"before I hit the great sadness"

Fall Of Destiny

A/N: reading this while listening to Airbag- Tablo <3 <3 <3 


It was time  for Yerin to leave the hospital. The car was waiting for her. The bodyguard helped her with all her things and they left, her aunt,Minzy and She. On their way home, Minzy and her were holding hands all the time. Minzy pulled Yerin to her embrace. Yerin rested her head on her lover's chest and closed her eyes enjoying the moment.

Sadness was intense, but she tried hiding it all. Though her tries, Minzy still felt not okay and she was sure it was not because her girlfriend was in the hospital, but something bigger. Something bigger was coming and she was trying to figure out what it will be. 

She tightened her hug unintentionally, her heartbeats speeded up and she sighed heavily. Yerin tilted her head and looked at the sad gaze in her holder's eyes. She felt pain in her heart, she wasn't able to see her sad.

"If I tell her..what will happen ?!! I can't tell her..I can't ..I just CAN'T !!!" she said the three last words loudly wihtout meaning it and hugged her girl tight, as tight as she can.

Minji rubbed her back and kissed her head "you can't what ?" she asked with concern. Yerin looked at her with a nervous face. She kept silent for moments thinking about a lie then she said "I can't what ?!!" with an exclamaition mark on her face. "you just screamed I just can't loudly..I am asking you you just can't what !!" 

"I don't know..maybe I was daydreaming  .." that's all what Yerin thought about as a lie. She can't think about anything fast. Sadness is filling her mind. 

"we'e here.." said her aunt sweetly. The ladies left the car with the bodyguard following them with Yerin's things. "Aunt..we're gonna go upstairs to my room..okay ?" asked Yerin politely. "Okay.." that's all what the aunt said.

Her mind was not working as well. She thought about everything and didn't find an answer. Her niece is a young sweet girl, isn't it too early to lose her ? And Yerin asking her not to tell anyone is the worst part. She is staying strong for Yerin but she needs someone to run to and cry out loud. she needs someone to tell her pain. But NO !! Yerin said no. 

The room was clean and tidy. The maids changed the bed covers to pink with teddy bears ones, the curtains from grey to light blue and the puff to pink and blue. "The room feels alive !!" commented Minji. "at least something is.." thought Yerin loudly.

Minji gave her a "what do you mean baby???" look. "Screw thinking out loud.." thought Yerin. " Nothing" she said faking a smile. Yerin threw her things on the bed and herself on the blue puff. Minji sat next to her on the pink one.

"your clothes match with the room." said Minji breaking the awkward silence. Yerin was wearing black shorts and a pink hoodie. Underneath the hoodie she was wearing a navy blue sleeveless shirt.

"your clothes match with mine.." replied Yerin. Minji was wearing blue jeans, black hoodie and pink sleeveless shirt. "that's because we are meant to be.." said Minji and kissed Yerin's blushed cheeks. 

"Because we are meant to be.." the line repeated in Yerin's head. "Because we are meant to be..are we ? but ...!!" she felt millions of swords digging in her chest. She felt pain. She's dying. She looked at Minji who was staring at her.

Minji wanted to know what Yerin was hiding. Yerin knew what Minji is thinking about so she decided to make her stop. "do you know why I like hot pink though it's a girly color ?" she asked. 

"why ?" 

"becuse it's our fandom's official color .." said Yerin smiling. Minji pecked on her lips and smiled as well. "I love you.." She said and held Yein's hand. "I love you too.." she replied bitterly and tightened her grip on Minji's hand. 

"I just want you to be happy.." said Minji and sighed. "I will always do the best for you baby.." said Yerin. Bom called Minji reminding her of the press conference they will have that afternoon. 

Minji excused herself because she had less than two hours till the event. "Take your meds baby ..okay ?" 

"okaaaaay..." said Yerin nodding. "don't do anything..just rest..take good care of yourself..I will call you..okay ?"

"okaaaaay~~~" Minji petted her girlfriend's head and kissed her forehead saying "good girl..my baby girl is a good girl..bye now..I love you."

"I love you more .." replied Yerin. She sent Minji out even though Minji insisted to go by herself. But Yerin didn't feel like letting her go. She wanted to hug her and make her stay. she needed company. she will maybe not say a word but she needed Minji's company. 

Minji didn't want to go. she wanted to hug Yerin and just stay with her. She felt like she needed company. She knows that Yerin will stay silent, but she wanted to stay.

Yerin went back to her room. She began her research about her sickness. She scrolled through dozens of pages. She looked everywhere. She was so absorbed by what she's doing that she didn't see her aunt standing by the door, she didn't hear her calling to eat dinner. She was in another complete world, full of chaos and pain. 

She gasped at the feel of a hand on her left shoulder. She tilted her head to see her aunt standing by her side. "Let's go and eat.." Yerin was going to say no, but before answering her aunt whispered her voice cracking "pleeease..". 

Yerin stood up and hugged her aunt. They walked down stairs straight to the dining room. The dinner was some rice, grilled meat, soup and some other side dishes. Yerin was barely eating, same goes with her aunt. They were only staring at food. 

"I am full..excuse me.." said Yerin leaving the table after bowing politely to her aunt and a tear fell on the ground. She went back upstairs. Her phone was ringing.

"Hello baby.." said Minji.

"hey hun..how is it going ?" replied Yerin her voice shaking.

"I'm okay..but what's wrong with your voice ?" 

"I'm just tired baby..don't worry.." she lied

"but I told you to rest !!!"

"I was downstairs dining ..I will sleep now..so I will feel better !!" she lied again. "I hate lying to you.." she thought.

"I miss you already..my Yerin..only mine.." 

"I miss you too ..my Mingkki..only yours..forever..till death seperates us.." Yerin didn't know why she mentioned death.

"we're still young for death baby..you still have a lot of time with me ..kkk~~" chuckled Minji. Yerin sighed. The heavy feeling on her chest is killing her. What she'll we do with her other half ? Will she tell her ? Or she will just let it go ?!

"Baby..I am so tired..I gotta sleep..I am so missing you.." said Yerin.

"Okay baby..goodnight..baby goodnight..baby goodniiight..don't wanna say goodbye ..don't wanna say goodbye~~!!" She sang. "I love you.." said Yerin.

"I love you more .."

They both hang up the phone at the same time. Yerin went back to her PC. She sat there for more four hours. When it's 1am, she went to sleep since she needs to go to the doctor on the early morning. She crawled in bed. Hugged the pillow and shutted her eyes. "I'm dying?!" she murmered just before falling asleep.


A/N: your opinion matters to me ^^

Do you expect a happy or a sad ending ?? bye~~

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Timea583 #1
Chapter 24: wow,again perfect chapter :)and thank you! :D
whatever1 #2
Chapter 24: Yay this is the best
Timea583 #3
Chapter 23: dont worry,this is amazing story :)fighting!:D
Timea583 #4
Chapter 21: amazing :)you are really good!