

Four years.


Four years since you broke up with him, four years since you last spoke to him. You moved on – you think you have moved on – even though it was difficult but you had your parents and siblings with you, they helped you cope with a lot of things and looked out for you. The first week of him not being a part of your life was the hardest; you could barely think right or eat. Your mother scolded you when you denied falling into depression, she told you you’d find someone who’d cherish each and every piece of you better than he did.


At first you thought she was baffling, but everyone moves on, life goes on. You learned that he wasn’t in your life anymore; he stopped calling you a year ago. He did try to see you but you always hid from him. Ever since his band, Infinite, got busy, he probably shut you out of his life and for that you were somewhat grateful.




You never bothered with that band even though your siblings were always going crazy over variety shows and new albums. You ignored them and carried on with whatever you were doing.


It wasn’t easy, it’s still not easy.


“Would you turn that down?” You snap at your younger sister who glares back at you before she groans. She grabs the remote and lowers the volume on the TV.


“What crawled up your ?” She asks, you stare at her with a shrug. You watch her as she practically glues her eyes to the TV with a large grin on her face; you look away from her and turn to your laptop.


“Isn’t he the cutest thing ever?!” She exclaims happily, you glance at the TV and roll your eyes.


“They all have ugly personalities,” You mutter under your breath, she turns to you and you feel her glare.


“Now you’re just being mean,” She groans, “I’ll tell mum,” She stands up and stomps away from the living room and into the kitchen. You look away from your laptop and stare at the TV, an old variety show. Your sister connected her laptop to the TV. You know it’s because she wanted a bigger screen so she can be able to see her idols large and in HD. Her words not yours.


I am L of Infinite,”


You swallow the camera focuses on his face before it turns to the host,


Tell us about your ideal girl,” The hostess says with a large annoying smile on her face and she blinks cutely at him.


You roll your eyes at that, the camera goes back to him, you turn away from the TV, you reach out for the remote but your sister grabs it before you do.


“No,” She says, “I want to hear what his answer is,” She drops herself beside you, you want to leave the room but curiosity makes you stay.


My ideal girl?” He asks sounding confused at the question, your sister practically wants to enter the TV because of her position, she moves closer to the TV.


I don’t have an ideal girl,” He answers softly, the rest of the people on the show let out disappointed sighs and groans. You turn away from the TV not sure if you should be hurt or not because of his answer.


“What a lame guy!” Your sister yells throwing the remote somewhere on the floor, “He was supposed to give the perfect answer. Is he shy?” She asks herself, she turns off the TV and stands up, “What a waste,” She curses as she disconnects her laptop from the TV.


“Oh, shut up,” You tell her; she looks at you before grinning.


“What’s he like?” She suddenly crawls towards you and places her head on your lap after putting your laptop away.


“What?” You raise your eyebrow and look down at her.


“Dongwoo,” She answers, “Is he nice?! Do you know him?”


You scowl and gently move her face from your lap, “I have no idea who Dongwoo is,” Well, that is true. You only know Myungsu, the rest of Infinite are strangers because you’ve never even met them.


“But…” She trails off, “Wasn’t Sungyeol your boyfriend?” She asks dumbly.


She’s up to something, you think as your stand up from your position and glare down at her. “What do you want? And no, Sungyeol or whoever – ”


She interrupts you, “Was it Woohyun? Give me his number!” She demands jumping to her feet and points her finger at your.


“Quit it,” You warn, “I’m going to for my shift at the restaurant – wanna come with me or not?” You ask her as you stretch and yawn.


“Sure!” She smiles and grabs her phone on the table before she jumps to her feet and stood next to you. “Let’s go?”


“Just behave yourself, you’ll wait for me in the back – I won’t take long today,” You enter the kitchen and find your mother busy with paperwork on the counter. “Of all places in the house, mum, really?” You laugh; she looks from her paperwork and waves you off.


“I’m about to make dinner, don’t take too long,” She says absentmindedly.


“Give us 30 minutes and then we’ll be back home. The restaurant's short on waitresses.” You inform dully.


“And waiters!” Your sister adds loudly, you smack her head.


“Don’t be so loud, twerp,” You both grab your jackets and put on your shoes; you walk out of the house and pause, “Did you call a taxi?” You ask staring at the taxi in front of your home.


“What?” Your sister sounds confused, “No – but let’s use it anyways, I’m too tired to walk!” She snaps pushing you towards the cab and opens the door, you frown. Your sister gives you a shove and you land face first on the cab seat. How many people sat here? Eww, you think before recovering, you sit up and glare at your sister.


“Don’t be so depressed when you get back, okay? It’s so annoying! Bye-bye!” She slams the car door in your face and waves, the taxi starts moving and the doors lock.


“What the – I’ll kill that – ” You freeze when you realize there’s someone next to you. You look to your left and you meet the person's eyes, you swallow thicky, “What the hell are you doing in here?” You ask in a shaky voice.


“Hi,” Is the only thing he says and he smiles warmly at you.


You glare at him.



Until Next Time :]! 

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xcruella #1
this has been the fourth time im reading this and it's trilogies and im still loving it! awesome stories there :'')
Chapter 3: Just started reading cos I just found it tonight, but my lorrrrd, it's good. I'm only up to the third chapter at the moment but I can just feel myself getting hooked so far. I know this is a pretty late comment seeing as you must've finished this fic a while ago but I'm glad I found it - I just love L's characterisation and how you use the letter 'L' really ingeniously at the beginning of the fic. Thanks for the fic, I'll keep reading!
This is really gooood! I'm not done with the fanfic tho
Ough so don't delete ><
New reader :) what happened to the sequel? ;(
pinkfinite97 #5
Love your story :)
read this last night along with the sequel. :)) this story is really good!
love your story♥
I want Jinyoung. /sobs Give him to me. TT ^ TT
I love how my heart was alreadu racing, pounding and breaking by chappie 10. LOLz. XD
vanillaxkun #10
To the sequel~!!!!