



”Dear lord,” You groan, “Sleep!” You order waving your arms at the camera, Myungsu blinks at you before he puffs his cheeks.


“I’m not sleepy,” He tells you, “You never said goodbye you know,” He points out.


“You’ve said that a thousand – thrice – I already told you the reason! Goodbye is when people go away forever, I think,” You say lowly, you look over at your roommate and you hear her snoring loudly. Sitting in the dark is creepy and the source of light coming from the computer is creepier. Talking to a computer is insane, you think and your shoulders deflate, you stare at Myungsu on your screen for a few minutes in totally silence before you whisper softly, “Say something.”


You hear him sigh tiredly; he shakes his head and sulks. You bite your lower lip and you soon start playing with the keyboard.


“Are you mad?” You ask staring at your keyboard and pressing random buttons.


“No,” He answers, “Why would I be mad at you?”


“Because you’re sulking, Myung – I’m not stupid.”


“You can be stu – ”


“Finish that sentence and I swear I’ll cyber-slap you!” You warn him, he laughs, you notice that a lot of people are walking behind him and that the room isn’t his. You frown, “Where are you?”


“Practice,” He shrugs, “I’m on break – the others are out and the ones walking behind me are the staff,” He adds.


“At 3:20am?” You frown more, “Your schedule is screwed up,”


“I thought you were used to it already,” He rolls his eyes and stretches with a yawn, “Why are you up this early?” You roll your eyes back at him because of the stupid question.


“You wanted me here,” You answer him.


“Hold on!” Before you can say anything else, he disappears of the screen – leaving you to see random people dancing – well, they aren’t random because you’ve seen them before.


You sit meditation style to be more comfortable on your bed with sigh and stare blankly at the screen. It’s just one year and I’ll be back, you think, One whole year.


That is a long time. You wish you can fast forward the time, it’s not as though you won’t have any short holidays throughout the year – you will – but that’s another story.


You suddenly change your sitting position; you pull your knees to your chest and crawl into a ball. Don’t be such a crybaby! You scold yourself blinking back the tears that begin welling up in your eyes, “It’s just one year,” You choke out, “Just one year,” You firmly add over another choke.


You sit back in meditation style when you hear a voice, your eyes widen at the sight of someone who is Myungsu, “Who the hell are you?” You ask before you can find your manners but then again, this guy doesn’t have matters – checking out other people’s laptop.


The guy looked startled and his eyes were darting all over the place, you figured that Myungsu probably minimized the window he was using.


“What the – is Myungsu on some dirty site? Who are you?” You blink rapidly at the statement and question, he found the window, you think before you glare at the screen.


“Who the hell are you?” You repeat your question with a scowl, annoyed as heck – not bothering to wait for a reply, you shut the laptop lid. You hop off your bed with your laptop in your hand and walk over at the foot of your bed. You pick up a bag on the floor and zip it open; you place your laptop inside and sigh. “Time to get some sleep,” You say as you crawl back on your bed.




“Crap!” You whisper as you try to ignore the glare the librarian shots – you’re 28 minutes for class because you overslept – you decide not to bother going to class – they won’t miss you. Glares on the first day aren’t fun, you think as you take a seat by the window side, you look at the sky before you shake your head and stare blankly at the table your elbows at currently resting.


It’s so quiet – I’m so bored! You mentally scream, you rest your forehead on the table and close your eyes, I’ll be up in an hour for the next class, you yawn tiredly and give in to sleep.


You slap away the hand that is poking you, “Go away,” You mutter not opening your eyes.


“Noona, this is a library not your bedroom,” Your brows furrow at the familiar voice; you turn your head to where you think the voice is coming from and open your eyes. 


You glare at Gongchan and he blushes, he scoots away from you andstands next to Jinyoung who raises his eyebrow at you, “Rough night?” He asks, you nod your head.


“I just need some sleep, you know?” You mumble with a yawn, you stand up and stretch, “Time for lunch?” You question, your eyes are bright at the thought of lunch, and you missed breakfast.


“Actually – ” Gongchan stops talking at the sound of Jinyoung laughing uncontrollably, you look over at the said person and give him an annoyed look.


“What?” Both you and Gongchan ask after glancing at each other in confusion.


“Classes are over – help me unpack my stuff?” He asks trying to act cute. You mentally face palm, why didn’t that stupid librarian wake me up? You think irritated, it’s not her fault but well, you need someone else to be at fault with you.


“Are you insane?” You ask Jinyoung with a puzzled look on your face, “I’ve got my own things to unpack –”




I told you to hold on babe, you never listen to me -.-

From: Kim Myungsu


“Look,” You look up from your text with a heavy sigh, “I need a beer,” You mutter, Gongchan’s eyes widen in what you know is shock, you giggle, “I’m joking!” You giggle louder at the look on Jinyoung face, they both snort at you.


“Whatever,” Jinyoung says, “You – ”


“There you are!” A new voice says, “Why don’t you text me anymore?” At times like this – especially with the person talking – you wish you were deaf. You don’t bother turning around, you stand still and look at Jinyoung. He was frowning at the person behind you; Gongchan is nowhere to be found.


“You stopped texting and so – I thought you died.” You say as you turn around and reply to Myungsu’s text.


Some idiot was on your laptop


“I call you everyday – your phone is always off or busy – I don’t like being ignored and you know that.” He states. Omfg, what a liar! You think.


“Well,” You begin, “What do you want?”


“Lunch,” He simply puts it with a smirk.


You crook your head to the side and smile, “No.”


“I guess you don’t need today’s notes,” He chuckles, you roll your eyes.


“Try harder, darling, I can always get my notes from someone else,” You step next to Jinyoung and grab his hand. “I’m helping Jin unpack – I’m busy, go away!”


“Just one date!” He whines, the librarian clears loudly and shoots a glare.


“I’m taken.” You tell him firmly, hoping he’ll turn around and go away.


 “So?” He looks at you with a confused look.


“Are you for real?” You huff, “I’m taken and that means the only person I get to go on a date with is my boyfriend!” You say. And he's not here right now, you grunt.


He blinks at you before he turns to Jinyoung and his eyes grow wide, “You’re dating him?!” He shouts, you step behind Jinyoung with a nervous laugh.


“Ew, no!” You exclaim, “I mean – no offense Jinny – I’m not dating him.”


“Then who are you dating?” He asks curiously.


“Who she’s dating is really none of your business, Sunwoo – go away before you annoy me.” Jinyoung steps in before you can respond.


“It’s Baro,” He huffs; you roll your eyes at him.


“Come on,” You say as you drag Jinyoung with you away from Baro.




 Hmm, well, until next time :]!

  • Do not plagiarize.
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xcruella #1
this has been the fourth time im reading this and it's trilogies and im still loving it! awesome stories there :'')
Chapter 3: Just started reading cos I just found it tonight, but my lorrrrd, it's good. I'm only up to the third chapter at the moment but I can just feel myself getting hooked so far. I know this is a pretty late comment seeing as you must've finished this fic a while ago but I'm glad I found it - I just love L's characterisation and how you use the letter 'L' really ingeniously at the beginning of the fic. Thanks for the fic, I'll keep reading!
This is really gooood! I'm not done with the fanfic tho
Ough so don't delete ><
New reader :) what happened to the sequel? ;(
pinkfinite97 #5
Love your story :)
read this last night along with the sequel. :)) this story is really good!
love your story♥
I want Jinyoung. /sobs Give him to me. TT ^ TT
I love how my heart was alreadu racing, pounding and breaking by chappie 10. LOLz. XD
vanillaxkun #10
To the sequel~!!!!