Chapter 2





“You like the party?” Minwoo asked expectantly when we rode the elevator to our floor.


“Yeah.” I smiled to him. “I think we made a golden decision when we hired you for the job. You’re the best at hosting. Perfect for restaurant business.” I learned long ago that this was the best way to treat Minwoo. Praise him and then he would be like a fish in the water. Happy and beneficial. And then he would work harder for the next.


“You broke a lot of hearts when you came back home with me tonight.” He snickered when the elevator door opened in front of us. We stepped outside and walked to our unit.


“Just not in the mood.”


“I guess you’re heading straight to sleep?” Minwoo asked when we arrived home.


“You need to ask?” I yawned carelessly.


“Goodnight, Eric.” He hugged me shortly. I smiled because I know how happy he is. Because I felt the same as he was. So glad to be back.




My plan to sleep soon was shattered into pieces. For hours I just tossed and my bed not being able to rest my mind. Every time I closed my eyes I would see him. A man, for God’s sake!


I shivered to think about it. Me, Eric Mun, couldn’t sleep because of thinking about a man. I groaned to my pillow because this was absurd. For 35 years of my life, I like girls. Not even a second being attracted or was curious to a guy. So why he kept coming and spinning around in my head?


All I need was close my eyes and there he was. I would play again the scene when he walked to my direction, but this time without Minwoo or Junjin in the frame. He would smile and extended his hand. He would laugh and covered his mouth. Or he would stand with one hand holding a champagne glass and the other hand fixing his hair. He would his lip in the end of his sentence.


I remembered all about him easily. His small face that made him looked a bit feminine. His thin lips that would curl into teasing smile or pout. His surprisingly chubby cheek even when he has skinny figure. His mint shirt under his black jacket suit he wore this night. His cologne scent which was mixed with indistinct smell of cigarette. But the worst part was his eyes. Because when he looked at me, I felt like I’ve been seen through. That I couldn’t have any choice but being honest.


The next morning I felt like crap. I was gladly staying in bed for another hour if I could choose. But of course Minwoo had another plan. He sing sang my name when he opened the door, “Eric honey… wake up~~..”, so automatically I covered my head with the blanket. Why would he wake me up this early, anyway?  It wasn’t like I was going to go to work today.


“Wake up. You already slept too much!” Minwoo said as he opened the window curtain and then, with a nagging wife spirit, pulled the blanket away from me. I didn’t know how to tell him that last night I couldn’t even blink my eyes. So I just grunted and covered my head with my pillow.


“That won’t work, Eric.” And to point out his words, he kicked my feet.


“Why you woke me up this early?!” I snapped and threw my pillow to his head.


But he easily caught it and smiled happily. “Breakfast is ready!”


“Minwoo, sometimes your happy mood is scary.” I said while yawning. But I decided to give up to him. I grabbed my T-shirt from a chair near my bed where I had thrown it last night. I wore it and stood up. He seemed satisfied because a second after he turned his heel and marched to the dining table inside the kitchen.


“I thought you can’t cook.” I pulled the chair and sat on it. He already prepared a simple breakfast of rice, clear soup, fried egg and stir-fried vegetables.


“I still can’t.” Minwoo grinned. “Eat a lot, Eric-ah.” He said before erupted a laughter. I sighed but ate anyway. Not bad, I thought.


“You’re going to start to work tomorrow, right?” Minwoo asked while still munching his food. I just nodded. “Very good. I almost died from work. Now you’re here I can have a rest.”


“Don’t be too relaxed. I only take care for the new restaurant deal. The others still your responsibility.”


“I know that.”


Then an idea popped out in my head. “Mmm.. Minwoo. Can you give me Hyesung’s number?” I tried so hard to sound as normal and careless as I can. Considering the fact that mentioning his name made my heart beating so fast.


“Why? About your car? I already gave your number to him. He will be the one who called you if your car was ready.”


“Well, he said the car will be ready tomorrow. But you know, just in case something happens, I can call him.” Please God, don’t let him aware of my stammered words.


He looked at me confused. After contemplated for a few seconds, he shrugged and said, “I’ll give you after this.” Nodded at his unfinished bowl of rice. I nodded happily and continued to eat.




After Minwoo left for work, I sat on the couch and continuously tapped my handphone’s screen. Minwoo already gave me Hyesung’s number, but now I didn’t know what to do. It was like I was back to my teenager age, feeling nervous before asking a girl out. Wait a minute. This was not right. I threw my phone to the coffee table, completely frightened. Contain yourself, Eric! You cannot be like this. He’s a guy!


