torn apart

Fall Of Destiny

A/N: finally updating ^^ 

my new and old  subscribers ^^ thank you :D enjoy this ^^ 


The car stopped near the beach. Without even bothering getting off, the aunt sighed heavily. Chaerin looked at the lady next to her "is there something wrong ahjumma ?" she asked worriedly.

The lady looked at her for a while then she moved her sight to the sea. The empty beach was calm and alone. You can hear the waves crashing on the rocks. At that exact moment, in that exact place, it was the only sign of life. 

The ladies in the car were silent, Chaerin waiting for the older lady to speak her mind out and the lady was encouraging herself to say what she got to say.

After a while of awkward silence, the lady took one deep breath, sighed and said "I brought you here for a reason..I'm sorry if I'm wasting your precious time ..but I think I have to tell you this..I'm not supposed to let this out or tell it to someone but my age ..I think when I see something wrong I should not keep quiet and ignore it.."

Chaerin felt something big will be revealed, she felt something important but wrong at the same time. She waited for the lady to continue talking.

"do you know that Yerin was in the hospital ?" asked the lady. "huum" nodded Chaerin. 

"Yerin really does love Minji-ssi..when she visited her in the hospital..the look in her eyes said it all..the peace that got over her when she hugged her exposes what Minji-ssi means to her..she feels safe by her side.." 

"but if she loved her..why'd she leave her ? ..why'd she hurt her ? ..why'd she break her heart ?  ..why ???" asked Chaerin anger and sadness getting over her again.

"She was protecting her .." answered the aunt. "protecting her ? huh !!" said Chaerin mockingly "she broke her..".

"believe me ..what I'm going to tell you for you to help your's a heavy feeling in my heart and I think you're mature and caring enough to take care of it.." 

Chaerin felt it getting dangerous "what is it ?" she asked worriedly.

"Yerin broke up with Minji-ssi because she's sick.." said the lady. "SICK ?!!" asked Chaerin raising her voice a little. 

"Yes she's sick..she broke up with her love because she wants her to hate forget her..she said and I quote what she said "she will get hurt..I know..I'm dying because of's better than letting her watch me die.." ". 

"WATCH HER DIE ??!! what is she diagnosed with ??" asked Chaerin now sure that it's worst than she thought it is. "throat caner.." said the aunt with a low broken voice, a tear fell making her way down to her chin. 

Chaerin felt the vision through her shades got blurry. She knew she has to stop her tears, she hates crying in front of other people. She sniffed as her heart was breaking into pieces. 

She felt sad for what Yerin is facing. She felt sorry and embarrassed for yelling at her earlier. She felt guilty for blaming her without even trying to be a good friend for her. She felt selfish. She was angry with herself. She was broken-hearted, she's losing a good friend, she's losing two good friends.

She didn't notice the tears falling, she was spacing out. She felt the aunt touching her left shoulder slightly "Chaerin-ssi, are you okay ? Chaerin-ssi..!" the voice got her back to earth. She wiped her tears away "I'm sorry..I'm sorry for yelling at her and not trying to understand what's wrong.."

"I don't blame you were protecting a close friend.." said the calm lady.

"what is she going to do about it ?" asked Chaerin.

"it’s first stage so she has a chance, though she doesn’t want to believe it..she will go to US for treatment..".

"who knows about this ?" 

"only she, her parents, you and I" sighed the aunt "we were supposed to leave today but something went wrong and we're leaving tomorrow..I'll give you my number so we can keep in touch.." she added.

Chaerin sighed and nodded. "What will I do ?" she thought. The lady gave her number to Chaerin and she saved it. "I will find a way to help Minji and Yerin.." she thought.

"I'm sorry for what Yerin is facing..I'm sorry for being rude with her..I wish she gets better..I believe in her..she means a lot to Minji, unnies and me.." said Chaerin almost crying again.

The aunt started the engine and they headed to the mansion where the van was waiting for Chaerin. The ride was silent. Once there, they bid goodbyes and Chaerin promised that she will do something, she will try her best.

"please take care of her ..please..please tell her I'm sorry for yelling at her..tell her that she means a lot to us..please don't let her give up.." said Chaerin, bowed and got in the van. 


The aunt went in the mansion to hear loud sobs coming from Yerin's room. She walked up fast but the door was locked. "she needs to let it out" she thought and went away to her room.

