

You stir in your sleep when you hear the sound of your annoying alarm that is announcing to you that is time to crawl out from under your sheets and get out of bed – to get ready for the day. You force your eyes open and look for where the source of sound is coming from.


You unwillingly drag your right hand from under your comfortable sheets and stretch it towards the alarm on your nightstand – the moment your hand touched your alarm, you flick your finger causing your poor alarm to fall to its death.


You could careless because you wouldn’t need it anymore, or so you think. You cover your mouth with you left hand as you yawn loudly into it, you’re still tired; it’s as if you did not just wake up. You throw the covers off of yourself and sit up; you lean against the wall and look around the room.


I’m going to miss this room, summer just had to end and that means you have to leave your room, parents, sibling, house and town for university.


Myungsu…you shake your head. You groan as you hit your head against the wall, why does time fly by so fast?You ask yourself and then shake your head the question, you drag yourself up slightly drowsy even through you slept for more than thirteen hours – wait – that is probably the reason you feel like you’re about to die and your head feels rather heavy.


You go into the bathroom and stare at yourself in the mirror, you slap the bed hair away from you face and tuck it behind your ear, and you do the same with the other side. You lift the tap and watch the water fill the bathroom sink; you cup some water using both your hands and splash the warm water on your face.


You then grab your toothbrush from a mug you stole from your own – well mother’s kitchen -, you smear toothpaste on your toothbrush and stare at your reflection as you a so slowly brush your teeth – back and forth, up and down –  as though you have all the time in the world, which you don’t.


You let the toothbrush hung in your mouth; you walk back into your bedroom and head straight for your closet. You fling you closet doors open, grab the suitcase inside and drag it to your bed; you lift it and place it on your bed before zipping it open.


You curse when you saw that it is empty, you thought you had packed before you went to sleep last night. You mentally sigh and walk to the bathroom to finish what you started when you got out of bed; you lock your bathroom door after you are done brushing your teeth.


You strip off you pajamas and leave them discarded on the floor in a heap, you step into the shower and turn the water that is on cold to hot before turning the shower on, the water that first comes out is cold and you jump a little when the cold water hits your skin and you shiver.


When you were done showering, you walk out of the bathroom with a towel around yourself and another one on your head for your hair. You make your way to your closet and pick out the outfits you love; you throw them into your luggage suitcase after getting rid of the hangers, you lay some outfits on your bed, trying to decide whether you should take them with you or not.


You hear loud voices coming from downstairs, you try to zip your suitcase – its bulging – you sit on it and zip it properly. You get dressed in your usually clothes, you try to dry the slightly wet hair that is clinging to your skin, you look at the time and roll your eyes at it. You still have an hour before you can head off to university, you aren’t not nervous about it – okay maybe a little bit – but this is your last year. Time to get serious. 


“…check on her!” You hear your mother’s voice right outside your door, she lets herself in and smiles brightly at you, you give her a weak smile as you keep trying to dry your annoying hair with your towel – Gongchan apparently destroyed your hair blower – because he’s an idiot.


“Morning, sweetheart,” She says in the sweet tone she always uses when she’s in a happy-go-lucky mood, you stop what you are doing and stare at her.


“Your middle child is leaving for university and you’re in here all happy?” You stare at her in disbelief; she looks at you with a smile before poking your cheek.


“It’s because I only have to cook for three people,” She informs cheerfully, “Your father, our Twerp and of course, myself! Your older brother is going to move out soon!” She exclaims before turning seriousness, for a second you thought she turned evil.


“Yes?” You ask when she says nothing, she has that serious expression on and it freaks you out more than her creepy smiles.


“Make me proud!” She chirps and hugs you tightly, “Jinyoung’s waiting for you downstairs, honey – go meet him, and I’ll pack up the rest for you! I –” Without even waiting for her to finish that sentence, your drop your towel to the ground and run out of the room, down the stairs and into the kitchen – where the voices are coming from.


He is standing by the counter talking to your father about something, his back is towards you, and you run at him then jump on his back. “Gotcha, Jinny baby!” You ruffle up his hair – from perfect to not so perfect – your father laughs and leaves the kitchen.


“What the –!” He cuts himself off, “Well, you’re up early and in a bright mood,” He sarcastically says with a sigh, your roll your eyes and get off his back.


“Tch.” You walk towards the refrigerator and open the doors, you spot some milk and various other foods in it, “Grab two bowls, Jin, we’re having cereal for breakfast!”


You exclaim happily with a large smile on your face as you pull out the milk and shut the refrigerator. You walk to the counter and place it there; you watch as Jinyoung look through the cupboards and watch him walk back to you with one bowl.


“Using two is a waste,” You smile at the statement and nod; you grab the cereal box from the cabinet and pour some in the bowl while Jinyoung pours the milk in.


“Stop spacing out,” You snap out of your thoughts and look at him, “I wasn’t!” You argue defensively, he just laughs and stuffs his mouth spoon full of cereal before he started yapping about something he found interesting before you got here.


“Kids! Your flight leaves in 45 minutes so hurry up!” Your mother yells from one of the rooms, probably your room.


“Shouldn’t we wait for Gongchan?” You ask.


“Who cares?” He chuckles when you shoot him a glare.


You quickly stuff cereal into your mouth and Jinyoung does the same, he is trying hard not to laugh, you roll your eyes and shake your head at him, warning him not to laugh. When you are both done, you wipe your mouth using the back of your hand, he does the same. You guys are just that weird.


“That’s very unladylike.” Jinyoung teases; you laugh loudly before you turn serious and slap his arm.


“Not cool!”



Not gonna rant today cuz I've got other things to do! Until next time!

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xcruella #1
this has been the fourth time im reading this and it's trilogies and im still loving it! awesome stories there :'')
Chapter 3: Just started reading cos I just found it tonight, but my lorrrrd, it's good. I'm only up to the third chapter at the moment but I can just feel myself getting hooked so far. I know this is a pretty late comment seeing as you must've finished this fic a while ago but I'm glad I found it - I just love L's characterisation and how you use the letter 'L' really ingeniously at the beginning of the fic. Thanks for the fic, I'll keep reading!
This is really gooood! I'm not done with the fanfic tho
Ough so don't delete ><
New reader :) what happened to the sequel? ;(
pinkfinite97 #5
Love your story :)
read this last night along with the sequel. :)) this story is really good!
love your story♥
I want Jinyoung. /sobs Give him to me. TT ^ TT
I love how my heart was alreadu racing, pounding and breaking by chappie 10. LOLz. XD
vanillaxkun #10
To the sequel~!!!!