New kids


As you walked into the gates of your school, something was different. Everybody was excited and whispering. Usually it would be quiet, you narrowed your eyes and glanced around you. You finally turned around and saw a group of boys, but these boys were different, they were extremely handsome. Everyone of them. If was kind of hard not to stare at them. They were radiant and glowing with laughter. You stopped and scanned each one of them. None of them payed any attention to you, except for one. He had bright red hair and a menacing gaze, it made you want to look away, but at the same time, you couldn't. You were captivated by his eyes. Although he had a wide smile spread across his face, his eyes were a bit dark and sad. 

You pulled away from his gaze and shook your head and continued walking. 

You headed to your first period class and opened the door to find two people sitting in front of your seat. You narrowed your eyes at them in confusion, however, they didn't notice, due to thier laughter. You took a deep breath and headed to the very back row, where your seat was. As soon as you sat down two handsome faces turned around. You decided to ignore them and you pulled out your notebook until one of them spoke, "Hi, there. I'm Key." the boy with the think-rimmed glasses exclaimed loudly with a smile, "And this, is Onew hyung." he motioned to the other boy sitting next to him. You raised an eyebrow, amused, but Key seemed to be confused. A few seconds later he nodded his head, "Ah~ I get it," he said in understanding, "you must be thinking about how handsome I look." he said as Onew bursted out in laughter. 

You felt tugging at then ends of your lips, but you resisted an urge to grin at his conceited comment. 

The bell rung, and students rushed in and surrounded Key and Onew. You crossed your arms and just sat back as the two boys were bombarded with questions. But then, Onew turned around, just enough for you to see him and mouthed, "Help me." One side of your mouth pulled up a tiny bit and shook your head. Just then, you saw Key turn around completely and stuck his tongue out at you. You scoffed. 

After the teacher came and made the class settle down, the rest of the class was quite boring. 


You made your way over the cafeteria, but this time, everyone was dead silent, but a group of guys. The same group that came in this morning. You walked through the line once again and grabbed a banana. *I feel like freakin' Moses.* 
As you were about to head out of the cafeteria, you heard a very familiar voice calling you, "Hey!" the voice shouted, but you just kept on walking, "You, with the red hair!" this time you turned around and everybody stared at You and Key. He ignored the staring and waved you over. You walked over suspiciously, "Yes?" you said quietly. 

Key scowled, "Speak up, woman. I can't hear you." 

You let out a breath of air, "What do you want." you said louder. 

Another boy chuckled. A smile was once again plastered across Key's handsome face, "Sit with us." he demanded brightly. 

You were a bit taken back by the question and you eyed Key, unsure. Key just kept on smiling and shifted over, making room for you. After much consideration - on your part - you decided to take a seat in between him and another boy, who was just on a lollipop. 

Key beamed at you and started introducing you to everyone at the table. He motioned to the boy in front of him, who was extrememly charismatic, "This is Minho, he's a sports freak." Key said happily as Minho shot a glare in his direction, "And you already know Onew," Onew gave a sweet smile and a little salute, "The one you're sitting next to is Kim Jonghyun, the boy goes to the gym every waking minute." Key muttered, while Jonghyun flashed a smile and flexed his bicpes. Everyone rolled their eyes, "And lastly, our maknae, Lee Taemin. " You glanced at the boy who was staring at you, you gave him a light nod. 

The rest of your break was very pleasant. You liked sitting with the boys, or 'SHINee', that was the name you gave them. You didn't know why or when, but you like it. 

Last period, you had a class with Taemin. You noticed that he was quite the ladies man. The teacher came in and everybody settled down and took their seats. Taemin came to the back and sat next to you. You raised an eyebrow, "Ah~" Taemin sighed, "This is a good first day." Taemin said as the lesson began. He saw you give him a questioning look, he smirked and folded his arms on the desk and looked at you, "I got her number," he pointed to the queenka, Bom and continued to list other girls that gave him their number, "The only number I don't have is the one belonging to the hottest girl in this room." he looked at you with a grin. You just looked at him, Taemin smirked and whispered, "Your's." You rolled your eyes. 

"Lee Taemin!" the teacher yelled, "I hope you know this material because I doubt that you can even do simple math." the teacher grinned.

Taemin just shrugged, "Sure I can." 

The teacher scoffed, "Okay then. If you had 20 dollars and you gave 5 dollars to Bom-sshi, 5 dollars to Min hee-sshi, 5 dollars to Haemi-sshi, how much would you have left." 

Taemin shrugged once more, "3 s and enough for a piece of pizza." he replied. The class snickered and boys around him bumped thier fists to his. The teacher scowled and went back to the lesson. Taemin looked at you and saw you grinning. *She's beautiful* he thought with a gentle smile. 

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noomin #1
Chapter 21: This is awesome update soon plzzz
it's so good :D
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
yay! they finally did told us! xD<br />
took them long enough too lol<br />
taemin thought i took it hard.....but it was because i had to deal it before.....
Tell her, Key. Amber has every right to know about your gang.<br />
<br />
Nice update. ^^ <br />
Hmm... I wonder what would Key do?
Hi~ New reader here. Nice story so far. ^^<br />
I can't wait to see what's next. ^U^
Tihlee #7
i am a new reader and i am loving this fic. its got the right amount of everything. i can't wait for more.
@GimmeSugar - Sorry for being so long! >.< Major writer's block. <br />
I don't really know what's going to happen next either... I don't have this planned out or anything, free-style writing. :P Forgive me if the sequence of the fanfic is strange. [: Thanks for the support!