Temptation 2 (Raging Hormones.)

The Right Choice?


Lee Minho POV


“1 beer please.” I said to the bartender and he handed me a cup of it.

I gulped it in one go drinking it like a thirsty man that was stuck on the desert.

I’m so pissed, my information on my so called “spy.” Didn’t warn me about this….

This won’t definitely be easy and I have to admit it’s worse and harder than the first obstacle that they had before….



Lee Minho looked at the sky and stared at the full moon. He could feel his inner wolf in raged wanting to take over him but Minho is trying his best to be not affected by the full moon power.





He ordered one more drink and gulped it down really fast.

“Don’t tell me you are getting drunk already?” A sweet voiced said to him from behind who he kept ignoring for the past hour that she got here and bugged the hell out of him.

“Your point? I know what’s your goal minyoung and I aint falling for it..” He said without even looking at her.

She smiled at him and suddenly wrapped her arms around his waist.

“What a smart man you are.. let me guess you paid somebody ahead of time to know that this is not only a vacation… huh?” Minyoung asked.

“You know me too well..” He pulled her arm off away from him and walked away.

“Wait.. can we at least talk?”

Minho IGNORED her and continue walking.

“I could smell your inner wolf.. no matter what happens Minho… I’m still your MATE..”

He stopped on his tracks and turned around with the look of anger on his face.

“Don’t ever make that stupid excuse that you’re my only “mate.” Don’t you remember? YOU PICKED him not me..”

His words struck her in the heart as she remembers the betrayal that she had done before.

“You can’t be stuck on the past Minho. I made a mistake and I’ve already said Sorry to you. Don’t be stuck on the past…”

“How can I not?”

“You broke my heart.. betrayed our bond and left me.”






Minyoung said and followed Minho who angrily walked away from the party….AND away from her.











Dara POV


“Appa Do you know something that I don’t?”


Dara asked as she just heard and witness all the couple’s argument and their past relationship story issue…..


Lee Minho used to be Minyoung’s mate but she cheated on him.





Donghae had arranged bonding with Yoon Seungah which he ran away and left her.





Jaejoong and Han Hyo Joo used to be best friend but had slept together accidently and that made their “friendship” complicated.






Wooyoung had loved IU but she doesn’t have the same feelings towards him, Thinking it's a once sided love but now she claims that she did making him all confused.






Nickhun and Victoria were once bonded but their difference of point of view drifted them apart.






Kwanghee and Sunhwa were colleagues who had a crush on each other but never known about it and now they're both conflicted whether to confess their real feelings now that they have seen each other again.







Lee Joon and Jiyeon went to school together and had dated in college they have different plans for their future and they're plans for each other didn't match together so they had no choice but to break up.







Choi Minho and Yuri attended the same dance class and had created a  great relationship together. However, their parents didn’t want them to be together so they had no choice but to break up.








Jiyong and Jessica were high school sweetheart before. Been together since they were kids but Jiyong break it off because Jessica didn’t want him to be an alpha making them argue a lot which caused  their relationship to fall apart.



(All of these past mini drama relationship that I made up are all definitely great concept for a fanfic!! Kekekekekeke.. I would love to make all of them but no time.. Sorry guys)





Dara understood all the past that these people used to have but what will they choose…

Now or the past?






Jiyong POV

It's so weird seeing your ex girlfriend and now the full moon is not helping me as I could feel my inner wolf wanted to control over. 

"Jessica... Please Don't." 

I pryed her hands off of me and scooted away from her as much as possible.

I'm having my suspicion now because it's impossible that all of our ex girlfriends would be in the same island as us.

"Oh come on Jiyong dont you remember the good memories that we have before?" Jessica said and moved even closer to him. This time putting her arms around his neck, trapping him from getting away from her.

I closed my eyes as I tried to control my stupid male hormones from pouncing on her.

This is not good..



"Come baby boy...loosened up.." Jessica purred as she guided Jiyong to a more secluded place...

He tried to pry her hands off of him  but his body is not acting up well.

Jiyong growled in frustration as he followed Jessica in the dark away from the party and the people.

My brain says no... not to do this, But my body says yes and just have some fun.. especially the angry lil jiyong that is growing in between my legs....

"Jessica listen I can't do this you see I've found my mate and-." Jiyong said.

"And so?"

"If you did find your mate.. why isnt she here with you?" Jessica said and pushed Jiyong on the wall.





Jiyong's eyes had adjusted in the dark and noticed that they're inside on one of the cabins.

"Jessica what the hell are we doing here?"

"SHHHHHHHH....." Jessica said and stop his mouth from speaking with her finger that tasted and smell like honey.

"It's really nice seeing you jiyong... I see you've fulfilled being an alpha now..." Jessica said and grinned at him.

He smiled back and nodded.

"Mianhe." She said suddendly making him furrowed his brows in confusion.

"For what?" Jiyong asked.

"For not supporting you back then..." Jessica said shyly as she can't look at Jiyong in the eyes.

"You have no idea how I feel so guilty ruining our relationship back then.."

"I should've been more supportive..."

"Jessica.. That was the past. We shouldn't-" 

Jessica gave a soft kiss on Jiyong's lips interrupting him from talking.

"If I would've supported you!! We could've been together still!!"

