

You stir in your sleep; you feel the sunrays on your face. Your lip twitches; you bury your head into the pillow and groan. You sleepy sit up and use your hand to rub your forehead, you feel something heavy on around your waist. Where am I? You ask yourself as you raise your eyebrow at the hand over your waist. You follow it and stop at the owner, Great. I’m dreaming about him, you close your eyes and shake your head as if you’re trying to chase away a bad dream.


You reopen them and find yourself staring at his sleeping face, when he stirs; you scream bloody murder and push him off the bed. You wince at the loud thud and stare at him with wide eyes; you look around the room and gulp. This isn’t your room.


“What the – oh you’re awake,” He groans and crawls back on the bed, and proceeds to sleep again. You frown and push him again but this time he holds on to you and the both of both fall on the floor.


“Ouch – how could you drag me with you?!” You snap, he looks at you sleepily before his eyes widen. Before you can speak, he covers your mouth with his hand, he leans in, “Be quiet.” He whispers, you nod and he removes his hand. You hear voices and footsteps from outside the room.


“Myungsu? Is everything alright in there?” Your eyes widen and you look at Myungsu, mouthing to him who is that?


“Rough morning – I’m fine!” He immediately answers, the footsteps come to a stop in front of the door and the doorknob turns, Myungsu is on his feet and pushing the door. “You can’t come in!” He says, you stand up from the bed and step next to him, you help with the pushing.


“Why not?” The voice from behind questions slightly annoyed.


“Because I’m changing – doing stuff.” He locks the door and sighs when the person behind the door leaves.


“Who was that?” You hiss lowly.


“Manager, if he finds you in here – he might misunderstand,” He answers.


You frown not really understanding what he is talking about, you scan the room and spot someone sleeping like a log, “What about hi – !” He covers your mouth again.


“That’s Dongwoo – he won’t wake up – not right now. Don’t scream,” He rolls his eyes. You remove his hand and glare at him.


“Why didn’t you take me home?” You ask as you stomp your way to the bed and sit at the edge, he sits next to you.


“Your parents aren’t too fond of me.” He states with a yawn.


“Yours aren’t any better – take me home,” You pout rubbing your eyes tiredly, you felt tired and sleepy. Probably explains why you aren’t overreacting about him sitting so close.


“Can’t,” He says dully, “You can’t leave this room until the manager’s gone.” You glare at him but say nothing. “Besides,” He begins, “We need to talk.”


“No!” You exclaim, “We don’t need to talk,” He gives you a look, you turn away and cross your arms over your chest, “Whatever,”


We need to talk.

We need to talk.

We need to talk.


You’re about to start freaking out when he speaks, “What are we?” He asks ignoring the sound of a door opening and closing – the start of an engine after that –, you freeze and tense up. You stare at your lap, I never thought – what do I say?! You think.


“Huh?” You dumbly respond, you mentally smack yourself at your answer but sometimes playing dumb works. You sheepishly tug at the pillow from the floor and place it on your lap waiting for him to speak.


“You still have feelings for me,” He states calmly, “Don’t deny it,” You open your mouth and close it again when you find nothing to say.


“I – can you take me home now?” You say trying to escape from the question; you want to be anywhere else but here. You stand up and attempt to walk away, he holds your wrist and stands up, he stares at you and you look away.


“Not until you answer me,” He whispers, you look down at his hand around your wrist. No time for blushing! You mentally scream at yourself, you feel your cheeks heat up.


“Do you have a new toothbrush?”


He sighs but nods and let go of your wrist. You watch as he walks to a closet, he flings the closet doors open and scans it. You see him grab something from it, he walks back to you and hands you a sealed toothbrush. “They members won’t mind you – our manager’s gone.” He says unlocking the door and walking out, you follow closely behind him as he leads you to wherever. He stops in front of the door and opens it.


“Uh…” You begin, “Can you wait for me…? ‘Til I’m done?”


“Why?” He asks with a mocking smile.


“Because!” You snap, you enter the room and close the door in his face, there might be a ghost in here, you think as you step in front of the mirror, you feel a shiver go down your spine.  Myungsu walks in a few seconds later, he steps next to you and picks a toothbrush from one of the mugs on the sink. He finds toothpaste and hands it over; all this is done in silence.


You start brushing your teeth after you shoot him a glance; you turn back to the mirror and quickly look away with a blush.


When you’re both done, you both stand in the bathroom awkwardly – well you feel awkward – you look from the floor and find him standing right in front of you. You swallow, not knowing what to do. Run? Stay? Scream?!


“You’re stubborn,” He says, he lifts your chin with his hand and makes you look at him. You look away but he turns your face to him, “Very stubborn,” He whispers, “Can I have my answer now?”


You feel tears welling up in your eyes, your sight blurring. You know that if you open your mouth to answer him, the tears will fall. You blink a few times trying to push the tears back but that only helps them roll down freely.


Myungsu sighs, “I’m a bad person – making you cry before 10am – personal record.” He adds with a chuckle, you playfully hit where you think is his chest with a teary laugh that sounds more like a choke.


“J – just don’t break my heart again, okay?” You sniff staring at him; he steps closer to you and lifts your chin.


“Does that mean you’re giving me another chance?” He asks, you nod weakly.


“Ye – ”


He presses his lips against yours, silencing you.



My job is done for today! Until next time :]! I’ll edit this later, ignore all errors for now x_x

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xcruella #1
this has been the fourth time im reading this and it's trilogies and im still loving it! awesome stories there :'')
Chapter 3: Just started reading cos I just found it tonight, but my lorrrrd, it's good. I'm only up to the third chapter at the moment but I can just feel myself getting hooked so far. I know this is a pretty late comment seeing as you must've finished this fic a while ago but I'm glad I found it - I just love L's characterisation and how you use the letter 'L' really ingeniously at the beginning of the fic. Thanks for the fic, I'll keep reading!
This is really gooood! I'm not done with the fanfic tho
Ough so don't delete ><
New reader :) what happened to the sequel? ;(
pinkfinite97 #5
Love your story :)
read this last night along with the sequel. :)) this story is really good!
love your story♥
I want Jinyoung. /sobs Give him to me. TT ^ TT
I love how my heart was alreadu racing, pounding and breaking by chappie 10. LOLz. XD
vanillaxkun #10
To the sequel~!!!!