

The next day, you, Amber and Luna all agreed to ignore the boys until they told you what happened yesterday. while entering the gates to school with the girls, the boys came up. 
Key tried to snake his arm around Amber's slim waist, but she elbowed him in the stomache, hard. You could tell it pained her to ignore her boyfriend.
Other the other hand, it looks like Luna was doing perfectly fine as she strutted away from Onew with a huff, leaving him confused and slightly hurt. 
"What's eating them?" Minho asked as he put his elbow on your shoulder, using you as an arm rest. 
"Maybe it's their time of the month." Taemin smirked and hugged your waist as Minho chuckled along. 
You gritted your teeth, trying hard to ignore them, "Get off." you hissed in a dark and threatening voice. The two boys just looked at you, confused. However, they shrugged it off, thinking it was nothing.
Irritated, you kneed Taemin in the gut. While Taemin was doubled over in pain, you quickly took Minho's arm and flipped him over, leaving him laying on the ground, groaning. 
"Damn, they must still be pissed from yesterday." Jonghyun said, watching you walk off with some other friends. 
"You think?" Taemin and Minho answered sarcastically in unison. 

You, Amber and Luna had every class with the boys. Thanks to Amber, who begged her father, the principal of our school, to make it so that we have each and every class with each other. Usually, you would love this, but right now, it only made ignoring the guys that much harder. 
So, during classes, the girls sat as far away as possible from the boys. By lunch, the boys felt a little lonely. Also, it felt empty. 
"Maybe we should tell them," Onew started, staring down at his wrapped up knuckles, "I mean, they have a right to know." He stated as he looked at the little cuts and bruises on his friends' faces.
"They are our friends..." Key said longingly, thinking about Amber. 
"Guys!" Taemin said firmly, "It's only been a few hours. You can't be missing them already." Onew and Key looked at each other. 
"You don't get it, kid." A silly smile was on Key's face, "You're not in love." 
"Gross." Minho stuck his tongue out and made face. 
Taemin watched his friends laugh, *You're wrong, hyung. I am in love.* 

You, Amber and Luna were sitting under the large tree that you would come to with the boys during lunch. 
"Man, how can we keep this up?" Luna sighed, slumping against the tree, "I mean, I kind of miss them." she said as she sunk down and sat on the soft grass. 
Amber scoffed, "Cause they're idiots," she walked over from behind the tree to sit in between you and Luna, "everything they do is laughable." You giggled and bumped fists with Amber. You admired her strength. For the rest of the day, the girls did their best to avoid the boys. 



Procrastination kind of got to me... :P 
Procrastination and writer's block, it's partner in crime... 
Their mission to keep me from updating. All day, everyday. T^T 


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noomin #1
Chapter 21: This is awesome update soon plzzz
it's so good :D
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
yay! they finally did told us! xD<br />
took them long enough too lol<br />
taemin thought i took it hard.....but it was because i had to deal it before.....
Tell her, Key. Amber has every right to know about your gang.<br />
<br />
Nice update. ^^ <br />
Hmm... I wonder what would Key do?
Hi~ New reader here. Nice story so far. ^^<br />
I can't wait to see what's next. ^U^
Tihlee #7
i am a new reader and i am loving this fic. its got the right amount of everything. i can't wait for more.
@GimmeSugar - Sorry for being so long! >.< Major writer's block. <br />
I don't really know what's going to happen next either... I don't have this planned out or anything, free-style writing. :P Forgive me if the sequence of the fanfic is strange. [: Thanks for the support!