

[ Green is the past - it's obvious because it's in the past tense and all. Moving on!]




”I’m ashamed to be your older sister – quit shaming me,” You remark as your sister keeps jumping up and down, screaming like crazy just like everyone else around you. Your brother left to stalk some group; you stand there dumbly with a glowing stick in your hands.


Infinite have yet to show themselves on stage, you want to be anywhere but here. You close your eyes trying to block away the loud screams – that is an impossible task not with your sister hugging you and squealing.


“We love you guys!” Dujun? You think he is the one that said that, you really don’t know much about BEAST even though your sister spazzes about them almost as much as she spazzes about Infinite. Infinite is way worse when she starts spazzing about them.


Hours of standing there like an idiot, you finally reach your limit of patience, your ears are ringing. “Hey, Twerp, why don’t we go to the back? – V.I.P ticket and all, I’m thirsty and irritated.  And I have to pee.” You tell her dumbly.


“But you weren’t even screaming!” She exclaims her voice is hoarse; you wince at that before shrugging.


“I’ll scream after I drink water and use the ladies room.” You grab her wrist and try to find a way to the back through the packed glued to each other.


“Ouch! My nose!” You hear your sister cry out but you don’t stop, you drag her away from the crowd until you reach a distance from the noise, backstage. You scan her face for any bruises.


“You okay?” You ask her curiously.


“Someone just elbowed! Do I look okay!?” She snaps and stumbles backstage, you follow her. You want to pee and you had to pee.


“I know you searched where all the places are before we came here – where are the toilets?!” You ask desperately.


“You have to promise me something first.” You roll your eyes at that, she glares at you and huffs crossing her arms over her chest after rubbing her nose, “Then I guess you’re going to have to pee in your pants.” She states sounding cruel.


You groan, “Fine. Anything you want, princess,” You say tapping one of your legs on the grounds before you start fidgeting. “Hurry up, stupid!” You hiss.


“Myungsoo asked me to bring you here – he gave me the tickets – he wants you to be near the stage when they perform. And he wants to talk to you before their performance,” She informs you backing away a bit when you shoot her a piercing glare. “Uh…please? I’ll tell you where the toilets are found! Hell, I’ll even take you there myself – ”


“Too late.”




You shift awkwardly ignoring the stares most people around you throw at you, you are walking between your sister and a lady who was kind enough to give you a change of clothes before you could embarrass yourself further.


“The underwear I’m wearing – it is new, right?” You ask for the tenth time in less than 20 minutes, that was my favorite underwear and now it’s all wet with pee, you think miserably.


“Not anymore,” The lady giggles, “Because you’re wearing it, so it’s not new really.” She adds as afterthought, you nod your head still feeling embarrassed, you look over at your sister and she has a certain look in her eyes.


That look again, you think as you elbow her, “What is it?”


She looks up at you and give you a sad smile, “You promised.” She says firmly.


You look away and snort, “I peed in my pants because you weren’t fast enough – I’ve changed my mind.” You ignore the giggles from the woman, your cheeks burning from embarrassment.


“But…” She pauses before she puts on a not-so-easy-to-read expression, “Fine.” And you don’t like the sound of the fine, it sounds firm. You shiver, she may be younger but she’s scary when pissed.


“Fine?” You question hesitantly while trying to think of ways to make her at least not look like she is about to kill you.


“Fine.” She says again. You sigh in defeat.


“Fine,” You grunt, “I’ll keep my promise.” You roll your eyes, the lady keeps walking and you both keep following her, you have no idea where she’s going but you somewhat trust her. The three of you stop in front of a door.


“Here’s the room!” The lady says cheerfully, the woman smiles at the name on the door while you blink blankly at it.


Heck no, you groan. The lady happily knocks on the door, immediately someone tall guy opens at and smiles cheerfully at the three of you. The lady bows and walks away. Your sister’s expression changes and she’s smiling from ear to ear.


Mood swings, you think rolling your eyes.


“INFINITE!” She screams and jumps on the guy who opens the door, he looks scandalized.


You stand there awkwardly staring at them until someone grabs your arm from behind and pulls you; you stumble back and fall into the person’s arms.


