Chapter 10




“Hyung..” He greeted us shyly.


I felt someone bumped my shoulder and I thought I saw Hyesung flied. But the truth was, Hyesung ran so fast towards Junjin and practically smashed Junjin with his body. He hugged him almost immediately and I saw Junjin returned his hug without hesitation. I stood there and smiled. I eyed Minwoo who was holding the door and saw that he was also smiling.


“Jin-ah, I’m sorry..” I could hear Hyesung said softly between his sobbing.


“No, Hyung. I’m sorry..” Junjin cried harder than Hyesung.


“Hyesung-ah.. Jin-ah.. If you don’t mind, just get inside and you can cry inside.” Minwoo said still smiling.


“Shut up, Minwoo!” Hyesung hissed when he let go of Junjin. He wiped his wet eyes but then walked towards the bathroom while mumbling his “Excuse me.”


“Please come in, Jin-ah.” I said and smiled at Junjin. He nodded and wiped his eyes with his sleeves.


“Thanks, Hyung.” He sniffed once before took off his shoes. Minwoo closed the door behind him. Junjin put his slippers on and walked slowly following me to the living room. He looked around the apartment but said nothing.


“I’ll bring the food!” Minwoo clapped his hands in front of his chest once before dashed to the kitchen. I sat on the couch and began opening the beers. Junjin sat too and coughed awkwardly, so I handed him a can of beer and smiled.


“I owe you one, Jin-ah.”


“No Hyung, please don’t say that.” Junjin shook his head. He waited until I grabbed my can of beer before he lifted his can a bit for a cheer.


“I mean it. Thank you for doing this, I never see Hyesung looked this happy.” Junjin only nodded and continued his drink.


“Oy! Help me!” Minwoo shouted while carrying a huge bowl. He decided to put everything inside, from grilled meat and ribs, kimchi, dipping sauce, vegetables and God knows what else. We could see some plates on the top were tilted and unsteady. Junjin stood up immediately and helped him. “This is crazy! Are you planning to feed us to death?” Minwoo commented when Junjin and I put the foods on the table.


“Don’t worry, someone will definitely eat everything even when you’re too full.” I muttered. I sensed Hyesung’s footsteps approached us, “Speak of the devil.”


“What?” Hyesung asked defensively. His face was fresh even though his nose was still slightly red. He pouted and sat beside Junjin before said, “I’m not that hungry.”




Soon after each of us drank our second can of beer, the mood changed to the better. We chatted and laughed like old friends. We avoided the dangerous topic though. The first two hours passed with us talking about my new but messy house and nothing in particular. It was a party anyway, why talked something so serious? I noticed Hyesung’s content smile and even though I didn’t do anything, I felt proud of myself.


We ate and drank everything until every one of us felt the urges to vomit. Now we were officially drunk and full. We leaned back at the sofa and nobody said anything. Or moved.


“If any one of you throws up on my new sofa, I’ll sue you.” I mumbled.


“Why you made me eat those pizzas?” Minwoo groaned in agony. 


“You eat them yourself.” I retorted.


“Now that we’re about to die, why don’t you ask the question Jinnie? It might be your last chance.” Suddenly Minwoo said calmly and sat straight.


“What question, Hyung?” Junjin asked dumbly. Hyesung and I looked at them frightened. Oh , why they did this to me? I couldn’t answer anything properly if my stomach threatened to explode in any time now.


“Jin-ah?” Hyesung asked his cousin and he too sat straight now.


“No Hyung, the question is for Minwoo Hyung.” Junjin patted Hyesung’s hand lightly before pouted to Minwoo. “So? Why did you do it, Hyung? Why are you supporting them so much?”


Minwoo lifted his eyebrow and smiled mischievously before answered, “I don’t even know why, Jinnie!” I knew he would be laughing crazily now if he wasn’t about to throw up. But his eyes lit very bright. “But look at them! I don’t know how to explain it Jinnie, but if Eric wants Hyesung and Hyesung wants him, who am I to oppose?”


