Chapter 30




“Wow, this is awesome.” I thought when I saw the many people arrived. Today was the grand opening of our new restaurant and honestly, I was overwhelmed by the number of people came. All tables were occupied and the hall was also packed with guests chatted and tried our food samples. I lost count of the many times I received the congratulatory from our guests and acquaintances for the success opening. But for me, the main reason for my nonstop grin was when my father said “You did well, Son.”


All the many days of me and Minwoo lost our sleeps was paid pleasantly today. Well, on the second thought, it couldn’t pay how much I missed Hyesung though. When I was busy preparing the soft opening and now the grand opening ones, I couldn’t meet Hyesung as much as I wished.


Speaking of which, I wonder why Hyesung hadn’t here by now. Instead, I saw Junjin who tried to cross the human ocean on the hall.


“Hyung, congratulation!” Junjin shouted when he bumped his body to mine in order to hug me.


“Thank you for coming, Jin-ah.” I tapped his back lightly and pushed him away without waiting because I was sensing how my mother stared at us. “Let me introduce you to my parents.” I added and gestured him to greet my parents.


My mother looked at us rather amused with one corner of her lip was lifted when I said “Mom, Dad, this is Park Junjin. You know, Hyesung’s cousin that I told you about.”


“Of course, I heard about you a lot from Eric, Minwoo and Hyesung. Very nice to finally meet you Junjin-shi.” My father offered his hand almost friendly.


Junjin eyes were widened when he heard how my father mentioned Hyesung in much relaxed like that. “Please just call me Junjin, Mr. Mun.” Junjin smiled brightly when he shook my father’s hand.


“Then you need to drop that honorific too. Just call us uncle and aunty if it is okay for you.” My mother smiled very wide now. I smiled to see my mother was on a very happy mood today.


“I would love too.” Junjin then chuckled when he elbowed me lightly. “Wow Hyung, aunty and uncle are so cool.” He smiled brightly when he said that.


“It’s because we need to wait thirty five years to see our son have two close friends.” My mother once again threw some nonsense remark. “And someone he would be settling with, maybe.” She added nonchalantly. But when I saw her teasing smile, I couldn’t get mad at her. Junjin made a sound of choking when he shifted his perplexed gaze to me.


I lifted my brow rather embarrassed. Yeah, that’s my mother Jinnie. You need to get used to her blunt remark at almost any time.


“Have you seen Hyesung?” I asked Junjin while I was stretching my neck to look for him amidst the packed people. I needed to change the topic immediately.


“Eh? He hasn’t arrived yet?”


“I haven’t seen him.” I shrugged my shoulders while keep looking for that particular face of Hyesung. Where the hell was he? It was not his habit to be late like this.


“Try to call him if you’re so worry.” My father said shortly.


“No. If he’s driving now or trying to park his car and I call him, he would be mad at me.” I said and shook my head. I tried that once – when he was desperately looking for an empty space to park his car on the supermarket, I unknowingly called him on the phone to ask him buying extra ramyun packages for me. It only resulted on him was venting out all his anger and frustration towards me through the phone.


No, I wouldn’t call him. No, even though I was completely aware how my father and my mother rolled their eyes of me being scaredy cat. No, even though I heard Junjin chuckled amusingly at my pout.


And when I looked around again to avoid their mocks, finally I saw him. Walking side by side with smiling Minwoo, Hyesung approached us. And I felt my heart jumped when I recognized two people walked behind them. Hyesung’s parents. They really did come. The strange warmth crept up my spine when I saw them smiled a little to me.


“Sorry for being late.” Hyesung greeted my parents first then smiled apologetically to me and Junjin.


And suddenly I was coming back to the moment I met Hyesung for the first time. It was the similar event. We’re at the party and he came approach me. He smiled and I could only stare in awe. It was so unfair for a man to possess that ability towards me. He could easily get me surrender to him by doing the simplest way possible. So this was what people saying about being wrapped around one’s little finger. Then I realized that all this time I was willingly enter the lifelong slavery.


But why I couldn’t stop grinning happily?


If I wasn’t too occupied with my own thinking, I would soon notice how our parents moved rather uncomfortably now. It must have been so weird to meet your in laws like that? I knew that our mothers grew closer since that day they spent a day in the spa (when was it? three weeks ago?), but it must have been so awkward for our fathers. I could sense the slightly stiff gestures when they greeted each other. Fortunately I have my own private fairy godmothers on my side. Minwoo hurriedly chirped about seating us at our table to have our dinner.


We then headed to our reserved table. There were only six seats on it, so Minwoo and Junjin wouldn’t join us. Hyesung and I had to handle this on our own. And when I took my seat slowly, I couldn’t stop praying. Pray for my mom and half beg for her not to say something exceedingly embarrassing. I could hear Hyesung cleared his throat a bit when he stole a glance at me. We had this plan – to get the parents meets – since a long time ago.  But honestly, when it was actually occurring, I couldn’t help but feeling anxious. We had come this far, no back out. I was continuously reassuring myself.


