Chapter 10: Denial Queen

No ordinary Love Story..

Hyuna’s POV


I just went back from my mini-hangout with Joon. Actually, he’s fun to be with. At first, I thought he’s snobbish and arrogant because he’s quiet around me but he’s not with the others girls in IY. But now that I’ve spend some time with him, there’s really something about him that will keep you guessing. I am actually curious who his Ideal type in IY is. Maybe it’s Yuri or Sunny or Hara since they belong to the top girl groups in Korea. But a part of me is wishing that I am that lucky girl. I mean No! I didn’t think that. A little bit… Arrrrgh! Kim Hyuna! Stop thinking that way!


I shook my head to clear my mind.


Then my members came to me.


“Yah! Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you!” Jihyun our leader said worriedly

“We want to know something!” Sohyun maknae asked

“What?” I asked then they pulled me to the living room where ther are watching the IY replay with the Zend boys. The scene includes me and Joon.

“What?” I asked them innocently

“What do you call this glow in your eyes ” Gayoon said pointing my face on the screen

“Huh? Glow in my eyes?” I can’t really hide anything from my members. They can sense everything.

“Yeah! Like you’re blushing!” Sohyun then added

“Kim Hyuna!” Jiyoon shouted at me for I’m not answering them

“What we’re just friends. Well, new friends to be exact” I explained my side to me


I looked at them and I can feel that they are not satisfied with answer.


“….Come on, guys! Stop making conclusions! We’re really just friends!” I can’t believe they don’t believe me!

“But you haven’t answered our question… where have you been?” Jihyun asked with a strict looked in his eyes. Oh uh! I can’t get away this time.

“Uhmmm…. I ... I….. ” Geez. I am starting to sound like Joon

“…. I just went out” I finally admitted

“With????” Jiyoon asked with so much curiosity. I don’t know if I’ll lie or not! But still they are my members.


Then suddenly I looked at the TV screen where the video is paused on Joon’s face.


“We knew it!” they all exclaimed

“You went out with him, right?” Sohyun then hugged me.

“But I------!”

“Stop lying! We know you well enough, girl. You have a crush on him!” Gayoon-ssi cut me off

“Crush?” I thought to myself. He’s handsome, kind and gentleman. He's every girl's dream man. Is that what you call crush?

You’re chemistry is really strong. It’s undeniable for new friends like what you say” Jihyun told me.

“We can tell that he likes you from the way he looks at you” Jiyoon said with her aegyo voice

Stop that! Your conclusions are going too far!” Man! I can’t believe this! These girls!!

“Kim Hyuna, stop being a Denial Queen! I know you can feel it!” Jihyun joined the teasing party of the girls.


The whole night they are all teasing me with Joon. As I lie on my bed, I can't help but to think if do I really have a crush on him? Will he like me too? So many questions running in my mind, waiting for answers.




Hyuna being Denial Queen here! :)))

Is the feeling mutual between them?

You decide! :)


Hope you like this Update! :))





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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 28: Can you update your story please, i really really like your story..
dawtnaksanda #2
Chapter 28: are u not gonna update yet?
Chapter 27: Joon confess when Hyuna sleeping.
Chapter 26: Now than Hyuna know how she felt? That was long enough. But I think Joon are all happy to able to find Hyuna sleeping beside him.
Chapter 24: Update sooner! I want to know what happen next!!
Chapter 24: Yaay~ you updated!! c:
Joonie so nice :3
Chapter 23: update soon pleeease really c:
Chapter 22: That was very sweet!!!!
Joonah4ver #9
Chapter 22: Hey guys! I really want to thank all of you who keeps on reading my fanfic! Your comments and reactions means a lot to me. It makes me feel as if I'm going good. (Hopefully, I am :))) Hope you continue to support my story! Thank you again! :)
Chapter 22: Joon was so sweet. Very touching way to get a confess from a guy