Chapter 23: When Jealousy strikes (Hyuna Version)

No ordinary Love Story..

4minute is back with their new single “What’s your Name?” and they are busy promoting it.


They are preparing for their stage when their visitors came ..


Hyuna’s POV

“Hi” Liam is the first one to showed up

Liam!!!” We all greeted him


Then Joon and another man followed.


We are here to congratulate you and here” he handed me a bouquet of flowers and also to my members. Of course, mine is the most special one.

Aigoooo, Why are there so many ants in here? It’s so sweet!” Jiyoon unnie said as I gave her a serious look.

“Thank you, Joon!” I smiled brightly to him.

Oh, by the way, this is Thunder. He’s the brother of Dara” Liam introduced their friend to us.

“Hi!” he greeted us.

“Dara from 2ne1?!” Sohyun said a bit confused


“Oh yeah! I got it! Dara is very popular in the Philippines and Liam is a Filipino that’s why you’re close! Did I get it?”Jiyoon unnie then replied.

“You got it right!” Liam answered.

“Uhmm, Hyuna-ssi, I’ll wait for you okay?” Joon said to me.


After an hour ….


We just finished wrapping up our stage so I’m off to  look for Him.

“Where’s the waiting room of 2ne1?” I asked our manager.

“I think its on the left wing besides Miss A”


Miss A? I thought to myself… Oh no! Then I ran off …


I headed off the left wing. Wishing he didn’t see her. I know I’m kinda paranoid but … I’m his Wife, right? He should be loyal!


Then I heard familiar voices. I hide


“She’s so pretty!” I’m sure its Liam

“Yeah. And their stage is really cool. Oh, I mean its Daebak!” It’s Thunder this time.

“Yeah, you’re right!” That Joon he didn’t even boost about his wife’s performance.

“You now have a new picture of her. You can now change your Wallpaper” Liam even added.

That’s it! I showed up to them!

Hyuna? I was just about to fetch you” Joon told me.

I kept quiet

“Let’s go?” then I walked to the right side. I don’t want to witness it myself.

“Hey, the exit is here.” pointing to the left side


I gave him a “Will-you-just-follow-or-you’ll-be-dead look”


“Okay!” he surrendered.


As we were walking, the person I don’t want him to see showed up. It’s Suzy with Min. Jia and Fei of Miss A.


“Oh, Hi!” I knew it. They already met them.

“Hi Hyuna!” Min greeted. I even saw her confused look on why I’m with them.

“My wife!” Joon said happily even putting his arm on mu shoulder.

I just smiled. Somehow, I like it that he is introducing me as his wife.


While we’re on the car, I remained quiet.


“Are you okay?” he asked

“You must be happy” I told him “…You finally met your wife wannabe!”


“I heard you talking about how happy you are and that she’s so pretty and that their stage is daebak! Don’t deny it! You’re too obvious”

He’s smiling like crazy

What?!” I shouted at him for he’s not taking me seriously.

“You’re right. She’s beautiful, their stage was perfect and I am happy to see her! Want to see her? Here” he got his cellphone and tried to show it to me but I closed my eyes. I don’t want to see it because I know that if I see it, it will be …. PAINFUL!


“Hey, listen to me! I’m sorry. I lied” I looked at him

“Suzy is not my ideal type. I just said her name because you said you want Yoo Ah In as your husband and I’m not match to him. I was just tempted to say her name! I’m sorry! You know what you look cute when you’re jealous!”


“YAHHHHHHHHHHHH!” As I pushed him.


Yeah. I’m paranoid! I overacted. But at the end of the day. It feels good that little by little we’re finally opening up to each other. Yes. We’re getting there in terms of our FRIENDSHIP. Everyone started as friends, right?



Hi Everyone! It's been a while. . . 

Hopefully you're still there to read my story. 


Joonah's Status: Getting there! <3


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'Til my next Update! 


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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 28: Can you update your story please, i really really like your story..
dawtnaksanda #2
Chapter 28: are u not gonna update yet?
Chapter 27: Joon confess when Hyuna sleeping.
Chapter 26: Now than Hyuna know how she felt? That was long enough. But I think Joon are all happy to able to find Hyuna sleeping beside him.
Chapter 24: Update sooner! I want to know what happen next!!
Chapter 24: Yaay~ you updated!! c:
Joonie so nice :3
Chapter 23: update soon pleeease really c:
Chapter 22: That was very sweet!!!!
Joonah4ver #9
Chapter 22: Hey guys! I really want to thank all of you who keeps on reading my fanfic! Your comments and reactions means a lot to me. It makes me feel as if I'm going good. (Hopefully, I am :))) Hope you continue to support my story! Thank you again! :)
Chapter 22: Joon was so sweet. Very touching way to get a confess from a guy