Chapter 11




I heard someone growled lowly before I felt a thud on my leg. I tried to roll but then I touched something. I opened my eyes a little and saw a brownish head peeked from under the blanket. Oh right. Him. I tried to hug him, but I thumbled midway. So it seemed like I fell over him.


“What the hell! Who are you?” He shouted in shock and reflexively kicked me away.


“It’s me! Hyesung-ah, it’s me!”


“Oh, ! Why can’t you wake me up in a more normal way?” He grunted but gave away his kicking now. “Ow, my head.” He hurriedly lied back down and massaged his temple. “Look what you’ve done. Woke me up like that when I have hangover. Brilliant.”


I held the urges to tell him that not only my head hurts, but also my legs and thighs, thanks to him.


“What time is it?” He asked but still closed his eyes.


“Almost noon I guess.” I judged from the bright light outside my window.


“We should get up now.”


“Hyesung-ah, it looks like we slept together.” I grinned to him. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll take responsibility.” I entangled my legs to his.


“Responsibility, my ! Get away from me!” He kicked his legs furiously and made me let go of him. He got up on his feet and, still groaning, dragged his steps to the bathroom.


“Yah! Shin Hyesung! You cursed too much in the morning!” I sighed and tried to compose myself. I really wished he never said that word. Because after last night, when the last thing I remembered was falling asleep hugging him, now the word ‘ brought a completely different meaning for me.


Damn you, Hyesung!


“Eric-ah, may I borrow your clothes again? And um… underwear?” Hyesung asked while walking in a few minutes later. I only grumbled my yes and watched him opened my closet. “What are you doing? Get up now, I’m hungry.” He said when he found me staring at him.


“We still have many foods from last night.”


“Leftover? Nah, I don’t want it.” Hyesung finally fished out a white T-shirt and green jacket. He leaned down and comfortably took a boxer from my drawer. “I borrow these.” He said nonchalantly and like he was in his own house, walked back towards the bathroom. I got up on my feet and followed him, but when I was about to open the bathroom door, I found it was locked. I scoffed at it. I guess he took his precaution this time.


I was waiting for him for maybe 10 minutes. Crap, I need to pee. I already lifted my hand to knock but suddenly he opened it. “What are you doing? Standing here when I’m taking a bath?” He scolded me right after he opened the door. “What a ert.” He pushed me aside and arrogantly walked past me.


“I need to pee!” I shouted back and hurriedly entered the bathroom. Once inside, I felt a warm air from the shower. He just stood there, I thought. I glanced at the laundry basket and saw the sweater and sweatpants he wore last night. And one damp towel he also put it in. He just used it, I thought again. I breathed in and smelled my own soap and shampoo. But it felt different, it was him. I groaned when I realized my hard breathing.


Oh , I brought enough trouble for myself when I fell in love with him. But to feel excited from the slightest trace of him was a whole new level of agony.


I felt so hot instantly. I walked to the shower and turned the cold water tap. I needed a cold shower. Immediately.




“What do you want to eat?” I asked him when we stepped in the elevator. I pressed the button to send us to the parking lot.


“Hmm.. Rice. I’m really hungry.” He said but never left his gaze from his phone.


“Then you pick the place and drive.”




“Who’s texting you nonstop?” I tried to sneak a peek to his phone.


He glared at me before answered shortly, “Jinnie.”


“How is he?”


“Alright. He wants to meet me.”


“Now? Why?”


“Not now. But he wants to drink with me sometimes in this week.” He put his phone back to his pocket and smiled. “And don’t look at me like that!”


“You look ridiculously happy. I’m almost jealous of Junjin.”


“Haha.” He laughed dryly and hurriedly got out the elevator.


“Where you will take me?” I asked while fastening my seat belt.


“Oh, you just wait and see. It was the best beef soup in the whole Seoul!” He chuckled happily and started the engine.


So here we were, in the best beef soup restaurant in Seoul (according to Hyesung’s taste). It was surprisingly packed and we were lucky the owner recognized Hyesung as a regular. He kindly gave us a table and served two steaming bowl of beef soup. Hyesung was back to his predictable habit to ignore me during his eating. Well, I had to give him credit though. It is a very good beef soup. Sometimes it amazes me, when I was supposedly working in the restaurant business, but it was always Hyesung who knows better about where to eat.


“You’re staring again.” Hyesung hissed and kicked my leg under the table. “There’s something on my face?” He always scolded me whenever I got carried away and stared at him like this. He said I was too obvious, he was afraid people would notice. But he couldn’t blame me. I didn’t even realize I did it.







“How long you knew Minwoo?” He scooped another spoon of the soup. He looked intently at his almost empty bowl, I was sure he was contemplated to order a second helping.


“Since college, when we were twenty, I guess.” I smiled when I saw Hyesung raised his hand and ordered another bowl. “Why you asked?”


He just shrugged his shoulder. He picked up his glass of water and drank it before answered, “The way he always takes your side is amazing.”


“If I told you that Minwoo bullied me back then, will you believe me?”


“No way!”


