Chapter 28




“You did what?” Minwoo stopped doing whatever he was doing on his phone now. He lifted his gaze at me wondering if I was joking. I only nodded weakly. And just like I had expected, a second after Minwoo burst into laughter. “And what did Hyesung say?” He asked while wiping his tears on the corner of his eyes few minutes later. His phone was long forgotten.


“He said I’m an idiot.” Well, it was just the summary.


I recalled this morning after I said that words, Hyesung’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened in utmost disbelief. For many seconds passed, he only stared at me with his face was going purple. He had the sense to wait for me until I ended my phone call before stormed furiously though. I better not tell you the precise words of profanity he used this morning (for his own good in the future), but to sum it all and sugar coating it, he regretted the way I said it to my parents like that over the phone.


“Well, he only states the truth. You’re an idiot.” Minwoo commented mercilessly.


I stabbed my pen angrily to the report on my table. Now that white paper had hundreds tiny little black blotches on its surface.


“How about your parents then?” Minwoo asked again when he glanced at me who was busy damaging my pen.


“They’ll come here.” I answered shortly.


Minwoo halted his giggles right away. “Seriously?” He only managed to say that. I nodded weakly once again. He then scoffed insultingly before sneered, “You need to have your head checked, Eric. You and your loose mouth.”


“Yah! You and Hyesung don’t have any better mouth than mine!” I retorted irritated. I mean I wasn’t the only one who has unfiltered mouth around here. Who the hell is he to think he could scold me like that?


“Okay, you’re right. I’m sorry.” Minwoo said without waiting. He quickly changed his sneer into apologetic grin. “But I’m just saying that maybe it was too early to add your parents to the mix. You’re just beginning your good term with Hyesung’s parents. And it doesn’t much of progress, let me tell you.” Minwoo explained while carefully examining my expression.


“I know.” I pouted.


But somehow, even though I felt very very nervous right now, I didn’t regret telling my parents about me having a boyfriend – thus telling them that I was a gay. A bit harsh, I admit, but I guess it wasn’t so bad. Just like ripping the band aid – better pull it quick and over.


“When they would arrive?” Minwoo asked slowly.




Minwoo whistled slowly and grinned. “Fighting, Eric!”


“You know my parents. They will pry and ask you about Hyesung, so you better answer carefully.” I warned him. “Please.” I added when I realized that I should ask him nicely for this favor.


“Don’t worry about that.” He grinned widely and almost gleefully.




The next afternoon, Minwoo and I were standing at the arrival gate to wait for my parents. They would come out in any minute now.


“Where’s Hyesung?” Minwoo asked but his eyes were still fixed on the empty gate.


“At his apartment.”


“Why didn’t you let him come with us? He should meet your parents eventually, anyway.”


“Let me test the water first, Minwoo.” I muttered while pointed to some people who finally walked out the gate. Soon, Minwoo and I stretched our neck to find the two familiar faces of my parents.


“That’s them.” I waved to my father and my mother. For seconds, they didn’t see us, so Minwoo began waving frantically beside me. When they finally saw us, I noticed how my father frowned at us. Silently, I hoped his frown was because of jet lag.


Now I understood what Hyesung meant when he said that he didn’t want to meet his parents back then. Not that I didn’t like it, but I couldn’t let him see how my parents being resentful and disturbed on their first meeting. First impression was important – that was the truth.


“Your boyfriend is Minwoo?” My mother asked bluntly when they come nearer. She eyed me in curiosity but also in disbelief while she stared keenly at me then shifted to Minwoo.


“Hell, no!” Minwoo and I shouted at the exact same time over that absurd question. Unconsciously, I took a step away from him while Minwoo also did the same. Okay, this was crazy. How could she become so illogical and nonsensical like that? Me and Minwoo? Seriously, Mom?


“Well, don’t blame me. I can’t think straight right now!” She scolded us when she saw our reaction and my offended expression. All the while, my father stared grimly at me. I bowed and greeted him deeply and tried my best not to snicker. I didn’t know why, but seeing them here in front of my eyes made me want to grin happily. I guess it was safe to say that I missed them very much anyway.


Just because they said they were hungry, we headed straight to the restaurant. My father was scarily quiet during the trip. Very unlike him. I nervously eyed Minwoo who sits on passenger seat, but then I realized that he was as nervous as I was. He kept tapping his fingers on his knee and silently exhaled. I checked for my mother from the mirror just to find her looking intently at me. But despite her piercing stare, she didn’t say much about the matter. I knew she waited for the right time before pouring out all of her minds.


The moment we arrived at the restaurant, my parents magically wore a bright smiles on their face. They greeted and thanked the employees in sincerity and for a moment I forgot that I was still in deep trouble. As the times gone by with warm conversation between the boss and his employees, I actually wore the same bright wide grin on my face. But of course, when my father finally said that he would like to have dinner in our VIP room with no disturbance, I knew my time was up.