I groaned and headed to the bathroom. Maybe I need some shower, a cold one of that, to calm myself down. But that obviously didn’t work. Because ten minutes later, with my hair still damp and a towel around my neck, I grabbed my phone again and texted him. I didn’t know what I was typing anyway and just sent it without much thinking. When I saw ‘message sent’ flash a second after, I went panic. Once again I threw my phone away, frightened at what I just did. Then immediately I took it back to check my message to him.


Hey, this is Eric. We met last night. Umm, when will my car be ready?


I dropped my phone again. I couldn’t believe I just sent that dreaded stupid text. Hyesung already said clearly that my car will be ready tomorrow, what a moron to ask about it again? And of course he would remember we met last night. You should be ashamed of yourself, Eric Mun! But my train of thought was stopped when I heard my phone buzzed. He replied.


I needed to take a long deep breath before took my phone from the floor. I counted to three before finally clicked the message icon. I noticed that my hand was trembling.


Oh, hey. I was about to call you. I wanted to confirm where we should send your car. Minwoo’s apartment or your office?


After read that, I was in Minwoo’s living room no more. Now I was standing surrounded by white soft clouds, with rainbow above me and angels sang a wonderful melody. He said he is about to call me! Assa! I couldn’t stop grinning as I typed to reply his message.




“You look happy.” Minwoo commented when we sat at our table when we had our dinner tonight.


“Oh, don’t I always look happy?” I retorted and grinned at him.


“Yeah, right.” He scoffed and then drank some water.


“Last night, all of the guests are your friend?” I asked and looked around the restaurant. Compared to last night, this place was quieter and less packed.


He nodded then continued, “Yeah, they’re the people I met here and there. Some are the people I met because of work.”


“How about Hyesung and Junjin?”


“How about them?”


“You seem really close to them. But I never heard you mentioned about them even once before.” I busied myself playing with vegetables on my plate.


“Oh, they’re my drinking buddy.” He chuckled. “Which is funny. Because Junjin was inhumanly tolerant of alcohol, he can drink fifteen bottles of soju and still sharp. While Hyesung was lousy in that. Three bottles and he was intoxicated.”


“They’re cousin, right?”


“How did you know that? Yeah, they are. Both are the only son in their family, so they became really close.”


“You need to bring me to drink together with them. They sound fun.” I told Minwoo. While in my heart I just wanted an opportunity to meet Hyesung.


“Sure.” Minwoo smiled.




The next morning, Minwoo and I headed to work together. He introduced me to all staffs and I recognized many of them attended my homecoming party two nights before. But after we got to our office, we parted to our job. I was scheduled to have a meeting with the contractor and interior designer for our new restaurant. This is the reason why I came back to Korea. Minwoo couldn’t handle to run two restaurants and building one at the same time. So that’s why my father sent me here.


I didn’t realize how much time passed while I studied the design from the architect until my secretary knocked at my door. “Yes?” I looked up to see her opened the door and bowed at me. Then she said, “Your car is arrived, Sir.”


“Oh, thank you. I’ll be out right away.” She nodded and excused herself. I grabbed my phone then followed her out.


Outside the restaurant, I saw some people already parked my new black Maserati on reserved parking area for me. I whistled softly, amazed by my brand new car. It was beautiful. I looked around to search Hyesung, but he wasn’t there. My heart sunk because I was hoping he would be the one to deliver the car. Didn’t I a valuable customer?


I felt someone patted my shoulder. I turned my head and found Minwoo already put his arm to my shoulder. He whistled and unexpectedly hit the back of my head lightly. “Nice car, Eric.” He grinned and playfully punched my stomach with his other hand. Soon, the delivery man handed me all the papers I need to sign. After signed seemingly endless documents, finally he handed me the key and said, “This is your car, Sir.”


“Minwoo, wanna come with me for a round?” I asked Minwoo as the delivery man excused himself.


“Yeah!” I could see Minwoo’s eyes lit. I bet my eyes were the same. Boys are the same when it comes to car. We practically ran outside the restaurant and raced to my car. Once we inside, we touched everything and opened every compartment. We caressed the fine leather seat and the ceiling while we continuously exclaimed “Wow! Look at this!”. Nothing disappoints me.


 “Come on! Try to drive this!” Minwoo shout.


“Let’s go!”


We intended to drive around the block, but we ended drive around the whole district. We smiled and grinned along the ride. This car was awesome! Every time we saw some people turned their head to see my car passed, Minwoo would say “I need a car like this.”


Once we got back our office, I took my phone and dialed his number. He didn’t pick up on my first call so I tried again. This time he picked up. “Hello. Eric?”

“Hello Hyesung.” I managed to answer even though now I felt like flying hearing his voice.