“It’s true!” I couldn’t help but chuckled when I recalled the stupid encounter Minwoo and I had fifteen years ago.


“Tell me.” Hyesung leaned forward and looked genuinely interested. He put his both hands on the table and widened his eyes expectantly.


“Well, the 20-years-Minwoo was exactly the same as Minwoo today, small man but spilled with confidence. Whereas me, Eric Mun, was a scraggy and silent one. We were on the same class but never really talked. But whenever he saw me he would mock me and called me ‘Rich Boy’. Very annoying.”


“Really?” Hyesung’s eyes opened wide in disbelief.


“Until one day I got tired of it. When he mocked me that day, I just turned around and punched him as hard as I could. We ended up fighting on the hallway.” Hyesung laughed now. “It was a messy fight, but worth the shot. Our faces were swollen and blue from bruises for a week. But strangely, then we started to talk comfortably and next thing we know, we’re bestfriend.”




“End of story.”


“You’re liar.” Hyesung snorted.


“Ask Minwoo if you don’t believe me. He will give you the same story.” I chuckled now.


“Wow.” He leaned back to his chair now. “Did he tell you why he became such an ?”


“That bastard said he wanted to know my reactions.” I scoffed. If Minwoo was here, I would definitely scoff at his face.


“Minwoo told me about you two were working part time together.” Hyesung smiled brightly when his food finally arrived.


“Yeah, we were the errand boys at my father restaurants. The same restaurant we’re working now.” I smiled when Hyesung abruptly looked up at me. “We did everything; waiting the door, washing the dishes, collecting garbage, moping, cleaning the window. I mean everything.”


“Even though you’re the owner’s son?”


“Especially because I’m the owner’s son.” I shrugged. “Something about starting from the bottom and knowing the real work. Or maybe they’re just my father words to trick me.”


“And you did all of it with Minwoo?”


“Yeah. Lucky for us, after we graduated my father let us work there. Still the same errand boys, but now we wear a suit and tie with new title as manager. Minwoo works here in Korea, but I move with my father and work at our restaurant there.”


“And some years later, both of you are CEO?”


“Something happened. The last CEO did something stupid and had to leave. So I persuade my father to hired Minwoo as CEO, with me as collateral. I thought he really fits the position. But Minwoo complained and said his works turned too much. So I moved back here and helped that whining bastard.”


Hyesung only nodded but said nothing. Maybe because he was chewing now.


“And then I met you.” I whispered softly and lifted my eyebrow. Hyesung almost choked and I leisurely handed him his water. “All of them brought me to you.”


“Oh my God. You’re so cheesy!” I burst into laughter to see his annoyed face.




Three weeks passed since my house party and amazingly everything turned into much much better. Now with Junjin on his side, Hyesung’s mood was always on happy mode. And it turned out, Junjin was as good as Minwoo when it comes to persuade people. Hyesung told me about how he and Junjin almost every day came to his parents’ house and doing everything to soothe their nerves. Dined with them and praised her mother cooking, took them to karaoke, accompanied her mother to shop and even call them on the middle of their work. It worked really well.


Hyesung still hadn’t told them about me but at least now his parents weren’t pestering him about his ex-girlfriend again. And they openly accepted that if Hyesung didn’t love her anymore, they wouldn’t force him. All was well.


I hated the fact that he couldn’t make time for me these past weeks though. He still called me every day or had lunch with me few times, but he always said that he needs all his time to focus on his parents. I could see his point very clearly, but it didn’t stop me from sulking. And Minwoo was only chuckling at all my complaining. Merrily he only commented that he was sure he turned younger because of me. Because he said he couldn’t stop laughing every time he saw me sulking. Insensible bastard!


So when today Hyesung called and suggested to drink together, I was more than happy with the idea. Even though we would drink with Minwoo and Junjin too, there were still chances I can make him stay over again. There was no point to deny it, since that night I slept hugging him, I wanted to do it again. I didn’t care being called ert.


Minwoo and I arrived first at the bar. We sat on one booth and the waiter brought us the drinks and snacks for us. Minwoo eyed me smugly and smiled once before opened the first bottle.


“What?” I really didn’t like the way he smiled.


“Relax.” He chuckled. “You look stupid being jittery like that.”


“Give me that beer!” Oh crap, did I too obvious?

“Here. Loosen yourself.” He handed me the beer. “It isn’t your first time dating, why so nervous?” I only sighed and drank a couple more gulps.


“If in the next hour I look like I want to jump him, please do me a favor Minwoo. Strangle me.” I muttered.


“You miss him that bad?” I nodded. “You really like him?” His tone was more like a statement than a question. So I only looked at him and nodded again. “I’m almost jealous. Now I wished I have a lover too.” Minwoo raised his glass and gulped his beer.


“Drink already, Hyung?” Junjin bright voice made us turned. He stood in front of Hyesung and even though he was taller than him, I could see clearly the way Hyesung pursed his lips to restrain his shy smile. I must be grinned goofily because suddenly I felt a thud on my leg. Minwoo just kicked me under the table on his way to change his seat. Now he sat in front of me and left the seat beside me vacant. Junjin then wisely sat beside him so Hyesung had to sit beside me. Oh Minwoo, my fairy godmothers! I love you!


