That Moment

Flower Boys Next Door
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Author's POV

Dara blinks her eyes slowly then moves her body to the left side of the bed. She was about to continue her sleeping when she notices someone is sitting on the chair beside her bed. "Good morning noona, did you sleep well?" smiled Luhan while holding his phone then put it to his pocket. Dara gasps then move her face from his direction and covering her head with the blanket again because her back is still kind of sore to get up and run away. 'What is he doing here this early morning? I'm still having my bed hair and I bet I'm such a mess right now, ottokhae' thought her in embarassment while chewing her bottom lip. Luhan chuckles to himself seeing Dara's action and shaking his head lightly. He stands up from the chair then sit on Dara's bed carefully. "Come on noona, it's 9 a.m already, don't you think it's time to get up now?" smiled him while removing the blanket from Dara's head.

"W-what are you doing in my room in this time?" replied Dara shyly and still refusing to look to Luhan's direction. "You have to look at me first then I will tell you" chuckled Luhan. Dara huffs annoyedly then turning her body to him, "There, happy?". "That's what I called perfect! Okay, so I was coming around an hour ago and Bom noona told me to go straight to your room in case you need me for anything, because she has to go to work. But you were still sleeping when I went in  and I don't want to disturb your peaceful sleep so I just wait for you; oh and I don't have any classes today so I'll be with you all day" smiled Luhan explaining all of that patiently. Dara furrows one of her eyebrows then replied, "Alright, I get it, I get it, thanks for your intention for accompanying me today Luhan-ah" smiled her. "It's natural since you're getting hurt like this because of me" smiled Luhan sadly.

'How many times do I have to tell him or EXO in general that it's not their fault' sighed Dara softly. EXO keeps apologizing and blaming themselves for that accident since dinner last night to her. She feels so thankful and loved because of it, but it started to bugging her because she feels like she's such a burden to them. Fortunately, they stopped being sorry to her because Bom told them she would kick anyone who dared to say sorry or blame themselves to her again; but she guesses it's a different case for Luhan.

"It's not your fault, Luhan-ah. It's not like you're the one who hurted me; and you apologized for many times already." smiled Dara then reach Luhan's hand and it slowly. Luhan looks at her hand then smiled weakly, "But're getting hurt because I left you, noona". "Don't ever leave me again then" smiled Dara. She then realizes what she just said and her cheeks are slowly reddened then look up to Luhan and expecting him to when she found him smiles at her gently. "Don't worry noona, I won't".


Dara has showered already and now sitting on the sofa watching TV while eating Pancakes that Luhan made her. "How's the taste?" asked Luhan kind of nervously while placing her cup of tea in the coffee table in front of her. "It's great, I know you can cook but I don't know your cooking is that good" chuckled Dara then continue chewing happily. Luhan lets out relieved sigh then sit beside Dara on the sofa, "That's great then". Dara stops her chewing then look at him seriously. "But I still don't think you should be doing all of this. Preparing breakfast for me, making my tea, you make me feel like you're my servant or something" puffed Dara. "I'm your servant until you get better, so just learn to accept it, my lady" smiled Luhan then standing and making that gentleman gesture while bowing his head. Dara rolls her eyes in amusement then continue her eating, "Okay, I understand, Mr.Lu".

Luhan just smiled at her then sit beside her again and join her watching the TV when he suddenly remembers something. "Do you tell your parents about this noona?". Dara moves her eyes from the TV and look at him then shakes her head lightly, "No, I don't want them to worry over nothing. It's not like I got serious injuries, they're just bruises" smiled her. "I see, well if it's your decision.......good then" nodded Luhan then smile. Dara smiles back at him and replied, "Yeah, anyway are you guys serious about what you said last night? The one that you guys said all of you will give those girls their lessons?" asked her worriedly.

EXO did say to her that they will give those girls their payback to Dara last night, and she tried to hold them back with all of her strenght but they stay strong at their decision. Even Bom said that those girls need to get their lessons so this accident won't happen to anyone again. It's 12 guys + 1 strong woman VS 1 weak and sick woman so of course Dara's losing. She made them promise that they won't do anything that will harmed those girls, though.

"Yeah, we wil.  We've losing our patiences of them, they always follow us anywhere and stalking us, and now they hurted you. We can't deal with this anymore so we would just exchange some words with them. We won't hurt them, as we promised. We're not that kind of guys after all, don't worry too much noona" smiled Luhan then pats Dara's shoulder lightly with his reasurring smile. "Well, if that is what you guys want...........I guess I can't do anything" shrugged Dara then reach for her tea and sips it slowly. Luhan smiled at her then stands up to get himself a glass of water.

"Oh yeah Luhan-ah, how come you don't have any classes today while you always seem busy these days? You're not lying to me aren't you?" asked Dara while furrowing her eyebrows. Luhan walks to her with a glass of water on his hand then sit beside Dara again who's still staring at him, demanding the answer. "I don't have anything to do already now, noona. My classes are done yesterday and I just need to work on my final essay then I will graduated" replied him then drink his gla

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My grandma died so I'm busy with her funeral now, plus it's almost Ied so..............maybe I won't update for some days, please be patient!


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Chapter 30: thank you so much!
you've worked rewlly hard
for this fic and it shows.
that commenter down there
talking about krisdara had me
reading this fic.
i ended up reading the whole thing
cos it's nice to see fluff once
in a while.
sweetmiele #2
Chapter 30: haha so funny i like your story..
Chapter 3: i like krisdara most of them :-)
2nexo_chandara #4
Chapter 30: Such a great story
Chapter 30: A cute and lovely story indeed! Hihihi
cheli_jein #6
Chapter 3: god ... this is so great ...
2NEXO ... really is the best ....
Chapter 30: Waah~ I love it :3
RedGalaxy #8
Chapter 1: U have to brush up on ur eng tho
Chapter 9: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I like!! thank you Authornim for this history <3
Chapter 30: I mean instagram lmao ! What on earth entered my mind to type twitter ! LMAO !