
Fall Of Destiny

A/N: try Gummy's "fates" with this..the song is really great and Gummy sad voice is perfect.

I am so sorry..enjoy it ^^



At the middle of the night, Yerin woke up sweating like a pig. She looked at the alarm clock on the night table, it says "3:17". She stood up slowly, not able to move her body. She tried to stand up properly but it was so hard. With difficulty, she walked towards the bathroom. She the lights and looked at herself in the mirror. The blurry image of her face showed that it was as pale as a withered lemon skin. Her eyes were extremely red. She felt aching in her head and a sharp feeling was spreading all over her neck and her spinal column.

She went down stairs to look for something for her ache or just drink some water. The maids were sleeping when they heard the sound of a tumble. They rushed out only to find their young miss lying at the bottom of the stairs without making a move. They freaked out and called the emergency number. They also called her parents who didn't answer. Who knows..maybe they are somewhere partying. 

The doctors checked the girl, she had no broken parts, only some bruises, but, on the X-ray images, there was something suspecious on her neck area.They immediately did her an MRI and there was the surprise. There was the moment that will change everything. Where are the wonder lands ? Where are all the dreams ? 

The doctor called the maid and bodyguard who were waiting outside. He asked them their relativity and he told them he wants her parents. After knowing that they were out of the country, he decided to keep the informations till the patient wakes up. 

Yerin opened her eyes slowly to find herself in a white room, laying on a small bed and still not able to move. She looked around to recognize the old woman sleeping on the small couch. "Auntiiiie!!" She called with a weak voice. The old lady woke and looked at her niece. "You are awake finally .." she said sweetly approaching the girl. She kissed her forehead and looked at her with eyes full of mixed emotions. She was able to see sadness, concern, worry, happiness and relief in her aunt's eyes. Yerin's intuition made her suspect a lot of things but she kept silent and managed to draw a little fake smile on her face. "How are you feeling now ?" asked the aunt.

"I don't know..I'm in pain..where am I ? I mean..why am I here ?" asked Yerin.

"You lost conscious and fell off the stairs in the middle of the night..the maids and bodyguard brought you here and you've been sleeping for almost 2 days now.."

"what ?? 2 days ?!!" exclaimed Yerin not believing. "yes..2 days.."said her aunt with a calm voice. "let me go and call the doctor now..I will bring me some coffee too.." She said and left the room.

She went to the doctor. "Hello sir .." "Hello.." replied the Doc.

"She's awake now..please don't be harsh on her.." she said as a tear fell from her eye. "I can't be there..I won't be strong enough.." she added and walked away. Her tears started falling hard and she just ran away.

"Hello young lady.." said the doctor smiling to the girl laying on the bed. "She's too beautiful and young.." he thought and sighed.

"How are you feeling today ?" he asked. "I don't know..I remember that I woke up feeling ache through my spinal column up to my neck and I felt dizzy..that's all". The doctor sighed. He sat next to the girl and looked at her. He faked a smile. He has been through this several times, but never with a young lady and he never told his patients. He always tells the relatives and be there when they tell the patient. But now he gotta do it himself. He told her aunt who showed up after the maid called her that night. It was hard on her. Now he gotta tell the girl.

"What's wrong doctor ?" asked the confused girl. The look in her aunt's eyes and now the doctor! "You're a strong girl.." said the doctor.."you are young, you are strong, and you have faith in god, yourslef and life, right ?" she just nodded. The doctor sighed once again "you are sick, but you can beat it, you are able to do it.." he then stopped and thought " why am I having this kind of speech now ? I'm not used to be this emotional ! but ..." he was interrupted by the girl who asked "what am I diagnosed with ?" .."cancer.." the doctor replied.

Silent hell replaced the sound. You can't even hear the breath going in and out. Yerin looked at the doctor and asked "you're kidding ..right ?" he ducked his head and shoke it lightly. She forced a smile and asked "who knows ?"

"your aunt.." he said.

"please ..don't tell anyone else.." she said with her voice cracking. "can you plese leave me alone for a moment ..please ?"

The doctor stood up and walked out. He felt something heavy in his chest, it was saddeness. Yerin looked at the middle aged man going out. She was shocked. She couldn't react. She couldn't cry nor laugh. She is still not believing. "I am 20.." she told herself with a low voice. 

Her aunt opened the door and went in. she looked at her niece, eyes swallowing, running nose and sad face. She tried to force a smile. She was tring to stay strong for her beloved young girl. She took a sit next to her. Held her hand and kissed her forehead. She looked at her ans said " You are strong..I believe in you.."

Yerin always wanted to die. Since her grandmother's death, she only thought about meeting her in the other world. Then, someone appeared. Someone made her want to live, someone to live for. To smile whenever she thinks about them. It has been 12 years since her grandmother's death and 2 years since she felt alive again. She still remember that rainy night. 




It was raining. Yerin's parents left to the US. Before leaving, the had a big fight. She wore her shoes and ran out without even wearing a coat or taking an umbrella. She ran to the place she goes to everytime she's breaking down. The Han river.

Minzy was an 18 years old girl. She has been a part of a famous korean girl group, 2NE1. She was young but fierce and stubborn. Using some aegyo, she'd get whatever she wants. She went to their manager and asked him to let her drive the van to the Han river. At first, he totally disagreed. She has a license but she hes never drove a car before that night. She insisted and used all her power and aegyo. He agreed after a long time of pleading and puppy eyeing him. She took the keys and started the engine. Near to the Han river. She was not speeding, it was blurry. Suddenly, a running shadow passed in front of the car and Minzy hit it. She rushed out of the car crying. she looked at the body and it was abeautiful girl. She seemed at the same age as her. She called 119 and waited for the ambulance to come. In the meantime, she called her bestfriend and unnie. She was sobbing hard. "unnie..Bom unnie.." 