“What are you two talking about?” I asked. I looked at Junjin but he only lowered his head. So I turned my gaze at Minwoo.


“After he talked to you that night, he called me the next morning. By the way, what the hell were you two said to this poor kid? He extremely frightened, let me tell you.” He chuckled when Junjin sent him a glare. “He wanted me to team up with him and persuade you two to not dating. But of course I said no.” Minwoo winked once to me.


“You never told me he met you.” I said flatly. This bastard! Didn’t he see how worry we were!


“Jinnie asked me to stay quiet. He said he needs more time.” Minwoo shrugged.


“So, now we’re okay, right? Completely okay?” Hyesung eyed Junjin and Minwoo nervously.


“Don’t ask me, Hyesung-ah. You know I’m always okay with it.” Minwoo smiled widely. “Ask him.” He nodded to Junjin who is blushing now.




“I’m here, right?” Junjin shyly turned his face to Hyesung. “I came here.”


Hyesung smiled and only nodded before said, “Thank you, Jin-ah. I really appreciate it.”


He looked at me then Minwoo before said, “And I don’t want to lose all three hyungs at once. I felt lonely and desolated this one week without someone I could talk to.” He pouted and tapped Hyesung’s knee before continued, “I wished you told me any sooner though. Hyung, you can’t imagined the way I feel back then. On Sunday, you said you’re dating with a man and he was Eric Hyung. On Monday, I met Eric Hyung and he said he would never let you go. On Tuesday, I met Minwoo Hyung and he was extremely relaxed and supporting about it. Hyung, I feel like an idiot!”


Hyesung and I were taken aback by that. Oh my, this poor kid..


“All three hyungs left me aside. They knew all along but kept it from me. I guess, that was what makes me angry.” He rubbed his hands nervously on his knees. “Back then I asked Minwoo Hyung why he was so supporting, but he didn’t want to answer. He told me to come and ask again tonight, and he said maybe he would answer.” I glanced at the proud Minwoo beside me. So he knew Junjin would come tonight.


He was really my fairy godmother sent down for me.


“I didn’t trick you, Jinnie. Trust me, sometimes I don’t understand myself why it’s so easy for me to support them. But then I think, why not?”


“You sure they haven’t gone crazy?” Junjin asked desperately.


“I won’t be shocked if they actually were, but it won’t make any differences.” Minwoo put his hand to my shoulder. “Eric is still my bestfriend and if I’m willing to die for him, accepting the fact that he was in love with Hyesung is considered easy thing to do.” I couldn’t help but laughed at Minwoo’s words. Oh my God, his cheesy words were getting worse when he’s drunk!


“Hey, I’m taking your side here.” Minwoo snapped.


“Sorry. And thank you for your kind words.” I stopped my laughter right away.


“You’re going to keep it a secret, right?” Junjin asked Hyesung which he only nodded. “I think I’m fine with it, as long as I don’t see many smooching and groping between them.” Junjin said as he shrugged his shoulders.


“Junjin!” Hyesung exclaimed in shocked.


Minwoo chuckled happily, “No, I don’t think we will see many of it. They’re very careful about it. But trust me, they are on a very healthy relationship.” He nodded as if he was a wise guy. “If you know what I mean.” He winked once to Junjin who opened his eyes flabbergasted.




Past midnight, Minwoo and Junjin finally went home. I needed to call chauffeurs for them even though they said they’re okay and were able to drive. But I noticed Hyesung lingered and found an excuse to stay. He said he would help me cleans the house and collects the rubbishes. Although I said I would do it tomorrow and told him not to worry about it, he stubbornly took the trash bag and began lecturing me about stop being lazy.


I eyed him suspiciously when he threw all the cans and plastic bags into the trash bag. I might be drunk but I am not stupid. His action only means one thing.


“Hyesung-ah, how about you stay here tonight?” I asked slowly.