In the 2NE1 dorms, the unnies were cooking some soup and grilled chicken for their maknae. Chaerin was still on her way and Minji was in her room.

She was sitting on the floor, hugging her knees and crying her eyes out, making sure not to make any noise because she is not even ready to get huggs and help from her unnies. She needs to be alone. 

"what did I do wrong ? was it because of the lack of time ? for not being always with her  ?.." she thought. Thoughts were driving her crazy, leaving is not a reason to break up. "whaaaaae-yoooo !!!" she screamed. 

The unnies ran out of the kitchen to Minji's room. "baby're okay ?" said Bom. Dara just hugged her.

"maybe..I'm just not good enough.." said Minji sobbing. 

"you're great baby mingkki..don't say this about yourself..never.." said Bom rubbing her back.

Chaerin made it home safely. She went up, entered the code and opened the door. She heard Minji crying in her room and Bom and Dara trying to calm her down. She felt the weight in her chest getting heavier and heavier. She doesn't know what to do.

She walked toward Minji's room to try her best and make her feel better. She sat on the floor in front of Minji and pulled her for a tight hug. Without even planning for it. Her tears started falling again. 

They hugged for a long time while the unnies were just watching them. They are not used to seeing Chaerin crying, it was quite surprising. It hurts their hearts seeing the youngest in their family crying like there's no tomorrow.

The girls tightened their hug and cried more and more. They cried for a long time before the Park sisters joined the hug. When they broke it, Minzy's shirt was wet because of Chaerin's tears and vice versa. 

They made Minji eat some food then she went to bed. After making sure that she is sleeping the other girls shared a little chat and went to their rooms. During the some time they spent together, Chaerin was spacing out and would just nod or hum when they ask her something.


Chaerin was lying on her bed. Dara was putting her head on Chaerin's chest, hugging her with her arm and putting her left leg between her legs. Chaerin was spacing out again. 

Chaerin was thinking about what she will do, Yerin is going out of the country tomorrow, but she has her aunt's phone number. Her thoughts were interrupted by Dara's little peck on her lips. 

"what's bothering you, love ?" she asked sweetly. 

"nothing's nothing ?" smiled Chaerin answering her girl friend.

"why were you crying ? it's the first time you cry in front of us hurts seeing you cry baby rin..and you've been spacing out all the evening.." Dara said sadly.

"I'm fine baby unnie..let's sleep now.." Chaerin kissed Dara's forehead and pulled her closer.  



It has been 3 days since Yerin and her aunt left to the United States. Her parents rented them a fancy apartment  and they sent 2 maids with them, a car and a driver along with 2 bodyguards. 

Yerin will stop her studies for a while because she needs to be go everyday to the hospital and the treatment will be really tiring for her. 

Since the day she left Minji, she barely ate. she was looking pale and in a mess all the time. She started her treatment on her second day there. She has been feeling totally lost and lifeless. She was lonely and just waiting for her death.

Every night, she'd hug Minji's photo, kiss her ring and cry herself to sleep.



Minji was not any better than the love of her life. She was not eating, not practicing well, not performing well, not talking, just pretending to be okay around others. She was smiling to the cameras and waving to the fans but inside she was crying. 

Every night, she'd hug Yerin's photo, kiss her ring and cry herself to sleep.  


That night, Minji got into her bed, pulled off her phone and went through her photos with Yerin. She was crying silently and suddenly she saw the photo where they were showing their rings. 

"why didn't she give me back the ring ?" she asked herself. 


After everyone went to sleep, Chaerin got out of Dara's embrace, went to the kitchen, brought some cans of beer and went out to the balcony. She didn't know what to do about Yerin and Minji. She was thinking deeply about the problem, as a leader and as a friend. 

She took a sip of the can she was holding with her right hand. She felt two arms back hugging her. She turned around and saw her love's caring face greeting her.

"won't you tell me what's wrong ?" asked Dara turning to face Chaerin. 

"Go wake Bommie unnie..we need to talk .." said Chaerin with a serious tone. "be careful from waking baby mingkki up.." she added. 

Dara just nodded and went inside to wake Bom up.



You like it ?? I hope so ^^  thank you for reading :D

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Timea583 #1
Chapter 24: wow,again perfect chapter :)and thank you! :D
whatever1 #2
Chapter 24: Yay this is the best
Timea583 #3
Chapter 23: dont worry,this is amazing story :)fighting!:D
Timea583 #4
Chapter 21: amazing :)you are really good!