Typical Day


Weeks passed and your relationship with SHINee grew.

You entered the gates of your highschool, someone wrapped thier arm around your neck and another around your waist. You glanced at the arm that was slung around your neck and gave Jonghyun a look. He immediately took it off. You looked to your left and glared at Taemin with a bit of colour on your, usually pale, cheeks. He just grinned at you and kept his arm where it was, you sighed and walked with SHINee to first period. 


You sat down in the middle of the class room, which was now pronounced your seat. SHINee sat down around you. 
Key and Onew behind you. Jonghyun sat next to you. And Taemin and Minho was to your left. 
You sat quietly as SHINee started talking around you, surrounding you with warmth and laughter. You glanced over to Jonghyun, who was quietly texting someone. You smirked when you saw him type out two hearts. 
Jonghyun looked up and saw you with an amused expression on your face. His cheeks fired up as you raised your eyebrow with the same expression. 
"It's nothing," he responded, replying to your un-asked question, "It's just a friend." He said with a sweet smile on his face. 
You scoffed. 
Jonghyun's face turned bright red again, "Really! She's just a nice, smart, sweet, beautiful girl, who means so much to me." 
Your eyes softened. You reached a hand out and put it on his shoulder. Jonghyun tore his eyes away from his phone and looked up at you. You smiled at him for a second, "You're not supposed to tell me that, Dinosaur Boy." He chuckled with a toughtful look in his eyes, "Thanks, ~~~~~~~~-ah." You just nodded as he went back to texting. 
In gym, you were talking with Minho. You laughed as Minho made a joke. Taemin bounced over, with a  hand full of phone numbers, "What's so funny?" 
You looked at him with a straight face, "Your face." you spat out with a smirk. Minho laughed and bumped his knuckles with your's. 
Taemin just wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close, "You know you want me, Noona." he whispered seductively in your ear. 
You rolled your eyes and elbowed his side. Taemin immediately let go of you and clutched his side and drop to the floor, "Oh god, I'm gunna die." he said dramatically, rolling around on the floor. You just chuckled along with Minho and left to play basketball. 
When it was time to go home, just as you were about to walk out the door, a hand snatched out and grabbed your hair. You clenched your jaw in pain and scowled. You turned arond to find Bom and her crew, "Hey, loner girl." she said with an evil grin. 
"I thought I told you to stay away from Taemin yesterday." She said, stepping closer until she was face to face with you, "We're not going to have a problem, are we?" she hissed.
You raised an amused eyebrow, "Didn't you fail a few grades? What are you, 20?" you smirked, "And you're going for SHINee's maknae?" You scoffed and turned around and walked away, "Cougar." you spat, loud enough for her to hear you.
You heard Bom gasp and you heard her high heels running after you again. You started running and you could see SHINee at the gates, waiting for you. 
"Hey, ~~~~~~~~-ah, your late!" Onew waved, "What took you so-" You grabbed his hand and continued running as Bom was advancing. 
A few minutes later, you stopped and SHINee came trotting behind, breahtless. Except for Minho, "Why was that chick chasing you again?" he asked with crossed arms. "She looked pretty pissed this time." Key wheezed. You just shrugged and stayed quiet while everyone catched their breath, "Come on," you said while walking, "You guys need some water." you said boredly. 
SHINee ran up to you and Taemin slipped his hand into your's. You made no attempt to fight it. Taemin smiled, his heart racing. 
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noomin #1
Chapter 21: This is awesome update soon plzzz
it's so good :D
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
yay! they finally did told us! xD<br />
took them long enough too lol<br />
taemin thought i took it hard.....but it was because i had to deal it before.....
Tell her, Key. Amber has every right to know about your gang.<br />
<br />
Nice update. ^^ <br />
Hmm... I wonder what would Key do?
Hi~ New reader here. Nice story so far. ^^<br />
I can't wait to see what's next. ^U^
Tihlee #7
i am a new reader and i am loving this fic. its got the right amount of everything. i can't wait for more.
@GimmeSugar - Sorry for being so long! >.< Major writer's block. <br />
I don't really know what's going to happen next either... I don't have this planned out or anything, free-style writing. :P Forgive me if the sequence of the fanfic is strange. [: Thanks for the support!