Chapter 22: We Got Married Ep 4: My Romantic Husband!

No ordinary Love Story..

Hyuna’s POV


Today is our free day so went strolling downtown. My members suggest if we can stroll around so I also agreed. How we miss having a normal life!


“Wow! There are so many people today!” Sohyun said

“Yeah. I wonder why” I also noticed it.


Then we continued walking ….


Then all of a sudden a man gave me a rose ..

“Oh, for me?” I didn’t expect it

He nodded.

“Thank you!” I said to him.


 Then I faced my members

“Wow, hyuna!” Jihyun unnie said to me

I smiled to them. Honestly, it feels good to receive affection from other people.


As soon as we started walking again, a received another flower but this time, i got it from a girl ..

“Thank you!” I thanked her.


Then again I faced my members,

“What is happening?” I asked confusedly. I know something is not right!

“Today is your day, Hyuna!” Jiyoon said happily.


What’s going on??


A couple approached me and gave me a rose


Then a man again…


Group of friends…


Highschool students …


A little girl ..


Even grandma and grandpa went to me to hand me roses …


I am now holding a handful of roses. Then they called me ..


“Hyuna!” I turned to them and guess what they are also holding roses.

“For the whinest, iest and cutest girl we all love! Hyuna!” then they gave me each of the roses they are holding.

Can someone explain to me what is happening?” I am puzzled actually!


I didn’t notice that there’s already a crowd surrounding us …


Then the music started, I looked everywhere where it is coming from. I saw how the crowd paved way for them …


It’s Joon with the Zend boys!


It’s like they set-up a live concert to where we are.


Joon is the vocalist

Liam is the rhythm guitarist

Innoh is the lead guitarist

Micky is the bassist

AJ is the drummer



NP: Joah by Jay Park


English Translation:

Oh baby, I like you so much that you’re driving me crazy
Just thinking about you makes me feel good
This feeling, only you can make me have this feeling
I want to feel it till I die
Stay next to me, I can take care of you, I can take care of you

I will always look at only you
Without knowing, I just start laughing
Oh baby baby baby baby
I want to shout out loudly

I like you, I like everything about you
From your head to your toes
Even each of your small actions
I like it all, I like everything about you
If I’m with you, I’m happy
The more time passes, the more I like you
I need you
I pray that I can be with you every day
I can live happily with only you



I was speechless. It was Joon singing for me! I can’t hold my tears anymore. It was the first time that someone did this to me. I felt special!


Then he went closer to me, smiing… he wiped my tears with his thumb

“Why are you crying?” he asked me.


Who will not cry with such romantic surprise? I thought to myself


“Remember, when I told you that I will prove what I said to you? This is it! I am not afraid to show to these people what you mean to me. I am proud to say Kim Hyuna is my beloved wife! Stop crying. You’re making me more nervous” I know how much guts he needed to pull this off.


I smiled at him.


Then Marcus handed him a bouquet of lavender colored roses with a touch of red roses.


“I was looking for a flower to give to you. I thought of giving you a yellow roses but someone said it is best to express my feelings in these colors” he gave me the bouquet. I feel so loved.

 “Did you like it?” he asked

“JOAH!” I imitated him.

We both laugh.


Then the crowd shouted something!




Then we both blushed. We almost forgot that we were in the middle of a huge crowd.


I was caught off-guard when he pulled me closer to him and kissed me on the side of my head.



Blackroom interview!


Staff: The surprise you did for Hyuna went viral!

Joon: Actually, I never expected that people will like what I did. While I was preparing for it, all I’m thinking is Hyuna’s response, If she’ll like it or not. On the day of my surprise, we almost didn’t make it because they arrived early. So we had to set up fast and luckily her members were able to distract her for a while as we are preparing! And I guess mission accomplished! *smile with thumbs up*



Staff: How does it feel that you’re the envy of many girls nowadays?

Hyuna: *laughs* I was really overwhelmed with what he did. I cried because it’s the first time that someone did such romantic surprise for me.

Staff: Did he succeed?

Hyuna: Yes. He made me feel how special I was to him? *laughs* Just kidding! Actually, I am curious on what is meaning of the colors of the flowers he gave me. *covered her face while laughing shyly*




*Hint about the meaning of the colors of the roses Joon gave Hyuna

Lavender means Love at first sight

Red means True Love


Its been a while since i last updated. Sorry, busy with school works! Hope there will still be people reads my story ..

Anyways, Joonah sweet moment here! :)


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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 28: Can you update your story please, i really really like your story..
dawtnaksanda #2
Chapter 28: are u not gonna update yet?
Chapter 27: Joon confess when Hyuna sleeping.
Chapter 26: Now than Hyuna know how she felt? That was long enough. But I think Joon are all happy to able to find Hyuna sleeping beside him.
Chapter 24: Update sooner! I want to know what happen next!!
Chapter 24: Yaay~ you updated!! c:
Joonie so nice :3
Chapter 23: update soon pleeease really c:
Chapter 22: That was very sweet!!!!
Joonah4ver #9
Chapter 22: Hey guys! I really want to thank all of you who keeps on reading my fanfic! Your comments and reactions means a lot to me. It makes me feel as if I'm going good. (Hopefully, I am :))) Hope you continue to support my story! Thank you again! :)
Chapter 22: Joon was so sweet. Very touching way to get a confess from a guy