')
Chapter 3: Just started reading cos I just found it tonight, but my lorrrrd, it's good. I'm only up to the third chapter at the moment but I can just feel myself getting hooked so far. I know this is a pretty late comment seeing as you must've finished this fic a while ago but I'm glad I found it - I just love L's characterisation and how you use the letter 'L' really ingeniously at the beginning of the fic. Thanks for the fic, I'll keep reading!
This is really gooood! I'm not done with the fanfic tho
Ough so don't delete ><
New reader :) what happened to the sequel? ;(
pinkfinite97 #5
Love your story :)
read this last night along with the sequel. :)) this story is really good!
love your story♥
I want Jinyoung. /sobs Give him to me. TT ^ TT
I love how my heart was alreadu racing, pounding and breaking by chappie 10. LOLz. XD
vanillaxkun #10
To the sequel~!!!!