Four of us seated rather awkwardly when the waiter brought us our dinner. I practically counted the seconds until he left us and let us be with our privacy. I should thank Minwoo later for staying with me, even though I knew so damn well that he felt so uncomfortable right now. He faintly stole a glance at me from time to time, as we were waiting for my father to begin the talk.


“You better be not joking, Eric. We just traveled thousands of miles – we’re tired and bewildered. So you better start explaining. And I won’t let you go if this was just a silly joke.” My father finally ended the silence. His voice was rather cautionary and I lost my appetite even before we had a chance to touch our dinner.


I braced myself by taking a deep breath once before I answered.


“Very good then. Because I’m not joking.” My mouth spilled the words easily, I even surprised myself. “Mom, Dad – I’m gay.” Should I say sorry? I thought about it but never really said it.


I sensed Minwoo held his breath beside me. But I didn’t dare to retreat my steady gaze. My father stared straight at me with unreadable expression while my mother looked away. Nobody said anything after that. How many times passed already? One minute? Two minutes?


“Oh my God, you’re serious!” My father suddenly exclaimed and broke the silence. He raised his hands and began massaging his temple. My mother sighed then placed her hand to her husband’s shoulder. She looked rather sad and crushed. And honestly, I hated to see her like that.


“Yah! Minwoo! Why did you let him? You should’ve stopped him!” Suddenly my father shouted to Minwoo. Poor Minwoo only opened his mouth, but was too shocked by the abrupt scold he received, he couldn’t say anything.


Minwoo only gurgled “But Uncle..” miserably then stopped.


“Why blame Minwoo? Out of the blue~ “ I said.


“Eric, when your father asked you the question, you should’ve told me that you’re joking! Why you had to tell me so bluntly like that? Making me have headache.” My father spat the words very fast I thought I probably missed out few words.


“Excuse me, Dad?” I asked dumbly. Did he just say that?


My mother shook her head very vaguely in disbelief. I eyed Minwoo and found him furrowed his brow. He was as confused as I was. I looked back at my father and even though his face was reddened – it wasn’t rejection I saw on it. He was shocked. Badly. Perhaps a little bit mad. But it was definitely not a rejection on his face. And then I sensed the atmosphere changed drastically.


I was no longer intimidated.


“Why so suddenly? You were always dating girls back then. Why so suddenly?” My father blurted out again.


“It’s not very sudden. We’re dating since three months ago.” I answered spontaneously. “Right, Minwoo?” I glanced at Minwoo, just to make sure I counted the time right.


“You said Minwoo has nothing to do with this.” My father cut viciously.


“Well, Minwoo knew about me dating Hyesung. But it doesn’t mean you could blame him. It wasn’t like Minwo told me to date him.” I blurted out. Don’t worry Minwoo, I won’t let my father lashes out his frustrations on you.


“Who’s his name?” He asked. His voice was more interested rather than despised.


“Hyesung. Shin Hyesung.” And I felt myself involuntary smiled when I spelled his name.


“And what’s so good about him that made you like this?”


“Oh, he’s just plain amazing.” I answered shortly and firmly. Then the thought of me just describing him made me grin goofily. “And he’s a wonderful material of son in law. I’m sure you will like him.”


“Eric! Are you crazy? Why would I need a son in law when I have a son of my own?”


“Because the son of yours wants to be with him.” And I swear I didn’t intend to pout when I said that. Then I became aware of the fact that Minwoo was already sitting comfortably on his seat now. And my mother also loosened her grim expression and now looked at my direction. She still didn’t say anything though.


“I really cannot talk to you.” My father leaned back at his seat and stared to his wife, as if he was asking for some help. But my mother seemed oblivious at that. Instead, she looked at my direction even though I wasn’t sure she looked at my eyes. I wonder what she was thinking right now.


My father shifted his focus to Minwoo again. “And all the while he was being that unreasonable, you actually let him be like that?”


Minwoo stole a glance at me once before answered. “Uncle, Hyesung is my friend too so I know him quite well. And I agree with Eric about he’s being a good material of son in law.” He then sent me a vague wink after he said that.


“You two are the same!” My father exclaimed impatiently. “I don’t know why I put up with you two foolish kids!”


My father was about to open his mouth again but I interrupted. “Dad, I’m sorry. I’m a fool, I know. And I’m sorry for make you worry and have to come all the way here because of me. I’m an ungrateful son, I know. And from now, I’ll be doing a lot of things that would disappoint you. Because I won’t leave Hyesung. And I’m sorry about that too.”


I’ve kind of expected they would start shouting at me and maybe throwing some plates on me. But they didn’t. They only stared blankly and pursed their lips. But of course my father wouldn’t relent very easily.


“End it now. It won’t work anyway.” He said rather curtly in my ears.