“I never imagined the day like this would ever come.” My father started. I involuntarily looked up to see my father. Here we go, I thought. “And I have to apologize to you. If my spoiled son hadn’t come to Hyesung in the first place, you wouldn’t have to go through something like this.”


What? Did he just say that? And somehow then I felt that my tie was too tight on my neck.


“He must have been brought you very much trouble and burden.” My father continued seriously.


“Eric already apologized to me and everything was forgiven. So please don’t mention it again.” Hyesung’s father answered slowly.


My father nodded once before continued. “When Eric was born, I swear I would raise him well and prepared myself to make a lot sacrifices for him. And I also have a dream that someday he would marry and build a family. But I guess some part of that dream needs a little adjustment right now.”


“We’re walking on the same shoes, Mr. Mun.” Hyesung’s father answered shortly. I somehow sensed Hyesung’s sat stiffly on his seat beside me.


“But I guess I can’t blame my son though. Having a son caused me doing and experiencing a lot of things I never expected before.” My father then said carefully.


“Yes, and learn a lot too.” Hyesung’s father added while smiling. “Mostly about being consistent on our promises – I also promised to myself when Hyesung was born – I promised that I would raise him to be unharmed and happy. And I was a bit ashamed to think that we were a bit forgotten the happy part when we told him to do what we want, instead of doing what makes him happy. Fortunately, my son was brave enough to confront me.” He looked straight at me when he said that.


Then in the exact precise timing, both fathers shook their head and vaguely smiled.   




What was in the smile? Were they amused? Confused? Or maybe agreed on something? Why I felt that Hyesung and I were the only ones who felt uncomfortable here? Whereas both of our parents seemed to have been more relaxed.


“We should drop off our hope for a daughter in law.” My mother said to Hyesung’s mother.


“Yes.” She nodded slowly. “No daughter in law to help me cook for the family or take me to go shopping.” And for my surprised, she actually smiled amusedly after she said that.


“Eric can cook well. Use him whenever you like.” My mother immediately said rather happily. So I was positive that no one heard my prayer a moment ago.


In perplexed, I turned my head to see Hyesung. But I only found him staring confusedly at our parents. I didn’t blame him though. It was like they pull a prank on us. We found ourselves have difficulties on understanding their words.


“Look at them being too stunned. They can’t even lift their fork.” My mother teased us.




Hyesung moved uncomfortably on his seat before shyly touched his hair. He eyed me and I read his expression as “What is that mean?” I shook my head immediately. I really don’t know. Well, I guess I know. But I could be wrong. Parents could be confusing more often than not.


“I still think they can’t make it through.” My father commented before started eating.


“Dad – .” I tried to interrupt but it was no use. Because someone already answered.


“But both of them sworn that they would stay together no matter what.” Hyesung’s father said before he also started to have his first bite. “And let me tell you, my son is a serious case of stubbornness.”


“At least he doesn’t whine. Unlike somebody I know.” Seriously, why is there nobody stop my embarrassing mother? And Hyesung dared to half chuckled when my mother said that. Oh come on, I didn’t whine that much!


“Do you guys intend to get married?” Hyesung’s mother suddenly asked.


I abruptly looked at Hyesung to get some help. We already had agreed about this matter, but we didn’t know how to tell it to our parents. We’re dating for less than five months for God’s sake! And they already asked about marriage?


“No, we don’t have that intention, Mother.” Hyesung answered faster than me. So I nodded firmly – just so they knew that I agreed upon it too.


“But you will live together, right?” She once again asked – in my opinion – a too premature question. We already talked about that, but being cornered like this surely wasn’t pleasant.


“Dear, don’t push them.” Hyesung’s father came as the savior. He touched his wife’s hand and made her retreated.


“We would like to do that. Live together, I mean.” Hyesung suddenly said when no one expected. He smiled slightly before continued, “But of course not any time soon.” He then realized what he was just saying because a second after his cheeks were severely tinted with blush.


“See? They made up their mind pretty quickly. They will be alright in the future.” And I had to see it with my own eyes to believe it. Hyesung’s father was actually defended me in front of my father. He who some weeks ago eagerly told me to leave his son, tonight that same person said that he believes that Hyesung and I will be alright in the future.


“Is it only me? Or they are so cute together?” Haha, my mother really had a way to embarrassed me. Then unlike her usual self, she giggled. “Ah, I always have a weakness towards pretty boy.” And I 100% sure she didn’t talk about me. I guess Hyesung had the same thought too, because right now he lowered his face to hide his badly blushed cheeks.


“Omoo, don’t call Hyesungie cute. He doesn’t like it.” Hyesung’s mother waved her hands to prevent anymore words from my mother. And I had the urge to hug Hyesung’s mother because she finally made a move to stop my mother’s blabbering.


“Oh, I’m sorry Hyesungie..”


“It’s okay, Mother.” And seriously, he only became cuter saying that with his pouty lips while shaking his head where we could see his red cheeks. Deny it as you wish, Hyesung-ah. You are cute. Period.


