Chapter 6: Sleepover in IY

No ordinary Love Story..

Joon’s POV

We just finished eating our dinner and we are getting ready to sleep. We are divided into 2 rooms: The boys and the girl’s room.

“Joon, could you please get my towel in our van? I’ll just some water outside” Liam pleaded to me.

“Sure!” Then I went out to get it. As I opened the door I startled when I saw Sunhwa with her facial mask on.

You’re reaction so cute.” She said to me

“I thought it was something” I replied to her. Wooooooh! She caught me off-guard there!

Then I headed out to get Liam’s towel.


As I went back, he just finished washing his face.

Here! I also got you water” he said while wiping his face.

“Thanks!” I also started cleaning my face.

I was about to reach the bucket of water he gave me. But---------

What?! Where is it?!

Liam hyung!  where the water?!!!” I shouted

Oh shoot! I can’t see!!

Oh geez! I let him hold my towel… Now what?! Liaaaaaaam!!!!!


Then I could feel someone is in front me wiping my face with a towel.

“Liam hyung, Where have you been? I can’t see! My eyes are hurting!! I thought-------” My jaw dropped when I saw whom am I shouting at.

“He spilled the water accidentally. He’s getting you another one” Hyuna said to me a bit shock with me.

“Oh Thank you!” then I took the towel for she is so close to me now. I need some breathing room.

“…… Uhmm.. Sorry. Did I scared you? I thought Liam is fooling around with me again” I explained my side to her.

“It’s fine. I’m going inside” then she left me. The whole time I was there I was just staring at her towel.


We are now in our rooms. I am still thinking the incident happened a while ago. Then our door opened up with Taewoo and the girls. They want us to play spin the bottle.


I can’t even concentrate on the game because I’m preoccupied.


Then the game began and Sunny is the first victim.

“Truth or Dare?” Taewoo asked

“Truth!” She answered

“Among these guys, who is the most handsome for you?” Taewoo asked her

Then she looked at the other girls.

Actually, we’ve just talked about that a while ago and we have a unanimous decision that their maknae, Lee Joon is the most handsome among them” and all of the girls agreed

“… He has these feature that could melt women’s heart plus that mysterious thing he has makes him shine in our eyes.”

Joon is overwhelmed with the kind words he received.

“Thank you!” he said to them shyly.


Then the bottle is spinned. Innoh is the next one and he choose Truth

“Who is your first kiss?” He blushed when he heard the question

Well, My first kiss is with my first girlfriend back in my high school days. I was about to compete and he gave me a Goodluck kiss? as what I call it” he answered

How about the others?” Shinyoung pointed to the boys       

“I think let’s hear it from Joon. He has the weirdest first kiss ever!” Stephen confessed

“Why?” Narsha asked

Come on! It’s just us” Shinyoung said curiously

Uhmmm. I got it….. from…. Uhmmm. I got it from a complete stranger at our school” he finally revealed it

“Really?” Hara reacted

What happened?”Yuri then asked

We are on our way to our locker to get our things for class when a girl went on my way then grab my nape and gave me a kiss. It happened so fast that she caught me off-guard” he continued

From that day on, he has this habit that if you startled him and he didn’t recognized you; he might give a punch like what happened to AJ when he fooled Joon” Liam revealed one of Joon’s secrets which made everyone laugh

“Luckily, he didn’t punch me a while ago” Sunhwa then realized she was that close.

“I’m sure that girl must be really happy. She got one on you!” hyuna said to Joon and he just smiled at her.


And after a long wait Joon finally took his turned to be asked, at first he thought of choosing Dare but he’s worried what s will do to him so decided to go with Truth


“Who is your Ideal Type?” Everyone’s attention is on him



“My Ideal Type is……

















Look at the Chapter pic! That's how Hyuna looked at Joon when she's wiping his face. :""">


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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 28: Can you update your story please, i really really like your story..
dawtnaksanda #2
Chapter 28: are u not gonna update yet?
Chapter 27: Joon confess when Hyuna sleeping.
Chapter 26: Now than Hyuna know how she felt? That was long enough. But I think Joon are all happy to able to find Hyuna sleeping beside him.
Chapter 24: Update sooner! I want to know what happen next!!
Chapter 24: Yaay~ you updated!! c:
Joonie so nice :3
Chapter 23: update soon pleeease really c:
Chapter 22: That was very sweet!!!!
Joonah4ver #9
Chapter 22: Hey guys! I really want to thank all of you who keeps on reading my fanfic! Your comments and reactions means a lot to me. It makes me feel as if I'm going good. (Hopefully, I am :))) Hope you continue to support my story! Thank you again! :)
Chapter 22: Joon was so sweet. Very touching way to get a confess from a guy