

”I’m not a mind reader, Myung.” You speak into the phone that is between your cheek and shoulder; your hands are busy unpacking clothes from your suitcase, “What are you so pissed about anyway? Mood swings?” You ask with a frown, “Well?” You ask again when he doesn’t answer you.


This is how it has been throughout the whole month –pointless arguments with him over the phone and you’ll hang up, not bothering to talk to him for a few days – you’re sick of it.


“I’m sick of these arguments with you,” You say with a sigh, “You have to tell me what you’re thinking – I’m not there anymore,” You add as you pause before proceeding to take more clothes out.


“That’s the problem,” He responds tiredly, you hear voices in the background and choose to ignore them.


“What is the problem?” You ask, not fully understanding what he means, you stand up from your bed and walk towards the closet you share with your roommate. You shove her clothes at her own side and make room for yours.


“You’re away,” He snorts before he goes on and adds, “And it’s like you don’t feel like talking to me.”


“Keep saying stupid things like that and I’ll hang up on you!” You threaten, “If I didn’t want to talk to you –”


“No, baby, don’t start,” He sighs, you pout as you pick the hangers from the bottom of the closet and walk back to your bed.


“How are things there?” You ask, changing the subject, knowing that if the previous subject went on, you’d both argue or say something stupid.


“What?” He asks absentmindedly.


“With Infinite? The sales. Whatever it is you and your boyfriends do,” You roll your eyes at nothing before you stare inside your empty suitcase.


“Everything here is fine – we’re going to perform live later this month,” He informs, you no longer hear the voices coming from the background.


“Nervous?” You chuckle lightly.


“No – I’ve been doing this for over four years – I’m not nervous,” He answers.


“If it’ll help you sleep at night, babe!” You tease, he laughs and you sit in comfortable silence, “I miss you,” You whisper, he laughs again.


“I know,” He says. You roll your eyes.


“I just said I miss you and all you say is I know?” You inquire as you adjust your phones position.


“I know, baby,” He repeats.


“I – ” You pause at the sound of a knock on the door, “Someone’s at the door,” You say into the phone as you get up and walk towards the door.


“If it’s a creep – stab him.” He says firmly, you giggle.


“Relax, it’s probably my roommate,” You tell him as you unlock the door and open it.


“Your roommate has her own key, you idiot,” He chuckles; you blush and mentally face palm.


“Busy?” You blink at Sandeul a few times before you shake your head at him. You turn away from him and walk back to your bed; you grab your jacket and sigh.


“Hey, I’ll call you back.” You say and immediately hang up before he bombards you with questions. You walk out of the dorm room with Sandeul beside you and sigh.


“Call me next time – I don’t think the lady that loves lurking around will be pleased if she knows you’re here.” You tell him.


“Sorry,” He says sheepishly, “But we have to get our project done,” You mentally swear at yourself and slap yourself. , I forgot! You scream. You clear your throat when you find him staring at you with a blank look.


“You forgot?” He asks, shock written all over his face.


“No!” You answer a little too quickly, “Of course not,” You add with a nervous laugh.


“Huh,” He smirks, “Got your model yet? What concept should we do?” He questions, you both stop in front of the elevator, you watch him press the buttons and wait for the metal doors to open.


“You know that I always use Gongchan,” You answer, “Okay, that sounded wrong – Gongchan gets along very well with my camera.” He laughs.


“Where is that kid? I haven’t seen him around,”


“His noonas – those erts.” You shake your head as you step into the elevator after Sandeul, a few people are inside staring at the two of you curiously. Some of them are your classmates and some are people you pass by every morning, you nod your head as a greeting to them. Sandeul does the same, you stand next to him is silence.



I have a pimple above my lips so I’m not coming!

From: Gong Chan Shik


You feel like slapping someone at the sight of the text- you’re in the Art Room with Sandeul and his model who keeps batting her eyelashes all over the places.


It’s a love pimple kid! Hurry up, I’m impatient -__-


“Is he coming?” Sandeul asks looking from his laptop and over to you.


“I’m trying to get him to come over,” You answer, his model snorts, you shoot her a glare and walk out of the Art Room.



From: Gong Chan Shik


You dial his number – he obviously doesn’t pick up your calls because he knows you’re going to yell until his ears fall off.


What color do you want your coffin to be? >:[


Five minutes later, Gongchan stands in front of you, glaring. “Now, now, you look cute with the pimple!” You praise him as you drag him in the room, you make him sit next to Sandeul and his model – you don’t know her name and you don’t bother to ask – Sandeul changes his models like clothes.


“Concept?” He asks you, you stare blankly at him.


“Pardon you, Sandy,” You begin, “It’s your turn to think of a concept,”


“No, it’s not.” He rolls his eyes at the nickname.


“Yes, it is!” You say loudly, he rolls his eyes again before his eyes brighten.


“A love concept? Cute couple and all?” He asks. You look between the model and a very annoyed looking Gongchan and sigh.


“No – she’s too old for him,” You answer, the model gasps. “No offense intended!” You defend yourself.


Mood swings tsk | F¤CK YEAH MY MOMMY’S BACK HOME FROM HER TRIP LOL! So I'm happy, sue me ;]! Until next time!


Preview for a future chapter:

You let the walls crumble down. You stop fighting the stupid tears and you release the lump on your throat, your knees feel weak. You feel weak and tired. You hear someone crying and that’s when you realize that you’re the one crying.


·         Do not plagiarize

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xcruella #1
this has been the fourth time im reading this and it's trilogies and im still loving it! awesome stories there :'')
Chapter 3: Just started reading cos I just found it tonight, but my lorrrrd, it's good. I'm only up to the third chapter at the moment but I can just feel myself getting hooked so far. I know this is a pretty late comment seeing as you must've finished this fic a while ago but I'm glad I found it - I just love L's characterisation and how you use the letter 'L' really ingeniously at the beginning of the fic. Thanks for the fic, I'll keep reading!
This is really gooood! I'm not done with the fanfic tho
Ough so don't delete ><
New reader :) what happened to the sequel? ;(
pinkfinite97 #5
Love your story :)
read this last night along with the sequel. :)) this story is really good!
love your story♥
I want Jinyoung. /sobs Give him to me. TT ^ TT
I love how my heart was alreadu racing, pounding and breaking by chappie 10. LOLz. XD
vanillaxkun #10
To the sequel~!!!!