“You just called, right? Sorry, I was in the middle of something. So, what’s up?”


“Did I interrupt you?” I asked.


“No, no. It’s fine now.” I could hear he smiled. Or maybe I just imagined it. My mind was not really trustworthy these days.


“Well, the car just arrived and I want to thank you. So I want to treat you for a drink. What about tonight?”


“Tonight? Okay. Just text me the address.”


“Very good. See you tonight.”


“See you, Eric.” I waited until he hung up then I jumped triumphantly. The prospect of seeing him tonight made me grinning like idiot for the rest of the day.




 A waiter escorted me to the room in a club I already reserved for us. Actually it was Minwoo who reserved it. I smiled as I remembered our conversation this afternoon.


“You asked Hyesung to drink but not me?” Minwoo asked in vicious voice.


“I’m going to thank him about my car.”


“He’s my drinking buddy and you’re about to steal him!” He hissed unpleasant.


“Whatever. Just reserve the room.”


“I will!”


Minwoo was always like that, sulking and mad if we ever left him behind from a gathering.

The waiter bowed and left the moment I sat on the couch. I took a deep breath because suddenly I felt so nervous. He would come in any minute and then there would be just the two of us inside the room. My heart beat faster at the thought of it. I poured the beer and gulped it to ease my nervousness. I should have brought Minwoo with me. But no, Minwoo is better stay out of this.


I heard someone clicked open the door. The same waiter bowed at me then invited Hyesung inside. “Am I late?” he asked right away.


“No, you’re not. I just arrived too.” I stood up and waited until he took a seat beside me. The waiter bowed once again and left.


“I just want to thank you for your help about my car.” I poured him the beer then offered a toss.


“Thanks.” He accepted and drank it in one go. “It was nothing. It was an awesome car, maybe I should change my car too.” He chuckled. Maybe I should sue him. Every time he smiled or chuckled or whatever, I would skipped a beat. It was bad for my health, I could get killed if this happens too often.


“I should have delivered the car myself. But I’ve got many things today. Sorry.” Now it was his turn to pour the beer to my glass.


“Oh, that’s okay.” I gulped it as I started to feel dizzy.


“You knew this place from Minwoo?” He asked. “We like to drink here. Minwoo, Junjin and me.” I just nodded at him because at that time I couldn’t form even a single sentence. He was so close beside me and I could smell his scent and it was too much. Then something happened, he looked straight to my eyes and I froze. He blinked a few times but never drew his gaze.


And then, without realizing how or why, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to Hyesung’s lips.





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Chapter 31: I love it super much!!!!!!
Chapter 31: Reading through this fic again... its just as amazing as I have remembered! This Ricsyung fic is still my all time fave!! I love it!! :))
Chapter 31: Hurray Ricsyung! Needed my dose of Ricsyung crazy love feeling so here I am again author-nim!! I guess it never changes every single time I read this fic.. I would still giggle and smile and laugh and cry and then feel good again on this roller coaster romantic Ricsyung story. "You did me twice last night!" Haha! My poor Hyesung! Thanks for always bringing smile to my face... and the "six and a half" (out of five) wow you are such a romantic Hyesung. I love the way you love Eric and vice versa.. Still love it when I read it the first and second time.. Will probably read this one again after a few months! Haha!
Chapter 31: Hurray Ricsyung! This is probably my third or fourth time reading this ff and I can never get tired of reading this and feel so in love about this two lovely men! I cry, I laugh, I squirm, I giggle and I feel the love... I just love it author-nim. Thanks for Red. I got into the habit of looking up this story whenever I want my dose of Ricsyung. I just can't get enough of it... I'll probably read it again after a couple of weeks.. hehe
Autumnautumn #6
Chapter 22: Damn, I am just a helpless shipper, 3.43 in the morning and crying my heart out because of your ff
Let me continue with my sorrow and tears for awhile...
Oh my poor heart
Chapter 1: One of the best fanfic I have read so far! I love it! I love how you delivered Hyesung's confusion and his struggles about loving a guy! First denial, then confusion then eventually giving in to love!... who can resist Eric, right? Hehe... love it! Thanks for giving us such a lovely story author-nim! ☺
zhendy-mf #8
Chapter 31: aaawwwww, bagus bgt critanyaaa

tetap berkarya yaaaaa.....
Chapter 31: hi, i made a shinhwa ff recommendation. i included this story. i hope you don't mind. i just want to share the stories that i've read and love. good luck authornim.
guliee #10
Omona, this is sooooo good. 31 chapters and I can't get enough with these two! I need more. You're so good authornim. Thank you for sharing this beautifully-written-ricsyung-story <3