

You roughly pull the door open and glare at the three faces before you. You pause and stare at them, your eyes land on Jinyoung; he looks away from you with a sigh.


“I don’t know if I’m leading you on or anything,” You swallow hard and blink, “But you have to get over me. I love you, Jinyoung but only as my best friend!” Unconsciously, your voice rises, “I need space.” You drag your suitcase with you as you walk out of the room and way from them. Gongchan follows closely down you, you don’t mind.


The guilt eats you up as you enter the waiting taxi that is going to take you to the airport. The driver packs your suitcase in the boot, you make your way in the taxi and sigh heavily, and Gongchan sits next to you and closes the door.


“You…” He trails off, “You shouldn’t have yelled at him like that.” He says sternly.




I seriously need to change that freaking beeping thing. You think with a frown on your face. You stare at Gongchan before staring away from him. I don’t have time for this.


“Gong,” You say his name firmly, he looks at you startled at the sudden change of your tone. “I love Jinyoung and him loving me in that way is wrong.” You narrow your eyes; I’m going to get wrinkles before I turn 30, you stare at your hands on your lap and sigh. “I – ”




“Are you in a hospital?” Gongchan blurts out, you crack a smile.


“My roommate fudged with my phone,” You shrug, “It’s probably Myungsu anyway; he’s annoying around this time of the day.” You look from your lap to the taxi driver who made his way in and started the engine.


“Hold on,” You exclaim right after the taxi reversed, the driver steps on the brake and looks back at you, he glares.


“What is it?” He questions.


“5 minutes.” You unlock the door and walk out, you run back into the building and enter the elevator. As soon as it reaches your destination, you run out and find yourself right in front of your now former dorm. Your dorm mate and Jinyoung are beside it with their foreheads against the wall.


You walk towards them and grab Jinyoung’s hand, “Come on, we’ve got to go.” You flush him a smile, he stares back at you in surprise. It’s as if you weren’t furious with him a while ago.


You stand on your tiptoes and whisper against his ears. “Get laid.” You poke his cheek and squeeze his hand with a soft laugh.




In the plane you end up sitting with a random woman, Jinyoung and Gongchan are in the front. You can see their heads; Gongchan looks back and waves happily at you.


“Who’s that?” The woman asks curiously.


“One of my best friends.” You answer plainly, she smiles at you.


“Lovely,” She giggles, you ignore her and stuff your face in a book. Then something else popped up in your mind, you look at the older woman.


“Yes?” She asks sweetly.


“If – if…” You cough a bit to clear your voice, “If you were dating someone well known in the country for some time, if he asked – if he could reveal your relationship with him – would you agree?” That sentence sounded so wrong, you think as your cringe.


“Yes.” The woman responds without giving it much thought.




“ Well, because it shows that his proud of me as his  girlfriend and wants to show me off.”




Won’t you be afraid of his fans?


“No,” She laughs, “Because what only matters will be his love for me. Why are you so curious?” She giggles.


“Nothing.” You let out a nervous laugh, “Thank you,”


“Who’s the lucky man?” She questions, you choke on your saliva.


“Lady, I’m trying to read,” You state coolly. She smiles.


23 Unread messages.

38 Missed calls.

Kim Myungsu.


“My gawd,” You mutter as you stare blankly at your screen. Which one should I start with? Did someone die?! You think just as you’re about to open one message, another beeping sound interrupted you.




OMFG!!1! SIS!! CLICK THE LINK! O_O I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!! THIS WAS POSTED MINUTES AGO http://www.allkpop.com/2011/08/infinites-l-confesses-to-be-in-a-relationship READ IT!

From: Twerp


“…” No words come out.


“OMG! You’re here already!” The door suddenly opens and your sister is all over you. When did I get home again? You think, still in daze because of the link. “SO?! DID YOU READ IT?!” She screams, you push her away gently with a sigh. “Sis, he was so cool~” You give her a look and shake your head.


You enter the house and relax, home sweet home! You smile and make your way further into the house. Your parents aren’t home or so you think because the only one making noise is your sister. Your brother moved out not too long ago.


“Mum and dad found you an apartment,” Your sister informs as soon as your bed hits the bed.


“How the hell do you get into my room?” You ask slightly annoyed you want to sleep.


“You always leave your door open,” She says innocently. You glare but say nothing, you bury your face in your pillow and out of nowhere you begin to giggle.


“Er…” Your sister trails off, “Are you okay?” You turn on your back and stare at the ceiling, a large smile is plastered on your face. “You look retarded, sis.” She points out.


You grab the pillow and throw it to her, she catches it easily an glares at you. “I’m just happy,” You mumble and continue the endless giggles. She chuckles softly, she throws the pillow back to you and snorts.


“You need to start packing your things – time to move out!” She exclaims and runs out.


Damn, she just had to ruin my moment.You think.



This chapter was written at school so yeah =.= but we had a long run people [x Thanks for all the support and everything else haha as for now, this fiction is complete so cry LOL /Blame school/I have a lot to read

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xcruella #1
this has been the fourth time im reading this and it's trilogies and im still loving it! awesome stories there :'')
Chapter 3: Just started reading cos I just found it tonight, but my lorrrrd, it's good. I'm only up to the third chapter at the moment but I can just feel myself getting hooked so far. I know this is a pretty late comment seeing as you must've finished this fic a while ago but I'm glad I found it - I just love L's characterisation and how you use the letter 'L' really ingeniously at the beginning of the fic. Thanks for the fic, I'll keep reading!
This is really gooood! I'm not done with the fanfic tho
Ough so don't delete ><
New reader :) what happened to the sequel? ;(
pinkfinite97 #5
Love your story :)
read this last night along with the sequel. :)) this story is really good!
love your story♥
I want Jinyoung. /sobs Give him to me. TT ^ TT
I love how my heart was alreadu racing, pounding and breaking by chappie 10. LOLz. XD
vanillaxkun #10
To the sequel~!!!!