"You were my first love..... My first everything you know THAT!! and even today... You still are.."

"Jiyong I STILL LOVE YOU.." Jessica said as tears rimmed in her eyes.




"Please come back to me!!" Jessica pleaded and cupped jIyong's face so he could look at her.

Jiyong is right now very confused as the old feelings that he had for jessica revived a little bit.

He didnt answer but only stared at her with confusion.

Jessica frowned and without hesitation she strip off her clothes leaving her stark infront of him.

"Jessica what the heck are you doing? PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON NOW!" Jiyong said panickly as he tried to put her clothes back on but she stopped him.

Jessica suddenly hugged Jiyong not caring that she's right now.

Jiyong had stiffended not knowing what to do as his brain is very clouded by this situation.

"Jiyong.. please.. I NEED YOU... I want you..." Jessica is breathing heavily as she guided Jiyong's hand to cupped her and touched her.

Jiyong gulped as he laid his hand on Jessica's s..




Jiyong is breathing heavily while sweat started to roll on his face.

"Just give in Jiyong. The full moon wants you too..." Jessica said and whispered seductively at him...

He closed his eyes as he is fighting to control his inner wolf to come out and mate with Jessica. If this happen he would be marking the wrong girl and it would be all over for him to gain his true mate Dara back....

Losing in the brigs of his sanity, Jiyong's eyes turned black.

"That's right baby.. released yourself... MARK ME.." Jessica said as she presented her neck to him...

With a clouded mind jiyong's fangs sharpened and he stared at jessica with full of lust.

Unknown to Jiyong, Jessica cockily smirked at one of the hidden camera's knowing that they've being watched...

Jessica closed her eyes with a smile on her face. She's waiting for Jiyong's sharp fangs to mark her. She felt him get closer as Jiyong slowly grazed her skin with his teeth.

Jiyong growled .

"This is it!!" Jessica thought to herself.





"Dara.." Jiyong said in surprised as she looked at her real mate with a dissapointed look on her face.

"This is not what it looks like!!" Jiyong said.







Dara POV


 “Anneoyasayo Jessica imnida..” Jessica said as she grabbed her clothes and cover herself.

“Dara.” She said not loosing her eye contact with Jiyong.

Dara eyed jessica’s arm as she had it on Jiyong’s waist.

Jiyong had noticed it too so he took Jessica’s arm off of him and cleared his throat in embarrassment.

“You guys seem close..” Dara said pretending that she doesn’t know their “relationship” Before.

“Well her and I used to go to the same high school together.” Jiyong explained.

“So great friends then?”


Dara could feel her inner wolf growl in anger as they both know Jiyong is lying…





“Of course we were such great FRIENDS back then. We practically did everything together too..” Jessica cockily explained.


“Homework together.”


 “Go to school together”


 “Eat lunch together.”


“Went to dances together.”


 “And We even slept together too..”


 Jiyong coughed suddendly.


“Excuse me?” Dara asked in an annoyance.


“Oh mianhe I’m sorry if I’m being weird.. you see….” Jessica said and looked at the full moon.

“Raging hormones are all out tonight." Jessica chuckled as he eyed Jiyong up and down.


“I know..” Dara said and stood closer to Jiyong inhaling his scent…

Jiyong gulped as he eyed the two ladies that are ready to pounced on him and attack…

“DAMN THAT FREAKING FULL MOON..” He thought to himself as he can feel the pull of lust slowly taking over him again.





“You know Dara.. I was his first..” Jessica said and smiled to her.


“I was his first love…”

Dara nodded awkwardly..


“First relationship..”


“First kiss…”




“Jessica.” Jiyong gave a warning look as Jessica suddenly cupped his growing bulge with her hands.




“X…. WITH.” Jessica said and smirked at him as she had her hands still on his bulge.

Dara yanked her hands off of him.


“You might be his first.. but I would be his last..” Dara said and went closer to jiyong.






“Jiyong…” Dara whined..

“Baby BOY..” Jessica said calling him the nickname that she used to call him before..

“..” He muttered to himself….

Unknown to Jiyong, Dara and Jessica are both having the same thoughts.

 “This is it..The GREAT TEST..”

“Who would he choose?”













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Chapter 13: Jealous jiyong huh thats what you get bec of what you did to dara
Chapter 21: I donte like lee minho
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 40: Can't wait for more ☺
Chapter 40: update please ^^
Kat2601 #5
Chapter 40: I love your story!! Last few chaps got me really confused though.....
pressy34 #6
Chapter 16: I really like your story, naughty and craziness make me laugh, and the hottest kpop guys too ;)
ecnahc #7
Chapter 40: It starts to be so confusing.. I think the story seems to drift apart from the storyline
jeikah #8
Chapter 40: kinda confusing in the last few chspters.. but i think i'm getting it with the last one... so Minho is using Jiyong to go against the pack and the likes by getting rid of them... I must say Minho is too clever that not even one noticed all his plan to the pack and the royals. He is so manipulative that He can swayed the King and all of their packs, given that he is just an outsider..
Oh well nice story.. Hopefully it will get better Thanks
nonetheless #9
Chapter 40: tbh i don't really understand what's happening anymore. Like the past couple of chapters just made me confused.
yousee #10
Chapter 39: I'm really confuse with this story.... jun pyo and sandy?