

Tears freely roll down your cheeks; he raises his hand gently and wipes a tear away in a soft caress of his thumb.


“Shh,” He whispers as he pulls you to him, you bury your face in his chest and you cry loudly – not caring who hears you – you feel like crying and you’re doing just that. “I’ve got you,” He whispers again. "I'm here now. It's okay,"He runs his hair through your hair and repeats his “shh”s a few more times – not really knowing what to say to you to make you stop wailing like a baby.


You don’t know why but you pull away from him and stare at him through your tears. You look at him up and down, he stares back at you with a half smile. “A – are y – you real?” You stutter with a sniff. Stupid question.


He chuckles, “Hm.” You wipe your tears using the back of your hands before you stare at him again. You lift your hand and slap him, hard. That’s the only reaction you can think of to show your affection for him at the moment, he seems to understand it without you explaining to him – he doesn’t react, he just takes the slap with a sigh.


“That’s what you get for not contacting me.” You say before fresh salty tears roll out from your eyes. Man, I’m sick of crying.


“That hurt.” He tells you dully, “But I guess I deserved it,” He then grabs your wrists and brings them to his face; he pauses and breathes, “Fist.” He whispers, you nod and slowly close your hands into fists, he brings them closer to his lips and places kisses on both.


“You’re weird,” You blush and look away from him.


“I know,” He murmurs, you let out a yelp when you’re suddenly swept off your feet – you snake your arms around his neck and make your head comfortable on his chest with a sigh. He gently places you on your bed after throwing the blanket somewhere on the floor. He lies next to you and pulls you on top of him; you’re too used to this position that you aren’t even surprised.


You place your hands on his chest and feel his heartbeat and that’s when you realize that you aren’t hallucinating. He runs his fingers through your hair before he places your head on his chest and sighs. “I miss your warmth,” He whispers, you feel his breathe on your forehead. He holds both your hands and laces your fingers with his as he locks eyes with you.


“You’re quiet,” He mumbles, “It’s scary.” He declares with a laugh.


“Just…” You trail off; you blink innocently at him, hoping he’ll get what you need without you having to voice it out. He gives you a small smile and he turns making your fall on the bed and pulls you to him. He throws his arm over your waist and the other one supports your head, your back is to his chest. “Better?” He asks after placing a kiss on your neck.


  “Thank you,” You say as you close your eyes, you reach out for his arm on your waist and hold it close, “I hope you took your shoes off,” You mutter, he chuckles.


“Forgot.” He winces when you pinch his arm. You both lay there in comfortable silence – no words are needed – you both have nothing to say to each other. It’s the lack of what to say - you don’t need him to say he misses you because you know he does, you feel it, but there are times when you want him to voice some of his feelings out like right now.


“Do you love me?” You ask, he tightens his hold on your waist before it loosens.


“What do you think?” He removes his arm from your waist, you hear the sound of a zip but you don’t bother to turn your head back to observe what’s being zipped open. [Don’t think out of the box people LOL]


“You tell me,” You answer. He keeps quiet for one good minute, “Turn over and look at me,” He orders, you sigh but do as you’re told, you find yourself staring at his neck, you lean in and peck his Adams apple before you lock your eyes with his.


“What do my eyes tell you?” He questions, he brings his thumb and brushes it on your lips, “Every time I look at you – what do you see?”


“A smile – warmth. Love.” You answer without really thinking, he smirks and captures your lips in a soft kiss [Yada we got to work~  work~ work this out~ SORRY LOL I just felt like ruining the moment]. You both unwillingly pull away from each other panting. First kiss after so long, your heart flips and a smile slowly graces your lips.


“Does that answer your question?” He inquires, you give him a look. “Look at what I got you.” He shows his palm, you stare at it as it slowly unclenches. You slowly sit up trying to make sure that what you’re seeing is real and not fail images.


“Wh – at?” You trip on the word and blink at the small round thing in his in his palm. “Mine?”


He nods with a laugh, “All yours.”


He sits up, grabs your hand and puts it in your palm, “Couple ring,” He says, you stare at the ring in shock and look back at him.


“B – but…” You swallow, “The media – if you put - ” His index finger silences you, he takes off his shoe and socket. Your stare at the ring around one of his toe’s, it’s similar to the ring in your palm.


“There,” He chuckles, “No one can ask me to take my shoes off,” At this, you want the tears of joy to spill out of your eyes – they don’t and you mentally scoff because they always seem to pour out when you don’t want them to – you hug him tightly, he rubs the small of your back.  He your hair before he pulls away and stares at you; he lifts his right hand in front of you and smiles.


“The toe ring is for when I’m in public and this one,” He informs rolling the ring around his finger, “Is for when I’m alone with you,” He tells you ever so slowly.


“…me?” You ask, not really believing that this is actually happening.


“All for you and only for you,” [OMG so cheesy lawd I think Imma puke AHAHA k I’ll stop now LOL] He pauses, “Because I love you. Put it on,”


“Huh…?” Speechless, your eyes grow large; he smiles at you and helps you with the ring. He pecks your lips and whispers against them, “I love you, don’t you get it?” He smirks. “Got feathers for a brain?” He teased.


Dumb, dumb, dumb. Your mouth hangs open and closes again, no words come out, and you stare at him, “Huh?” You say again, he bursts out in fits of laughter at how lost and dumb you look. His laugh makes your stomach flip – in a good way – his laughter makes you smile and laugh with him, just the sound makes you blush.


“But…” He locks his eyes with you again.


But?” Your heartbeats faster than before, what does he mean but?! You think, on the verge of freaking out and crying.


“I love your thighs more,”





Didn’t see that coming didja?! TOE RINGS FTW BABY LOL! Until next time? Note the question mark there LOL not sure if this still needs more chapters or if it should end like this muejejeje [x. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the rest of the previous chapters! Peace out [: this wasn’t edited just like all the other chapters so I obviously have failed grammar/typos all over the place, ignore them LOL I’ll edit when I wake up from my nap muejejeje XD maybe <.< nuff said.

·         Do not plagiarize 

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xcruella #1
this has been the fourth time im reading this and it's trilogies and im still loving it! awesome stories there :'')
Chapter 3: Just started reading cos I just found it tonight, but my lorrrrd, it's good. I'm only up to the third chapter at the moment but I can just feel myself getting hooked so far. I know this is a pretty late comment seeing as you must've finished this fic a while ago but I'm glad I found it - I just love L's characterisation and how you use the letter 'L' really ingeniously at the beginning of the fic. Thanks for the fic, I'll keep reading!
This is really gooood! I'm not done with the fanfic tho
Ough so don't delete ><
New reader :) what happened to the sequel? ;(
pinkfinite97 #5
Love your story :)
read this last night along with the sequel. :)) this story is really good!
love your story♥
I want Jinyoung. /sobs Give him to me. TT ^ TT
I love how my heart was alreadu racing, pounding and breaking by chappie 10. LOLz. XD
vanillaxkun #10
To the sequel~!!!!