I watched his reactions very carefully. He stopped his motions and stood straight now. He pursed his lips as if he was shocked, but it could also because he held his urge to smile. He just stood there and said nothing. Oh , he waited me to say more.


“It’s late and you’re drunk.” I didn’t realized when I opened my mouth, but it was too late. It’s a lame excuse, I know. But I thought it didn’t matter to him. He just wanted to make it looked like it was my idea. Who’s the sly mikkulaji here now?


“Okay, I’ll sleep at the couch then.” He shrugged his shoulders but his eyes fixed at me. I had to acknowledge his skill in this mind games. Even though I could see his trap, I fell on it anyway.


“Oh, nonsense. You’ll sleep with me!”


“In your dream!” He scoffed insultingly.


“I promise I won’t do anything funny.” Great, now he could make me beg.


“I’ll kill you if you being weird.” He finally said what he meant to be a threat. But of course I knew, it only made his winning legit.




“Hyesung-ah, this is your sweater.” I turned the doorknob without even bothered to knock. I opened the door and saw Hyesung was bare chest and seemed like in the middle of ping his pants. I felt myself agape. His skin was inhumanly fair and flawless. I recalled the time when I ever sneaked my fingers under his shirt once and felt it was so soft, almost impossible for a grown up man. I must be stood there and gawked for too long, because I missed how he turned around startled and panicky tried to cover his chest with his T-shirt he picked from the floor. And the next thing I knew, he bent down and tossed his slipper to my nose.




“You bastard! Get out of here, you !” He yelled and dangerously reached for his other slipper. Just by mere reflex, I stepped back and closed the bathroom door. I made it on time, because the moment it closed I could hear a muffled thud. I rubbed my painful nose and almost grateful it didn’t bleed. Nice throw, Shin Hyesung.


Suddenly he opened the door and walked furiously towards me. He has put his T-shirt on and looked dangerous. I walked back involuntary because of that.


“How dare you peek on me!” He was about to throw his kick on me. “You ert!”


“I just wanted to give you this sweater you asked.” I stammered when I showed him the white sweater in my hand.


“You could’ve knocked!” He shouted now.


“I didn’t think I should. We’re both men.” I said the truth though. And to think that he was my boyfriend anyway. “And it was part of your fault, you didn’t lock it.”


“It’s impossible to talk to a mikkulaji like you!” He snapped and roughly robbed the sweater from my hand. He huffed once before turned away and entered the bathroom. And of course, a second later I heard a sound of the lock clicked. I looked at the closed door in disbelief. This Shin Hyesung was so hard to predict when he was drunk. I shrugged in defeat and then walked to the bedroom. It was a better idea than standing there doing nothing.


I took off my T-shirt and lied down on the bed. I was staring blankly at the ceiling when it hit me. In just a few minutes, Hyesung would come and we would sleep together. At the same bed, I mean. Still, it was a rather big step for us. And involuntarily, my heart began to race. I heard his slow footsteps but he stopped on the door.


“You sleep like that?” Hyesung asked frightened and pointed at my bare chest.


“Yeah.” I nodded. “And you sleep wearing all that?” I frowned at my sweatpants and hoodie sweater he wore. It was so baggy on him and he even put the hoodie on. It was like he was fully armed to prevent any contact with me.


“I better sleep on the couch.” He was about to turn away when I jerked from the bed and grabbed his hand.


“Oh, no way!” I dragged him and forced him to sit on the bed. “No freaking way!”


“But.. but..” He stammered. He looked anywhere nervously.


“I promised I won’t do anything funny. Take my word as a man.” The truth was I don’t know if I was ready for anything now. Not to mention that I felt so sleepy but I couldn’t let him sleep on the couch.


He looked up at me and judged my expression before slowly nodded. “Okay.” He took a deep breath before rolled and covered himself to his neck with the blanket. I climbed beside him and flicked the lamp off. For my surprise, Hyesung held my hand under the blanket and turned to face me.


