

”I hate my life,” Is the first thing you say as you crawl out of bed, you crawl your way into from bathroom like a baby. You stand on your feet on stare at your reflection; you see your puffy bloodshot swallow eyes and wince.


“So I did cry myself to sleep. Again.” You mumble, your voice is groggy and your throat feels hoarse. You get the toothbrush from the mug on your sink and hold it; you stand there, still half asleep. You put the teeth brush back in its place and sigh as you turn around and walk back into your room.


You crawl under your covers, “There’s no point in getting up today,” You mutter tiredly, it’s Saturday and the only thing you do on Saturdays is slack off or watch movies, right now though, you want to sleep. You peek at the alarm clock standing proudly on the nightstand, 06:38, why am I up so early? You pull the covers over your head and yawn, sleep is attacking you again.




Your eyes shoot open at the scream, your mind is trying to register who’s voice that belongs to. When it did, you roll your eyes and close them. Why is she up this early?




You throw your covers off but don’t get out of bed; you turn and stare at your door. Debating with yourself, worth you should stand up and check if she’s okay or not.




“That’s it,” You drag yourself out of bed and stretch, “She’s gonna wake the bosses up if she keeps squealing like a pig,” You chuckle at the last word, you look down at yourself, “I slept in my – ?! My jeans are gonna ruin my – ” You turn around and throw the covers off your bed, your find the white sheets with ugly marks. “My beautiful sheets!!” You wail, you drop yourself on the ground and sigh heavily.






Kids, I have to go to work in a few hours – keep it down, will you? Your mom is asleep – go bug the middle child.


“What the – ” Your eyes widen, you jump from the floor and bash out of the room, three pairs of eyes stared at you.


OMG SIS!! I GOT THE TICKETS!” She screams happily, you blink at her a few times not knowing the devil she is talking about.


“What?” You ask, your brother and father also have the confused looks on their faces.


“Don’t scream, honey,” Your father says rubbing his temples.


“But…” Your sister trails off; she goes back into her room and slams the door in your faces.


“What? Did she just slam the door in my face?” Your brother is just about to start pounding on her door before you stop him.


“Don’t be an idiot,” You roll your eyes, “She’s gonna pop out any second – ”


“Here,” Your sister shoves her laptop in your brother’s hands; you walk next to him and peek over his shoulder.


“Tickets to a concert?” You look back at her, she nods her head, and you think it’ll drop if she keeps nodding that way.


“…” You stare at the screen, speechless.


“More like a comeback! I mean, OH MY FINITE! A REAL CONCERT FOR A REAL COMEBACK WITH REAL PEOPLE!! DADDY CAN I GO?!” Her voice keeps getting louder after each word, your father gives her a look and she shuts up.


“I’ll let you go only if you promise clean the garage when you get back,” Your father says tiredly.


“Ok!” She screams yet again, he nods his head and turns to you and your brother. “One of you should take her to the concert,” He says with a smile.


You raise your eyebrow before shaking your head, “No way! I have stuff to do today!” You protest, you have nothing to do, it’s Saturday.


“Liar!” Your brother dumps the laptop in your arms, “Sorry, sis, but looks like you’re going to meet whatshisname?”


Your father looks alert, “Is it the boy your mother was talki – screaming about a few hours ago?” He stares at you. “Isn’t this the best time to work things out with him? Our lovely last born here, does have four V.I.P tickets – ”


“Four tickets…? The three of us are going!” Your brother gets the laptop from your arms and dumps it in your father’s arms, he grabs your wrist and drags you in your room, and your sister trails behind him. You father standing dumbly in the hallway alone.


“Forever alone,” Your sister giggles annoyingly.


“So the concert is in 5 days – we’re lucky! You found V.I.P tickets! I can finally go see SNSD~ After School~ 2NE1~ and a bunch of other artists!” Your brother says fanboying and giggling either the youngest.


“I’ll meet Infinite!” Your sister practically has stars in her eyes, beaming with happiness and pride.


“This is a bad dream – a very bad dream.” You mumble crossing your arms, “I’m not going.” You state firmly.


“Says who?” Your brother challenges.


“Says me. I want peace – leave my room,”


“Make us!” Your sister butts in.



You step out of the house and lock the door; you shove the keys in your pockets as you walk away from the house. The afternoon’s breeze slaps your face; you inhale in the fresh air as you walk down the side walk. You are heading off to your best friend’s house; your mood is bright and alive, you can’t wait to see your friend, he just got back from wherever he disappeared to.


It has been 3 days since you last heard and saw Myungsu, you smile at that. He has finally left me alone, you think, your smile grows larger before it dramatically drops. You scowl;


“He gave up on me after three days?!” A few people around you stare at you confused, you wave them off, and you clench your fist.


“Not the time to think about that boy,” You say to yourself, you stop walking and begin stretch, not caring who sees you, when you are done you begin to walk again.


You stop in front of your best friend’s home and ring the door bell; you patiently wait for someone to answer. His little sister opens the door and beams at you, she allows you to enter the house as she runs off screaming her brother’s name between giggles.


You stand in the living room; you smile at the family pictures on the wall, you see yourself in one of the pictures – when you were a child, roughly around the age of 6 or so. You smile.


“Miss me?”


You smile wider at the sound of his voice.



Well this chapter wasn’t easy. I still don’t know where I’m going with this =____________= just like I have no idea who her “best friend” is. Fail LOL I need to write a few names on a piece of paper and throw them in a bowl, shake the bowl and tell my brother to pick out a name [that's what I usually do when I can't seem to pick a bias in a group AHAHA I fail muejejeje]  and the lucky person to get picked is gonna be her best friend, unless you have someone in mind. Well people, until next time :] I’m gonna edit this later, [writing in the present tense is such a b*tch LOL]

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xcruella #1
this has been the fourth time im reading this and it's trilogies and im still loving it! awesome stories there :'')
Chapter 3: Just started reading cos I just found it tonight, but my lorrrrd, it's good. I'm only up to the third chapter at the moment but I can just feel myself getting hooked so far. I know this is a pretty late comment seeing as you must've finished this fic a while ago but I'm glad I found it - I just love L's characterisation and how you use the letter 'L' really ingeniously at the beginning of the fic. Thanks for the fic, I'll keep reading!
This is really gooood! I'm not done with the fanfic tho
Ough so don't delete ><
New reader :) what happened to the sequel? ;(
pinkfinite97 #5
Love your story :)
read this last night along with the sequel. :)) this story is really good!
love your story♥
I want Jinyoung. /sobs Give him to me. TT ^ TT
I love how my heart was alreadu racing, pounding and breaking by chappie 10. LOLz. XD
vanillaxkun #10
To the sequel~!!!!