Man Down


The next night SHINee headed over to Beast's hideout. Their motorcycles skidded against to concrete. They each took their helmets off and hopped off of their bikes. 
Taemin arrogantly smirked. *This is gunna be too easy.* For the past week, Taemin has been letting his own frustrations out by training and working out. He glanced at his older 'brothers' and felt warmth fill his heart.
This was their version of a 'family game night.' 
Minho was as ready as Taemin. There was determination in his charismatic eyes. *But...* This eyes wandered to the boy who was staring at the broken down building with disheartened eyes. Minho stared at Key worriedly. 

Suddenly, a loud mechanical sound broke their thoughts. 
As the garage opened, it revealed six guys wearing dark clothing and confident grins. 
"Well, well, well." One stepped foreward a bit more until he was face-to-face with Jonghyun, who looked careless and fearless, "Looks like the little boys did come to play." Dongwoon smirked as the rest of Beast snickered. 
Jonghyun had a dark and playful grin on his handsome face, "That's a lot of talk for a maknae." Jonghyun scoffed. 
"Then, why don't we stop talking." Dongwoon stepped back and took his place among his 'brothers' as they readied themselves, "Let's rock." 

The two gangs charged at each other. 
Right from the start, both teams gave it their all. 
"You are jank*." A boy with scary eyes spat out as he dodged Minho's punch. Junhyung managed to punch Minho once, although it didn't have much of an effect.
"Well, considering there are two of you," Minho started as he grabbed Kikwang's arm and threw him into Junhyung, "I'd say I'm doing pretty good." 
Kiwang got up quckly and put Minho into a hold, rendering his arms useless, "Well." Kikwang said calmly into his ear from behind as Junhyung took a few swings at Minho. 
"Well, what?" Minho grunted. 
"You're doing well. Not good." Kikwang corrected, "Don't they teach you anything in that rich boy school?" 
Minho kicked Junhyung in the gut with all of his strength and sent him flying into a wall. Junhyung's head smashed into the bricks and he fell to the ground, unconscious. Minho grinned and shoved Kikwang back against the wall harshly a few times, until he too, was knocked out. Minho got up off the ground and wiped a bit of blood from his mouth, "Yeah. I am doing well, aren't I?" 

A little south of Minho were the two maknae's. 
Dongwoon had a few cuts on his face, but Taemin was completely unharmed, "Tired, 'hyung'?" Taemin teased.
"Not even a little." Dongwoon growled and tackled Taemin, straddling the younger boy. "What now, Taeminnie?" Dongwoon punch Taemin's face harder and harder with each word. 
With a clenched jaw, Taemin ed his pelvis up, causing Dongwoon to put his arm on either side of Taemin's face to keep himself from falling foreward. Taemin quickly grabbed one of Dongwoon's arm and bend it, making Dongwoon collapse to that side. Taemin rolled on top of Dongwoon and gave him many fierce punches to the face and got up. 
Taemin smiled as his opponent laid on the ground, groaning and clutching his broken nose. 

Onew and Jonghyun took care of Hyunseung and Doojoon together. 
But, Key was having trouble taking down Yoseob. Key was on the ground, badly beaten up and out of breath, whereas Yoseob was smiling happily with not even a single hair out of place, "So, how's your girlfriend?" Yoseob said in a bright, knowing voice.
Key got up slowly and clutched at his broken ribs. He glared at Yoseob with hatred.
Yoseob was always happy and smiling. At first glance, you'd see a innocent and friendly boy. But, contrary to his image, Yang Yoseob was a ruthless fighter who showed no mercy. Rumors say, he almost killed MBLAQ's Seungho.
Key swallowed the lump in his throat and ran towards Yoseob who was happily watching him. At the last minute, Yoseb moved to side.
Key ran into the wall. Yoseob swiftly grabbed the back of Key's head and gripped a fistfull of his multicolour hair. Yoseob pulled Key's head back and bashed it into the wall with great strength. Yoseob repeated this multiple times until a sharp jab in the neck made him fall unconscious. 
"Man, you sure do love those pressure points." Minho chuckled at Jonghyun. Onew rushed over and picked Key up. He tried to look at Key's face through all the blood, "We have to get him to a hospital." 



*Jank - Bad, ish, Not good. 

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noomin #1
Chapter 21: This is awesome update soon plzzz
it's so good :D
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
yay! they finally did told us! xD<br />
took them long enough too lol<br />
taemin thought i took it hard.....but it was because i had to deal it before.....
Tell her, Key. Amber has every right to know about your gang.<br />
<br />
Nice update. ^^ <br />
Hmm... I wonder what would Key do?
Hi~ New reader here. Nice story so far. ^^<br />
I can't wait to see what's next. ^U^
Tihlee #7
i am a new reader and i am loving this fic. its got the right amount of everything. i can't wait for more.
@GimmeSugar - Sorry for being so long! >.< Major writer's block. <br />
I don't really know what's going to happen next either... I don't have this planned out or anything, free-style writing. :P Forgive me if the sequence of the fanfic is strange. [: Thanks for the support!