"what's wrong baby ??"asked the unnie worried. 

"I killed a girl .."

"WHAT ?!!!!!!"  "Where are you ?" asked Bom who was a part of the same group as Minzy. She was the eldest and the closest to the maknae. 

"I am at the Han river." wait..I'll be there.

"no..I will go to the hospital..come to the hospital.." answered the maknae as the ambulance came. She locked the car's doors and went with the "lifeless" girl she hit.

In the hospital. Minzy was sobbing hard as she doesn't know what to do. Just waiting for Bom to show up. she was afraid. "Baby mingkki.." said the voice. Minzy looked up to see her unnies coming. They were all worried. Bom hugged Minzy as Dara caressed her hair. "Stop crying baby mingkki..everything will be okay..tell us what happened.." said the Leader, CL as she put her hands on the crying girl's shoulders.

Minzy told them what happened. Their worry increased and they just waited for the doctor to come out. He came out and told them that the girl is okay. She broke her leg but she is okay. Minzy stood up and asked him to go in. He let her. Only her. As she walked in, she felt  a warming feeling. "why am I feeling like this ? maybe because she will be okay ?!! cause I didn't kill the girl !!" she thought. Once she saw the girl's face, she felt so attracted to her. 

She greeted the girl and bowed "he..hello..I am so sorry..believe me ..I am so so sorry.." she said as tears started running down her face. The girl, without looking. Not because she didn't want to, but because she was not able to move fast said "It was my fault..it's okay..I ma okay.." She heared the girl standing in the room sobbing. "Don't cry..I am okay..you won't be in trouble..okay ? I will not go to the police or something..okay??"

Minzy felt even more attracted to the girl but she felt guilty and sad as well. "you don't even want to look at me..I am a criminal..I almost killed you.." said the girl stiil crying.

"I can't move..it hurts..that's why I am not looking at you..please turn here so I can see you.."  The girl turned and bowed and Yerin gasped as she saw the idol standing in front of her. " Omo..Omo..annyeong Minzy-shi !!" said Yerin with a little smile. 

Minzy's look was priceless. She was surprised, sad and happy at the same time. And now, she's sure she is attracted to the girl after she saw her smiling. She felt like it was someone she knew since forever. "You recognize me ?" she asked. 

"My favorite girl group ever!! My favorite group ever!! Minzy-shii.."  Minzy smiled and said "Oh my god..thank you ..I am so sorry.." 

"I said it's okay..don't worry..please take a sit..I am happy that you are the one who almost killed me.." Yerin said chuckling.

That accident started a friendship. They became best friends. Minzy filled Yerin's life. Yerin completed Minzy's life. They thought it's "friendship" before realizing it was "Love". They confessed to each other after one year and nine months.


End of FlashBack


"call me the doctor please..auntie..I need to know what can I do .." said Yerin to her aunt. The sad aunt went out and called the doctor. He came back and looked at the girl. She was not crying, doesn't look sad. She didn't show any emotion. It made him more sad. 

"Doctor..do I have a chance ?" said the girl. "Yes..you should go under some treaments.. you should stay strong and hopefully..you will be cured.." 

"what kind of treatment ?" 

"it's an early-stage throat cancer..radiation therapy may be the only treatment necessary.." said the doctor.

"when should I start ?" asked the girl. "this girl is so mature" thought the doctor before answering. "Today, you will go home...come back tomorrow and we will make an appointement..you will be okay.." he said as he handed the girl his business card. He then greeted the ladies and left. 

"Aunt..don't tell anyone.." said Yerin. The aunt nodded with a sad face. The door knocked than the crying girl opened it and went in. She ran towords the sick body laying on the bed and hugged it. "You worried the hell out of me baby..I was dying to know where were you ?? I called every minute..no answwer..I went to your home..no one was there..I called again..went to your school..and back to your home...the maids told me what happened..are you okay ?" asked Minji sobbing. 

The aunt was left dumbfounded as Yerin hugged her girl back and rubbed her back " I am okay baby..don't worry..I am okay..I was sleeping for 2 days..resting.." She said as she signaled to her aunt to not say a thing. 

Minji was hugging Yerin for minutes, without a word. She then realized someone else was in the room. she looked around and saw Yerin's aunt. "annyeonghaesyo.." she said bowing. "annyeong.." said the old woman and bowed her head. 

"Minji, this is my aunt..Aunti ..this is Minji..my girlfriend..don't tell people..mom already knows.." said Yerin introducing them to eeach other. "nice to meet you.." said Minji with a blush on her face.."nice to meet you too" said the old woman. Minji gave her girlfriend the bouquet of flowers she was holding and the chocolate. "I brought these for you...I am sorry I didn't come earlier. I am so sorry.." said Minji and started crying again.



A/N: what do you think about this ? how did you feel reading it ?

I hope you enjoyed it ^^ sorry !! and..I cried writing this kk~~

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Timea583 #1
Chapter 24: wow,again perfect chapter :)and thank you! :D
whatever1 #2
Chapter 24: Yay this is the best
Timea583 #3
Chapter 23: dont worry,this is amazing story :)fighting!:D
Timea583 #4
Chapter 21: amazing :)you are really good!