Don't go against fate.

The Right Choice?


Jiyong POV

The boys saw his sister Yuri but that’s not what caught their attention.. It was the girl with a geeky glasses who had her hair in a bun. Also with nasty braces and to top it all off she’s wearing her ugly blazer that she’s been wearing ever since we were in high school. Something’s never changed..

The boys chuckled as they also saw his “MATE.”

“Oh I see now.. But hyung if you gave her a makeover I’m sure she’s okay..”

“Really seungri? Ok name me one good thing about her..”

All the boys looked at her up and down..

“Probably if she takes her braces off she might have a nice smile?”Taeyang said.

“HA.. YEA RIGHT.. She has a lisped for days and when she talks you barely can’t understand her. On top of that you will feel like you’re talking to a sprouting whale.”

“A sprouting whale?”

“Yep..her saliva splashing uncontrollably at your face..” I chuckled making the boys laugh too except Seungri.

“She definitely doesn’t have a good sense of style.” Daesung murmured

“Who wears sketchers nowadays?” Top asked.

“Don’t we used to wear those when we were in elementary school..?” Taeyang chuckled.

“Oh.. Please don’t tell me those are twinkle toes form sketchers..” I groaned.

The boys stared at her shoes and saw that it lighted up.

The boys stifled their laugh as they continue to observe her. We purposely walked slowly towards them giving us some time to check out my ex-mate.

“Yep definitely not her sense of fashion style..” Seungri murmured.

“Oh wait she looks like she got nice eyes….”

I chuckled.

“Seungri are you serious…? look closely at her.”

“Oh wait a minute hyung.. I think she needs to pluck her eyebrow’s..”

“Yea she does.. she looks like she had caterpillars sleeping for her eyebrows..”

“Or she might’ve drew a black thick marker on it.” Top joked.

“Better yet.. one of those duck tapes..”

I gave him a high five which I ended up laughing my off with our own jokes.. while everybody else didn’t get it.

“Wait.. oh she has a nice hair..” Seungri smiled at that..

“You mean a very oily hair…”

No wonder she always put it on a bun because she probably barely washes her hair.

“Oh yea hyung.. Looks like she hasn’t washed it for months gross..”

“Ok I give up but hyung.. Appearance is nothing.. Don’t just judge by-“

“Seungri you have no idea what Dara is like. You know we used to be friends she’s cool and all but once I found out she was my mate.. I guess everything just got awkward…”

“It’s not just appearance.. It’s how she carries herself. I mean look at her? I need a Luna that is confident and strong…”

The boys agreed except Seungri.

“Watch hyung someday you will regret denying her.. The red moon never makes a mistake.”

I just rolled my eyes at what Seungri just said. As we approached the girls table I kept my best ignoring Dara and it was a success until..

 Gross look at her gawking at me like she wants to eat me! I’m scared now she even have gaped wide open. It would be hilarious if a fly went inside . Okay awkward.. is that saliva? Dripping down ?

 “Aisshh jiyong don’t be mean to our mate.” His wolf scolded him.

“Our mate.. look at her she is not fit to be my luna!” I talked back at my wolf.

“Ande she is.. she’s perfect for us..”

Jiyong just shrugged off what his wolf said and ignore his whimpering inside him.

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Chapter 13: Jealous jiyong huh thats what you get bec of what you did to dara
Chapter 21: I donte like lee minho
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 40: Can't wait for more ☺
Chapter 40: update please ^^
Kat2601 #5
Chapter 40: I love your story!! Last few chaps got me really confused though.....
pressy34 #6
Chapter 16: I really like your story, naughty and craziness make me laugh, and the hottest kpop guys too ;)
ecnahc #7
Chapter 40: It starts to be so confusing.. I think the story seems to drift apart from the storyline
jeikah #8
Chapter 40: kinda confusing in the last few chspters.. but i think i'm getting it with the last one... so Minho is using Jiyong to go against the pack and the likes by getting rid of them... I must say Minho is too clever that not even one noticed all his plan to the pack and the royals. He is so manipulative that He can swayed the King and all of their packs, given that he is just an outsider..
Oh well nice story.. Hopefully it will get better Thanks
nonetheless #9
Chapter 40: tbh i don't really understand what's happening anymore. Like the past couple of chapters just made me confused.
yousee #10
Chapter 39: I'm really confuse with this story.... jun pyo and sandy?