“I miss holding you,”


“Hey, dork.” You looked up from your books and smiled widely at the smirking figure in front of you, you jumped from your seat – pens, pencils and homework forgotten – you ran towards him. You placed your head on his chest and listened to his calm heartbeat. He pecked your lips and embraced you as tight as he could, you didn’t care that he held you way too tight – all you cared about was that he was holding you. His touch warmed your heart and put butterflies in your belly worse than his smile did.

“I love you so much,” You whispered, your voice cracked.


“Let go…” Your voice cracks a little, you feel tears welling up in your eyes and the sound of his heartbeat makes your heart clench. “Please let go,”


“If I let go,” He whispers, his breathe against your neck, “You’ll walk away from me.”


“But…” there are a lot of things you want to say to him, you just can't seem to find your voice. You selfish, spineless jerk! You ! I hate you so much! Stay away from me! Don’t touch me! but all the words stubbornly refused to be voiced out, you fail how to voice those words out.


“Baby, don’t cry,” And that’s when you feel a tear roll down your cheek, his thumb comes and brushes it away. But that is like an encouragement to the rest of the tears and the wall blocking them falls, more tears roll down your cheeks, he pulls away from you and stares at you.


“You know,” He begun as he your hair, you were both at the beach, everyone else was gone. Just the two of you. You were crying over a dead fish you found in the sea – you were very childish at the time – he walked to you and lifted your chin, he made you look him right in the eye as if he was daring you to shade more tears.

“When you cry – ” He stopped when he saw another tear roll down, “When you cry, there’s this hole in my heart and it grows every second you try to fill a bucket.”

“S – shut up,” You said with a short cracked laugh. “ I d – don’t fill a bucket!” You protested with a teary laugh.

“You’re the prettiest when you smile,” He mumbled, “And not so cute when you cry. Crying is not cute,” He laughed when you slapped his hand from your chin and ran away. He chuckled and ran after you.


“ – Crying is not cute,”


You step away from him as if he is a nightmare. You notice that your sister and the tall guy are nowhere in sight, you look at the ground not daring to look up, you can feel his bug eyes on you.


“Can you smile for me?” He asks softly, “At least then I won’t feel – ” He gets interrupted before he gets to finish.


“Yah! Kim Myungsu, you and the rest of Infinite are up in 10! Get moving!” A random man from nowhere screams as he walks past you and Myungsu looking extremely busy and tense. Busy day.


Won’t feel what? You think as you look at Myungsu who nods his head at the man, he turns to you.


“Are you going to stay?” He smiles at you, you look away from him before you look back.


“I don’t – ”


“There you are!” Someone yells cheerfully, you see the person running towards you, your eyes widen.


This is bad, you think as you force a smile. You best friend stops in front of you with a huge smile on his face before it drops as quickly as it appeared when he sees tear tracks on your cheeks, he turns to Myungsu and glares.


Acting on instinct, you step between them.


 “I won’t promise you a painless death if I ever find her crying again because of you.” He said sternly.

Myungsu rolled his eyes at that, you where on the ground crying your eyes out while they both faced each other.

 “Trust me, I will kill you,” He lowered his fist, “The day she dumps you, be sure to protect that pretty face of yours.”


“You’re not her precious boyfriend anymore,” He says lifting his fist, “Move,” He tells you not taking his eyes off of Myungsu who glares back at him.




The situations I put the character in just make everything twisted and harder to write LOL seriously =.= the best friend is still nameless LOL Until next time :] I’ll edit this later when I have time which is never LOL JK I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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xcruella #1
this has been the fourth time im reading this and it's trilogies and im still loving it! awesome stories there :'')
Chapter 3: Just started reading cos I just found it tonight, but my lorrrrd, it's good. I'm only up to the third chapter at the moment but I can just feel myself getting hooked so far. I know this is a pretty late comment seeing as you must've finished this fic a while ago but I'm glad I found it - I just love L's characterisation and how you use the letter 'L' really ingeniously at the beginning of the fic. Thanks for the fic, I'll keep reading!
This is really gooood! I'm not done with the fanfic tho
Ough so don't delete ><
New reader :) what happened to the sequel? ;(
pinkfinite97 #5
Love your story :)
read this last night along with the sequel. :)) this story is really good!
love your story♥
I want Jinyoung. /sobs Give him to me. TT ^ TT
I love how my heart was alreadu racing, pounding and breaking by chappie 10. LOLz. XD
vanillaxkun #10
To the sequel~!!!!