

During classes the boys acted like nothing was wrong. They laughed and joked around as much as they could. 
The girls continued to ignore them, but with the new girls around, it was becoming harder. 

At break, the new girls sat with SHINee. 
Key suddenly caught Amber's dark eyes. He quickly pried his eyes away from her and started to flirting with Krystal a little. Amber's jaw clenched and she sharply turned away, disgusted. 
While talking to Victoria casually, Onew caught Luna look over. Determind to make her jealous, he moved closer to Victoria and flashed her a dazzling smile. 
"You guys are so funny." Taemin said, chuckling with his arm around Sulli's small waist. Minho looked at Taemin's arm around Sulli and smirked when you glanced over and made a barfing face, which made the people you were sitting with, laugh and giggle.
Taemin continued. He whispered sweet things into Sulli's ears and she giggled each time, playing along. Although, Taemin was good-looking, she didn't like younger guys.
You saw him and although he was just your friend, you still felt a bit hurt. It felt like somone pierced your heart. Your brows furrowed and a hand flew to where your heart was and you clutched the space. Unable to take it anymore, you took Amber and Luna outside. 

"That complete jerk!" Luna screamed. People gave her odd looks, but she ignored them, too busy thinking about Onew. His breath-taking smile kept haunting her mind. To think, he gave her that smile so many times before. 
"Guys are stupid." Amber sighed, keep in thought about Key. 
You thoughfully nodded along, agreeing with both girls. You didn't know why but when you saw Sulli by Taemin's side, your heart squeezed in pain. Seeing him hold her close and laugh with her. It made you sick.
Your chest still hurt and it seems the pain wasn't letting up any time soon. *Is this what jealousy feels like?* 

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noomin #1
Chapter 21: This is awesome update soon plzzz
it's so good :D
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
yay! they finally did told us! xD<br />
took them long enough too lol<br />
taemin thought i took it hard.....but it was because i had to deal it before.....
Tell her, Key. Amber has every right to know about your gang.<br />
<br />
Nice update. ^^ <br />
Hmm... I wonder what would Key do?
Hi~ New reader here. Nice story so far. ^^<br />
I can't wait to see what's next. ^U^
Tihlee #7
i am a new reader and i am loving this fic. its got the right amount of everything. i can't wait for more.
@GimmeSugar - Sorry for being so long! >.< Major writer's block. <br />
I don't really know what's going to happen next either... I don't have this planned out or anything, free-style writing. :P Forgive me if the sequence of the fanfic is strange. [: Thanks for the support!