“Is it true that you said to Jinnie that you would never let me go?” He asked carefully. I opened my eyes and turned to him. I looked at him but saw nothing much. The room was dark but I thought I saw a little sparks on his expectant eyes.


“Yeah.” I chuckled and squeezed his hand on mine. I rolled on my side and faced him. “Don’t tell me you’re staying just to ask that question.”


He took out his free hand and cupped my cheek in it. “I must be crazy, but I feel so happy right now.” He said slowly. I moved closer and hugged his waist. Our faces were so close I could easily put my forehead on his. “I’m sorry I threw that slipper on you. Is that hurt?” I shook my head lightly. “And I’m sorry I yelled at you.”


“I’m quite accustomed to it by now.” I mumbled while smiling.


“It just I always feel uncomfortable about showing my body. Not only for you, but for everyone.”


“Hyesung-ah, it’s okay.” I hoped he saw my assuring smile. “Let’s take it slow.” I caressed my hand on his waist slowly.


“Sometimes it feels weird, me being held rather than I’m the one holding.” I pressed my forehead on him because I didn’t know how to answer him. “But I think, because it was you, I’m okay with that.”


“I’m more than okay with that, because it was you.” And I don’t care if you called me cheesy. Hell, I’m glad it was you!


“You know what the weirdest thing? I think you lack a lot of my standards and you looked like a bad news, but strangely I want to have you.” He whispered very softly, more like he breathed the words to me. I was unsure if he wanted me to say anything, but once again my head went blank.


We kept quiet before he finally said “What should I do now?”



“I think I love you.”





Every time I read your comments, it encourages me to write and write.. So thank you for all your support for this story... ^^

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I know this ended long ago,but thank you so much for 150 subs ^^ Thank you for keep supporting this story even until now..


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Chapter 31: I love it super much!!!!!!
Chapter 31: Reading through this fic again... its just as amazing as I have remembered! This Ricsyung fic is still my all time fave!! I love it!! :))
Chapter 31: Hurray Ricsyung! Needed my dose of Ricsyung crazy love feeling so here I am again author-nim!! I guess it never changes every single time I read this fic.. I would still giggle and smile and laugh and cry and then feel good again on this roller coaster romantic Ricsyung story. "You did me twice last night!" Haha! My poor Hyesung! Thanks for always bringing smile to my face... and the "six and a half" (out of five) wow you are such a romantic Hyesung. I love the way you love Eric and vice versa.. Still love it when I read it the first and second time.. Will probably read this one again after a few months! Haha!
Chapter 31: Hurray Ricsyung! This is probably my third or fourth time reading this ff and I can never get tired of reading this and feel so in love about this two lovely men! I cry, I laugh, I squirm, I giggle and I feel the love... I just love it author-nim. Thanks for Red. I got into the habit of looking up this story whenever I want my dose of Ricsyung. I just can't get enough of it... I'll probably read it again after a couple of weeks.. hehe
Autumnautumn #6
Chapter 22: Damn, I am just a helpless shipper, 3.43 in the morning and crying my heart out because of your ff
Let me continue with my sorrow and tears for awhile...
Oh my poor heart
Chapter 1: One of the best fanfic I have read so far! I love it! I love how you delivered Hyesung's confusion and his struggles about loving a guy! First denial, then confusion then eventually giving in to love!... who can resist Eric, right? Hehe... love it! Thanks for giving us such a lovely story author-nim! ☺
zhendy-mf #8
Chapter 31: aaawwwww, bagus bgt critanyaaa

tetap berkarya yaaaaa.....
Chapter 31: hi, i made a shinhwa ff recommendation. i included this story. i hope you don't mind. i just want to share the stories that i've read and love. good luck authornim.
guliee #10
Omona, this is sooooo good. 31 chapters and I can't get enough with these two! I need more. You're so good authornim. Thank you for sharing this beautifully-written-ricsyung-story <3