“You think it would work out between you?”


“I won’t end it just because I’m afraid.” That’s how you raised me, Dad.


“You’re my only son. How about our grandchild?”


“I’m sorry, Dad. I’m sorry, Mom.”


“Eric-ah, stop it.” My mother suddenly said. And my heart dropped. The cold voice of her discouraged me in an instant. She then held my father’s wrist and said slowly. “We’re still tired. Let’s stop it here and talk again when we’re in better mood.” By the reason of his wife, my father sighed and nodded.


“Okay. Let’s eat.” He said coldly.


We started to hold our knife and fork but I guess everyone was having no appetite anymore. I knew I had no appetite. I stared angrily at my steak meat as if it did something to offend me.


This conversation was going very differently than I imagined it would be. I’ve kind of hoped my parents would accept us. The fact that they lived so many years on States, I thought they would have been more open to the matter. I knew I shouldn’t have hoped it in the first place. Because now the disappointment hurts me more than necessary. And for some reason, I really wanted to go to Hyesung’s place for a company and for some comfort.   


“This is just great. When I sent you here, I was hoping you would find a nice girl and marry her. But you choose to date a man?” My father grumbled viciously while cutting his already cold steak in much anger. Then he turned to his wife and said rather desperately, “Dearie, why don’t you say anything?”


My mother, the woman I respect the most in this whole planet for her cleverness and boldness, looked straight to my eyes and said firmly. “I really want to meet this Shin Hyesung.”




“How was it?” Hyesung immediately asked the question the second he picked up his phone. I felt guilty imagining him waiting for my call all night. How was I supposed to tell him that we had more obstacles in front of us?


“They want to meet you.”


“Now?” He shrieked in perplexed.


Imagining the shocked and frightened expression of Hyesung, I couldn’t help but smiled. “No, of course not now. Tomorrow maybe. What do you think?” I leaned back at my seat as I closed my eyes.


“I cannot say no, right?” Hyesung sighed in half-relieved and half-reluctance. But I could see how he smiled a bit on the other end.


I scratched my head even though it wasn’t itchy. “I’ll take my parents to the hotel now then can I go to your place?” Please say yes. Please say yes.


He waited two seconds before giving his approval. “Okay.”


And suddenly, with the possibility of meeting him tonight, all my anxiety began disappearing. I nodded happily even though I knew he couldn’t see me.


I saw my parents approached my car. They had finished their polite farewell for the night to the employees already. I also saw Minwoo walked closely behind them. It’s time to go.


“Okay, wait for me.” I said rather happily before hung up.


Why is it so hard for people to see that I’m the happiest when I’m with you, Hyesung-ah?





I have to apologize for the boring chapter.. The scenes are better when it played in my head.. TT__TT





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Chapter 31: I love it super much!!!!!!
Chapter 31: Reading through this fic again... its just as amazing as I have remembered! This Ricsyung fic is still my all time fave!! I love it!! :))
Chapter 31: Hurray Ricsyung! Needed my dose of Ricsyung crazy love feeling so here I am again author-nim!! I guess it never changes every single time I read this fic.. I would still giggle and smile and laugh and cry and then feel good again on this roller coaster romantic Ricsyung story. "You did me twice last night!" Haha! My poor Hyesung! Thanks for always bringing smile to my face... and the "six and a half" (out of five) wow you are such a romantic Hyesung. I love the way you love Eric and vice versa.. Still love it when I read it the first and second time.. Will probably read this one again after a few months! Haha!
Chapter 31: Hurray Ricsyung! This is probably my third or fourth time reading this ff and I can never get tired of reading this and feel so in love about this two lovely men! I cry, I laugh, I squirm, I giggle and I feel the love... I just love it author-nim. Thanks for Red. I got into the habit of looking up this story whenever I want my dose of Ricsyung. I just can't get enough of it... I'll probably read it again after a couple of weeks.. hehe
Autumnautumn #6
Chapter 22: Damn, I am just a helpless shipper, 3.43 in the morning and crying my heart out because of your ff
Let me continue with my sorrow and tears for awhile...
Oh my poor heart
Chapter 1: One of the best fanfic I have read so far! I love it! I love how you delivered Hyesung's confusion and his struggles about loving a guy! First denial, then confusion then eventually giving in to love!... who can resist Eric, right? Hehe... love it! Thanks for giving us such a lovely story author-nim! ☺
zhendy-mf #8
Chapter 31: aaawwwww, bagus bgt critanyaaa

tetap berkarya yaaaaa.....
Chapter 31: hi, i made a shinhwa ff recommendation. i included this story. i hope you don't mind. i just want to share the stories that i've read and love. good luck authornim.
guliee #10
Omona, this is sooooo good. 31 chapters and I can't get enough with these two! I need more. You're so good authornim. Thank you for sharing this beautifully-written-ricsyung-story <3