A Cheesy Dinner

Flower Boys Next Door
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Author's POV

Dara is trying to wake Bom up whom sleeping on the bed in her guest room. It's 5 pm already; so it's the time for her to wake up, because she has to take a shower and dressed up; and knowing Bom, it would sure take a long time. Dara has been trying to wake Bom up for 10 minutes now, but Bom keeps sleeping,  unmoved. Dara is supposed to be mad or at least little annoyed facing a situation like this; but she just smiling hopelessly looking at her best friend's cute sleeping face. Well, as much as Dara loves watching Bom sleeping, she really has to wake up now; so she's shaking Bom's body a little harder this time, "Bommie, wake up! You haven't showered yet and it's 5 pm already! The dinner will start at 6 pm so you really have to wake up now, sleepyhead!" laughed Dara. "Yesss, yesssss Dara umma!" replied Bom finally woke up blinking her eyes slowly while sitting on the bed. Dara chuckles softly seeing her adorable expression but she really needs to start getting ready now, "Come on, take a shower now so you won't be sleepy again, come on!" said Dara pulling Bom's hand. "Y-ya! Do you want me to fall down straight on my face?!".


Luhan is checking himself in front of the mirror right now. He keeps making sure that he looks......manly enough. He's wearing a simple white t-shirt and black skinny jeans, with a black watch. He keeps adjusting his hair, makes some cool poses, everything. As cheesy as it sounds, he really wants to show Dara his manly and bad boy side.

He looks like this, but his hair isn't red, it's light blonde like in the Foreword section^^

"You look great hyung, don't worry, noona will like it" chuckled Chanyeol who has been inspecting his hyung's action since the beginning while leaning on the door. Luhan instantly looks at Chanyeol with twinkles in his eyes, "You really think so?". "Yeah, but of course if we're talking about who is manlier everyone will agree that's me" nodded Chanyeol with smug looks in his face then laugh and run. "Yah! Come here you punk!" threatened Luhan chasing towards Chanyeol who keeps sticking his tongue towards him.

After Luhan finally catched Chanyeol and messed his hair, he decided to go to the kitchen to check up on Kyungsoo and Lay who are cooking, just like usual. "How is it doing guys? Do you need any help?" asked Luhan to Kyungsoo who's pouring his famous Kimchi Spaghetti into the plates. "You're late hyung, we've done everything already when you were too busy with your attempt to impress Dara noona" chuckled Kyungsoo while giving Lay a teasing gaze then both of them laugh.

Just when Luhan wants to responds them, the bell is ringing. Chen is the closest towards the door so he opens it, and then come Dara and Bom stepping into the apartement. All of EXO instantly staring into Dara who is shyly walking towards the sofa with Bom chuckles behind her. Dara looks beautiful, just like she always does; what make them so surprised is that.........she's wearing a dress. It's just a casual dress but still, she always wears long jeans and sometimes skirt, but it's always below her knee and this is the first time she's showing her legs; and she braids her hair which makes her even more younger. Anyone won't believe it if she says that she's 29 this year.

'She looks so cute and beautiful, how old this woman again?' thought Luhan still staring at Dara. "Enough with the staring, guys! It's not polite to stare at a girl for a long time, you will look creepy" chuckled Bom snapping her fingers which makes all of them stop staring and start laughing. Luhan walks to the sofa which Bom and Dara are sitting at, and then sit beside Dara. "You look beautiful noona, this is the first time I'm seeing you in a dress, how rare" smiled him. "T-thank you Luhan-ah. Bom made me wore this, I don't even know why but she forced me. Y-you look good too" blushed Dara madly while trying her best to not to look straight into Luhan eyes. "See? I told you they won't mock you, you look beautiful" nudged Bom to Dara laughing which makes her even more embarassed and trying to stop Bom talking with her hands.

"Don't do that to Bom noona, Dara noona. She's right, no one will mock you, you look lovely" smiled Chanyeol sincerely. Dara stops her little quarrelling with Bom and then look at Chanyeol, "Thank you Chanyeol-ah" smiled her. Bom looks at Chanyeol's expression and she instantly knows what's really happening, 'This guy must like Dara too, but why does he look like he

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My grandma died so I'm busy with her funeral now, plus it's almost Ied so..............maybe I won't update for some days, please be patient!


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Chapter 30: thank you so much!
you've worked rewlly hard
for this fic and it shows.
that commenter down there
talking about krisdara had me
reading this fic.
i ended up reading the whole thing
cos it's nice to see fluff once
in a while.
sweetmiele #2
Chapter 30: haha so funny i like your story..
Chapter 3: i like krisdara most of them :-)
2nexo_chandara #4
Chapter 30: Such a great story
Chapter 30: A cute and lovely story indeed! Hihihi
cheli_jein #6
Chapter 3: god ... this is so great ...
2NEXO ... really is the best ....
Chapter 30: Waah~ I love it :3
RedGalaxy #8
Chapter 1: U have to brush up on ur eng tho
Chapter 9: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I like!! thank you Authornim for this history <3
Chapter 30: I mean instagram lmao ! What on earth entered my mind to type twitter ! LMAO !