Chapter 8: Awkward First Move?

No ordinary Love Story..

Days had passed since I last saw Hyuna in IY. We have been busy with both practice and promoting the tournament for sponsors. But even though how busy I am, I still find time to look at her even from a far. And this night is not an exception.

 “Aisssh! Why are we always tasked to do the errands of the team?” Liam said in frustration. That’s right! Both of us are kinda like the slaves of the team.

“Coz we’re the youngest!” I told him as we were tasked to buy snacks for the team. It’s already 11pm.


 After buying the snacks, we went to the place I visit every night. Outside 4minute’s dorm!

Few minutes have passed and we were still standing there…

“Hey! We need to go. They are waiting for these” he raised the plastic bag he is carrying.

“5 seconds” I said wishing I could see just a glimpse of her.










I didn’t see her.


As I turned around, I bumped someone

“Oh sorry!” I immediately apologized. She’s wearing a cap.


But when I saw her face, I froze to where I am. Geeez! Damn the effect of this girl to me. It’s Hyuna a bit surprise to see us.

“Hi!” she greeted us.

“Hi pretty girl!” Liam told her. Yeah, they grew closer in IY. Lucky him!

“H---Hi!” here’s the awkwardness again!

“Liam, Joon.. This is our manager Joonkun Oppa. Manager, this Liam Oppa and Joon Oppa ” she introduced him to us. How I long to hear her say Oppa to me. I feel like I’m blushing.

“Hello!” We both greeted him and he smiled at us.

 “…What are you doing here?” I suddenly asked to her

“I think I should be the one asking you that. It’s late already” she passed my question to me.

Oh boy! I couldn’t think straight.

“Uhmmm…. We… I mean…. Uhmm…” I am stuttering with nervousness.


I could see that she’s waiting for my answer.


“We just passed by. We bought snacks for the team” Luckily, Liam is there to help out.

“Oh, I see.. Okay then, I’ll go ahead” she waved her goodbye. As she turned around, I felt the urge to say her name.

“Hyuna!” then she turned around to look at me with her ever so pretty face. God! Why is she beautiful in every angle?

What?” and again she’s waiting for my answer.

“Uhmm… I…..” I felt like a baby, first time to speak.

“You?” she said anticipating what will I say.

Oh, nothing” then I turned around with embarrassment.


But my mind is telling me that this is your chance! Grab it!

Then I faced her again












You want an ice cream!




Joon making the first move! Is this the start he's talking about?

Will she agree?

And that and more on the next chapters.... :)


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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 28: Can you update your story please, i really really like your story..
dawtnaksanda #2
Chapter 28: are u not gonna update yet?
Chapter 27: Joon confess when Hyuna sleeping.
Chapter 26: Now than Hyuna know how she felt? That was long enough. But I think Joon are all happy to able to find Hyuna sleeping beside him.
Chapter 24: Update sooner! I want to know what happen next!!
Chapter 24: Yaay~ you updated!! c:
Joonie so nice :3
Chapter 23: update soon pleeease really c:
Chapter 22: That was very sweet!!!!
Joonah4ver #9
Chapter 22: Hey guys! I really want to thank all of you who keeps on reading my fanfic! Your comments and reactions means a lot to me. It makes me feel as if I'm going good. (Hopefully, I am :))) Hope you continue to support my story! Thank you again! :)
Chapter 22: Joon was so sweet. Very touching way to get a confess from a guy