this is my girlfriend

Fall Of Destiny


I opened my eyes, looked around, I can't remember anything, "how did I fall asleep? I had a beautiful dream, I wish it was true.." then a sweet voice snapped my thoughts "it wasn't a dream hun, finally you wake up, come on, I made you breakfast." I saw someone approaching me, it's Minzy, it really wasn't dream, she bent and pecked my lips, I blushed.
"good morning" I said.
"good morning, now leave the bed, it's already 9 am, I've been awake 2 hours ago."
"seriously ?"
"no, just 1 hour" she chuckled.
 I left the bed and I walked towards the bathroom where I found out that am not wearing a shirt. it was surprising.
"don't worry, we didn't make love last night, we just kissed fiercely and it was so good, but how comes that you were unaware when you were sober?" she was laughing on me.
"no, I remember, but it was too perfect to be real, you know.."
"yeah, that's what I said when I woke up beside you, come now, am starving"
we sat and started eating, but I was contempling her more than I was into eating, she caught me staring at her and she smiled widely. I held her hand and fed her. we were happy.
here I am in their changing room, holding a bouquet of white flowers and a packet of her favorite chocolate. they are shooting a new MV and it makes me happy, as a fan, they are finally coming back but seeing her working hard makes me worried about her, she loves what she's doing and being around the friends of her life hes good effects on her. 
someone is opening the door and here is my girl with a glad face when seeing me.
I stood up and hugged her. we kissed for minutes until a charismatic voice said "do you want a room?" broke the kiss. we blushed knowing that the one and only leader was watching us.
"hello unnie, how are you ?" I said bowing.
"I'm fine, actually little tired but still happy, you know. how about you?" Chaerin asked bowing too.
"I am super fine, especially after seeing my Minzy and you."
"so she's already yours ?" Bom unnie asked coming out from nowhere.
"hello unnie, yes, well, I'm totally hers but I don't know if she's totally mine" I said bowing again.
the chuckled.
"I'm yours, you know" Minzy said hugging me from the back.
"you're two are so cute, omo" Dara unnie said.
"kekeke~~ hi unnie" I bowed.
"you are blushing now" Dara said.
"well, you still have to share her with us" Bom unnie said teasing.
"of course, as long as you don't flirt with her unnie. hahaha" 
"she's my little sister, kekeke, never try to break her heart" 
"if you ever do, my fist, your face" the leader said threatening. I was quiet.
"why are you doing this to my girlfriend unnies ?" Minzy said.
"we are making sure you'll be okay" Bommie said.
"never worry, I can't do this to her, never. she's my life." I deffended my self.
"can I go out for 1 hour with my girlfriend?" Minzy said asking permission.
"yes, since we finished shooting"
"thank you unnie" I said.
"take care of our maknae okay? and bring her home before midnight" leader said laughing.
"okay sir" I said.
we left and they were laughing on Chaerin and the way I called her sir.
Minzy has already changed her clothes and wore some sporty black outfit. I invited her for dinner in our house, actually it was mum who asked me to invite her, she doesn't know that she's my girlfriend yet but I think she would accept that I'm into a girl.
"did you miss me my Yerin ?"
"what a question? didn't you find something better to ask me ?"
"why are do you avoid answering me ? didn't you"
"I'm not really sure if I do or not" I replied teasingly and she looks angry now.
"so why did you come ? you didn't have to come, you know, why am I even talking to you? please turn, I want to go to the dorm, I'm tired" she said.
"No sir, please don't" I stopped the driver from turning.
"you know I missed you my Minzy, how can I not miss this beautiful girl of mine! did you like the chocolate?"
"you said you didn't miss me"
"just teasing" I hugged her tight.
"yes, I liked the chocolate. the flowers too. thank you"
"no, don't thank me, anything to see your smile"
"all you have to do to see me smile is to be around, I really missed you"
"I'm here now" and I gave her quick kiss.
"we are here" the driver said.
"thank you sir" I said.
we went out of the car. and before opening the door I told Minzy.
"I forgot to tell you that I'll tell mum that you are my girlfriend" 
"but what if she doesn't like me or she doesn't accept it?"
"don't worry, she doesn't like you, she loves you" 
"Muuuuum..we're here"
"come in Rinrin"
"hello dear Minzy" mum said.
"hello Mam" Minzy said bowing.
"how are you ?"
"I am fine Mam, are you good ?"
"yes, I've been waiting to meet you again"
"me too Mam"
"let's eat now" mum invited.
we went to the dinning room where everything was ready.
Minzy sat beside me and Mum on the other side.
we were eating when I held Minzy hand under the table and said "mum..I have something to tell you"
"what disaster did you cause again?"
"Oh mum, you know I am a good girl" I said blushing after mum embarrassed me in front of my girlfriend. 
"yeah, I know..then what?"
my heart started beating fast, I took a long breath and finally said "well, I..I want t..t..tell you that I have a..a..a..."
"have a what ?"
"g..g..irlfriend" mum stopped eating and gave me that look of "really? and why are you telling me in the middle of the dinner" but she didn't say a word.
I continued "my girfriend is..Min..zy"
mum looked at Minzy and said "you? or another Minzy ?"
Minzy's voice cracked and she shyly said "Minzy me Mam"
"Oh, great taste daughter, good choice" mum said causing Minzy to open her eyes and mouth wide and I laughed loud seeing my girl's face.
mum looked at her and said "you should see you face on the mirror Minzy"
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Timea583 #1
Chapter 24: wow,again perfect chapter :)and thank you! :D
whatever1 #2
Chapter 24: Yay this is the best
Timea583 #3
Chapter 23: dont worry,this is amazing story :)fighting!:D
Timea583 #4
Chapter 21: amazing :)you are really good!