“I’ll say, if I need to trade a daughter in law for Hyesung, I’m okay with that. Right, Honey?” My mother shamelessly asked my father who could only nodded. And I never saw Hyesung blushed like that ever before.


“We have to start getting used of having two sons from now on.” Hyesung’s mother smiled and I could see the sincerity on it.


I heard some light chuckles from everyone but it was too surreal for me. So I stopped thinking and did what I always did when I was confused – I seek for an anchor. I leaned back and while pretending to look at our parents resumed their dinner, I held Hyesung’s hand that was placed on his thigh. He abruptly turned his head to me and stared back at me in confused.


“What was that?” I whispered.


“I don’t know either.” He chuckled lightly but in much puzzled. “My mind is going completely blank.”


“Same here.”


I heard the mothers were busy chatting about their plan to go shop together some time before my parents flew back to States. Something about since they couldn’t go shopping with their now-impossible-to-have-daughter-in-law, they needed to do it all together. Whereas the fathers talked about how nice the restaurant was and how delicious the foods were. And perhaps, I heard my father invited him to come again. (“Come and dine here as much as you want. You will be the important and valuable guest of ours.”)


“But it’s not so bad.” Hyesung whispered even lower and gained my focus again.


“Not bad at all.” I gave him a small squeeze.


I once again looked at the content faces of our parents. Our parents. Still felt weird to say that, but why right after I had the thought of it, I felt some nice and warm feeling inside my chest and stomach? It was like I was.. growing and expanding. And yeah, ‘expanding’ was the right word. Because since now, my family was getting bigger. With Hyesung and his parents were added in the picture.


Eric Mun, you’re a lucky bastard.


“May we join in?” Suddenly from nowhere, Minwo and Junjin already stood behind me. I furrowed my brow in confused when I saw both of them holding a chair on their hand. And I guess someone – or my father to be precise – gave his approval because then Minwoo and Junjin happily placed their chair. Minwoo on my left and Junjin on Hyesung’s right. Hyesung and I needed to move our chair a bit so the four of us could fit together. , it was too cramped I couldn’t use my knife and fork without poking Minwoo’s chest. Why the hell they had to sit here?


“Uncle said we can join you if we want to.” Minwoo quickly defended himself when I glared to him. He didn’t even let me open my mouth to ask.


“I think you should start getting used of having four sons from now on.” My mother gestured to Minwoo and Junjin. And please, let the approving nods our parents gave were real.


“Everything’s good, right?” Junjin asked Hyesung then look around with his bright gaze to everyone in the table. And for the same reason we all understood, we began to laugh.


Yeah, everything’s good, Jin-ah.





Oh my God! I can't believe I've come this far!

Thank you for your comments, for those who subscribe, and for some upvote(s) I received this week.. ^^

Some of you might have guessed that next chapter would be the last chapter of Red. Well, you're right. So I'm very nervous now.. Happy and sad at the same time.. But until that time, enjoy Red! ^^



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Chapter 31: I love it super much!!!!!!
Chapter 31: Reading through this fic again... its just as amazing as I have remembered! This Ricsyung fic is still my all time fave!! I love it!! :))
Chapter 31: Hurray Ricsyung! Needed my dose of Ricsyung crazy love feeling so here I am again author-nim!! I guess it never changes every single time I read this fic.. I would still giggle and smile and laugh and cry and then feel good again on this roller coaster romantic Ricsyung story. "You did me twice last night!" Haha! My poor Hyesung! Thanks for always bringing smile to my face... and the "six and a half" (out of five) wow you are such a romantic Hyesung. I love the way you love Eric and vice versa.. Still love it when I read it the first and second time.. Will probably read this one again after a few months! Haha!
Chapter 31: Hurray Ricsyung! This is probably my third or fourth time reading this ff and I can never get tired of reading this and feel so in love about this two lovely men! I cry, I laugh, I squirm, I giggle and I feel the love... I just love it author-nim. Thanks for Red. I got into the habit of looking up this story whenever I want my dose of Ricsyung. I just can't get enough of it... I'll probably read it again after a couple of weeks.. hehe
Autumnautumn #6
Chapter 22: Damn, I am just a helpless shipper, 3.43 in the morning and crying my heart out because of your ff
Let me continue with my sorrow and tears for awhile...
Oh my poor heart
Chapter 1: One of the best fanfic I have read so far! I love it! I love how you delivered Hyesung's confusion and his struggles about loving a guy! First denial, then confusion then eventually giving in to love!... who can resist Eric, right? Hehe... love it! Thanks for giving us such a lovely story author-nim! ☺
zhendy-mf #8
Chapter 31: aaawwwww, bagus bgt critanyaaa

tetap berkarya yaaaaa.....
Chapter 31: hi, i made a shinhwa ff recommendation. i included this story. i hope you don't mind. i just want to share the stories that i've read and love. good luck authornim.
guliee #10
Omona, this is sooooo good. 31 chapters and I can't get enough with these two! I need more. You're so good authornim. Thank you for sharing this beautifully-written-ricsyung-story <3