“Now everyone is here! Let’s drink!” Minwoo shouted happily. We raised our bottles and made a toast. Soon we were busy chatting and laughing. And I was amazed with myself, because I could hold myself. I was still staring at him from time to time though, because I really couldn’t help it. I quit trying to stop it anyway. But then I realized that Junjin watched me intently. As if he was waiting for me to suddenly jumping at Hyesung and start making out, or something like that. I smiled and mentally snorted. Not today, Jinnie. You won’t catch us today.


“Give them a break, Jin-ah.” Minwoo suddenly said.


“Huh?” Junjin turned his head and looked at Minwoo puzzled.


“Stop staring at them.” Minwoo ruffled Junjin’s hair before snickered.


“Are you sure they are really dating, Hyung? They look awkward together.” Junjin asked Minwoo while pointing at us.


“Shut up, Jinnie!” Hyesung warned him shortly.


“I mean, Hyesung Hyung really anticipating for tonight. I swear, he was still giggling when we were at the front door. But then when they actually meet, they just sat and being awkward. What was wrong with them?” Junjin kept talking even though Hyesung glared at him. “Don’t you think they’re strange, Hyung?” Once again, he turned to Minwoo who still snickered.


“Don’t listen to him, he’s drunk.” Hyesung said with gritted teeth. His face was red from embarrassment. I knew as his boyfriend I should help him and stopped Junjin or something. But all I could do was looking at him and smiling. So he was missing me just as bad as me.


“I’m not drunk yet! And I’m better at handling alcohol than you, Hyung.” Junjin shook his head seriously.


“So what do you want, Jinnie? To see them hugging and kissing each other here? I mean, you really want to see that?” Minwoo asked.


“Well, of course not all of it, Hyung.” He shook his hands a bit frightened of the possibility, but continued saying “They said they love each other. I mean, I want to see they’re less awkward than this.”


“I think this is their style.” Minwoo leaned forward and held his chin now, as if he was thinking hard while observing us. “They act awkward when there were people around, but turn to be— wait, what are you doing when you’re alone?” Minwoo asked us.


“Oh, shut up you two!” Hyesung threw the peanuts to them. It succeed to stop their silly talking but not for their laughter.


The rest of the night was quite predictable. Hyesung, Minwoo and me got too drunk to drive while Junjin still pretty sober. He carried Hyesung on his back and I watched them leave. When I sat on the backseat with Minwoo snoring beside me on our way home, I knew I should be sad because my plan to make Hyesung went home with me being thrown to the window. But I smiled instead. Because one hour ago, Hyesung found the moment when Minwoo and Junjin was too occupied with their singing. He leaned closer and whispered to me.


“This weekend, want to go to a vacation with me?”




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Chapter 31: I love it super much!!!!!!
Chapter 31: Reading through this fic again... its just as amazing as I have remembered! This Ricsyung fic is still my all time fave!! I love it!! :))
Chapter 31: Hurray Ricsyung! Needed my dose of Ricsyung crazy love feeling so here I am again author-nim!! I guess it never changes every single time I read this fic.. I would still giggle and smile and laugh and cry and then feel good again on this roller coaster romantic Ricsyung story. "You did me twice last night!" Haha! My poor Hyesung! Thanks for always bringing smile to my face... and the "six and a half" (out of five) wow you are such a romantic Hyesung. I love the way you love Eric and vice versa.. Still love it when I read it the first and second time.. Will probably read this one again after a few months! Haha!
Chapter 31: Hurray Ricsyung! This is probably my third or fourth time reading this ff and I can never get tired of reading this and feel so in love about this two lovely men! I cry, I laugh, I squirm, I giggle and I feel the love... I just love it author-nim. Thanks for Red. I got into the habit of looking up this story whenever I want my dose of Ricsyung. I just can't get enough of it... I'll probably read it again after a couple of weeks.. hehe
Autumnautumn #6
Chapter 22: Damn, I am just a helpless shipper, 3.43 in the morning and crying my heart out because of your ff
Let me continue with my sorrow and tears for awhile...
Oh my poor heart
Chapter 1: One of the best fanfic I have read so far! I love it! I love how you delivered Hyesung's confusion and his struggles about loving a guy! First denial, then confusion then eventually giving in to love!... who can resist Eric, right? Hehe... love it! Thanks for giving us such a lovely story author-nim! ☺
zhendy-mf #8
Chapter 31: aaawwwww, bagus bgt critanyaaa

tetap berkarya yaaaaa.....
Chapter 31: hi, i made a shinhwa ff recommendation. i included this story. i hope you don't mind. i just want to share the stories that i've read and love. good luck authornim.
guliee #10
Omona, this is sooooo good. 31 chapters and I can't get enough with these two! I need more. You're so good authornim. Thank you for sharing this beautifully-written-ricsyung-story <3