

”Come on in, sweetie!” Jinyoung’s mother beams as she excitedly welcomes you inside her home, you bow at her before you kneel down and take off your shoes, “I’m glad you made it here this early!” She says as she walks into the kitchen, you smile and follow her closely behind.


“Well, you need my help with getting Jinyoung to stop being lazy – how is he doing really?” You ask softly as you pick up the tray on the counter, on the tray is a bowl of hot soup and a glass of water with two tablets at the side.


“He won’t say – he’s being stubborn again,” She sighs, “If it’s not too much to ask – get him out of bed? I need to go grocery shopping in a few minutes.”


You smile again as you shake your head, “It’s fine; I’ll see what I can do!” She beams at you and walks out of the kitchen, you follow her but head up the stairs while she goes into the living room, you’ve been in this house too many times. You know where everything is placed; it’s like your second home.


You reach Jinyoung’s door, you don’t bother to knock since your hands are full. The door is slightly ajar, you kick it open and make your way inside, and his clothes are all over the place. You sigh, why do I get stuck with the messy ones?


You place the tray on his study table before walking to the windows and ripping the curtains apart from each other, letting in the sunlight. You open the window as you hum; you turn around and stare at Jinyoung who is tangled in the sheets.


“Jinyoung,” You call from your current position, “Jinyoung!” You call a little louder; he stirs and turns away from you. You walk to his side begin shaking him, “Sweat?” You frown, you use your hand to feel his forehead and then you begin to worry. “He’s burning up,” You brush his bangs away from his forehead and sigh, you stand straight and stare at him dumbly not knowing what to do.


“I’m cold,” You hear his mumble; he stirs and groans, he turns away from you pulling the sheets over his head.


“You idiot.” You say pulling the sheets off, “Sit up – the soup will get cold,” You roll your eyes when he shakes his head.


“I’m tired,” He groans again but sits up with your help, “I’m all sweaty,” He laughs weakly.


It takes you an hour to finally get him to leave his room after his shower, “You’ll be fine after some air,” You tell him as you join your arm with his.


“Where are we going?” He asks as you lock the main door and shove the spare key in your pocket, you smile brightly up at him.


“Well, I need a new camera! So you should help me pick one,” You say cheerfully as you both walk away from his home.


“Why do I have to come? It’s cold,” He whines and puts the hood over his head with a sigh, “You’re still going to major in photography?” He asks.


“Of course – designs actually but yeah – why would I quit anyway?” You roll your eyes, “It’s a hobby now, summer and all. I still have a lot to read.”


“Or a memory,” He snorts, you pout at that and poke his cheek.


“I’ll take pictures of you because you look horrible with those dark circles,” You announce happily, you hear him mutter something under his breath but you don’t bother to ask him to repeat himself.


“You wouldn’t,” He chuckles, “I think we should have used the car – I hate walking when I’m sick.” He grunts.


“You’re not sick,” You rolled your eyes, “You’re just stressed out – have you been staying up late again?” You question worriedly, “Let’s forget about the photography and spend time together!” You add as an afterthought with a laugh.


“Isn’t the new camera important?” He sighs, you mentally face palmed, he’s so annoying when he gets like this, you think.


“We haven’t seen each other since – you know – anyway,” You pause, “A walk around the neighborhood will do you good.”


“I’m tired and dizzy,” He whines after a few minutes.


“15 more minutes and we’ll turn around – back to your precious home,” You yawned tiredly. He looks down at you and frowns.


“Did you get any sleep last night?” He questions, he stops walking causing you to do the same.


“Um…yes, why?”


“Liar,” He sighs. You’re just about to open your mouth to protest but your phone beeps; you pull it out from your back pocket and open the new message, you let out a heavy sigh.


Let’s go to the movies~<3

From: Kim Myungsu


You bite your lower lip not sure what to do, you look over at Jinyoung; he gives you a confused look before realization hit him. He gives you a weak smile, “You have to go?” He asks, no point in lying, you think as you nod.


“Myungsu – er – movies?” You did a double take on the text, what’s with the random heart?! “Come with me!” You exclaim happily, he gives you a weird look.


“And became the awkward third wheel?” He blinks, “I don’t think so,”


You pout, “Should I call Gongchan – ”


“No! He’s annoying – ”


“But I can’t leave you here all alone!”


“I won’t die,” He says calmly.


“That’s what I’m afraid of!” You laugh loudly, he glares at you, “I’m joking!”


“Go have fun with whatshisname,” He teased; you poke his forehead and fling your finger, hitting his nose.


“We should spend more time together – you’re losing your sense of humor, Jinny. And I’m calling Gongchan! I’ll tell him you think he’s annoying!”




“Why do you have to wear a disguise?” You whine as soon as your step in front of him.


“Why? Miss my eyes?” He teases; you blush and quickly look away.


“Nobody likes your eyes,” You remark. I love your eyes, you think, your lips form into a pout at the thought.


“You love them though,” He chuckles, “The movie will start in a few minutes, we should go in,” He grabs your hand and laces his fingers with yours; you look at your joined hands and look back at him. Ugh ugly shades! I wanted to see the look in his eyes! You wail and let yourself be drag around by him.


The movie is interesting and all, but you’re bored and exhausted. You just want to fall asleep, your eyes feel heavy but you force them to stay open and that goes on for a few minutes until you give in to sleep.  Your head on his shoulder, you feel his arm snake around your waist and you feel his lips on your forehead.




FINALLY LOL GAWD this chapter was so hard! Or maybe I was too lazy to update it yesterday, um, no, it was hard LOL until next time! I’ll edit errors later <.< wait...D: Myungsu is a Kim, right?! LMAO

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xcruella #1
this has been the fourth time im reading this and it's trilogies and im still loving it! awesome stories there :'')
Chapter 3: Just started reading cos I just found it tonight, but my lorrrrd, it's good. I'm only up to the third chapter at the moment but I can just feel myself getting hooked so far. I know this is a pretty late comment seeing as you must've finished this fic a while ago but I'm glad I found it - I just love L's characterisation and how you use the letter 'L' really ingeniously at the beginning of the fic. Thanks for the fic, I'll keep reading!
This is really gooood! I'm not done with the fanfic tho
Ough so don't delete ><
New reader :) what happened to the sequel? ;(
pinkfinite97 #5
Love your story :)
read this last night along with the sequel. :)) this story is really good!
love your story♥
I want Jinyoung. /sobs Give him to me. TT ^ TT
I love how my heart was alreadu racing, pounding and breaking by chappie 10. LOLz. XD
vanillaxkun #10
To the sequel~!!!!