baby don't cry

Fall Of Destiny

A/N: hey sweet readers ^^ I'm sorry for taking some time to update..I was out of words and something is wrong with my hand..It hurts..

enjoy it :D 


Dara brought an over-sized shirt to Chaerin. She handed it to her "here it is baby..put it on..pallaae !!".  She, then, turned around to leave the room and go check  what's going on.

One step and she felt a hand holding her wrist. She looked back at Chaerin who was yawning, putting her free hand on her wide-open mouth. "help me wear it Ssantokki !!" she said with her sleepy voice.

"aiish this kid !! come here.." and she pulled her, took the shirt and made her wear it. "let's go now.." She was about to walk away when she felt Chaerin stopping her again. "what now ?" she asked. "poppo !!" said chaerin pointing her forefinger to her lips. She looked cute but it was not the time for kisses.

"are you thinking straight miss Lee Chaerin ? I'm telling you Minji is not okay !!" she said pretending to be angry on her.

"Oh am sorry unnie !! I don't know what was on my mind .." said Chaerin ducking her head.

Dara took her hand and drugged her out of the room. "What's wrong Bommie ?" she asked approaching the girls sitting on the couch. Minji's body was wrapped with a towel while Bom was holding her in her embrace, caressing her short, wet hair.

"love matter." mouthed the old unnie to the couple walking towards them. Dara took a sit next to Minji. Minji was like their little sister, well, she was the most mature but still she has a special place in all their hearts. 

They loved her and cared about her a lot. They were ready to fight for her happiness, ready to listen to her, ready to support her and be by her side forever.

Dara rubbed Minji's buck softly "what's wrong baby Mingkki ?" she asked with a sweet yet concerned tone.

Sobbing again, Minji was not even able to talk clearly. "She broke up with me..I don't know why..I don't know..she just broke up.." Dara and CL looked at each other then at Bom with a confused look. 

"didn't she say what makes her break up with you ?" asked Chaerin with her still sleepy voice.

"she said she's leaving to the US..she said it will be hard..a long distance relationship will hurt us both and we should just break up..". 

Chaerin kneeled in front of the girls, took Minji's hands in hers, squeezing them, she said "don't cry baby Minggki..".

She was interrupted by the weak voice "but I need her..our fate ends here !!!! huuuh ? who said our fate ends here ?!! why ?? maybe we're just not meant to be ?? No..we are meant to be..I know..deep inside I know we are heart hurts hurts..​ ".

Crying even stronger now, tightening her arms around Bom's waist and burying her face in her chest,  the girls didn't know what to do but to help her fall asleep. They even sang a children' song for her.

Finally falling asleep, Chaerin carried her to her bed and after making sure she's well covered, she left the room going back to her unnies. "what time is it ?" she asked.

"6 am !!" answered Bom. "SHE WAS OUT ALL NIGHT ?!!" asked Chaerin and Dara almost screaming. "keep it quiet ..girls !!" said Bom.

"She was out all night ?" asked Chaerin again. Bom just nodded and sighed heavily. 

"what happened ? what , do you think, made Yerin break up with her ?" asked Bom breaking the silence.

"I can't think about anything..she said she will never hurt her !!" said Chaerin a little angry. Dara took her hand to calm her down. "she said she's leaving .." Dara said calmly.

"but it doesn't make a good reason to break up with someone you really love..nothing is a  good reason to break up with someone you love..the only case is when it's the best for can't just break up .." she said her voice full of sadness, anger and confusion.

Silence again. After a while, Dara said "we don't have schedule today, right ? only practice ?" 

Chaerin and Bom nodded. "let's not wake Minji up, let her rest.." added Dara. " I was thinking about it too.." said CL.

"Okay..let' go and prepare yourselves now..I'll make breakfast .." said Bom and headed to the kitchen.

Chaerin took her usual quick shower while Dara changed her clothes.

Coming to the kitchen, they found the table already prepared and Bom changed her clothes as well. She made breakfast for Minji too.

"thank you unnie.." said Chaerin with a broken smile, still worried about Minji.

"thank you Bommie.." said Dara. "you're welcome girls, now let's eat or else we'll be late .." she said and the three of them started eating, but, the heavy feeling in their hearts made them lose their appetite. They literally just sat there looking at the food.

Before leaving, the put all the food in the fridge letting Minji's on the table with a note:


Baby Mingkki, you have today to rest, please eat your breakfast. We will be back early. We hope you're feeling better now.

We love you maknae.


Minji opened her swollen eyes hardly. She looked around the enlightened room feeling her heavy head. After a minute of awkward silence, she came to realize what happened the night before. She felt her heart ache increasing. She took the pillow from above her head and put it on her face. She, then, faced the wall and started crying again.

"it was a bad was a nightmare..!! whyyy ?!!" She screamed. She took off the wet pillow after sometime of crying non stop. She looked at the alarm clock and realized it was almost noon. 

"Oh My GOOOOD !!! I'm LATE !! why didn't unnies wake me ?!!" She jumped off her bed and left the room looking for her unnies. In the kitchen, she found the note. "Oh those unnies !! I need to change and go now.." she thought.

Some minutes later, she was ready to leave. She didn't eat a thing, she just left.

Not feeling good at all, she didn't call their manager, she wanted to run to the YG building. She felt like dying, with every move she made, every step she took, her mind was going wild, feeling broken and disappointed. 

The unnies were in the practice room resting after practicing for hours. "do you think Minji has woken up by now ?" asked Bom.

"I don't think so..she looked so tired earlier.." said CL. "I'm worried about her .." added Dara. 

Suddenly, someone opened the door and walked in. The girls looked around to find Minji standing by the door regaining her breath. the unnies looked at her with a surprised faces. She was crying, it was obvious. Bom stood up quickly followed by the other two. she walked towards her best friend and hugged her tight.

"how are you feeling now baby ??" she asked.

"It's killing me.." she said weakly.

"You were crying ..why did you come ?? we told you today is a rest !!" said Chaerin with a sad tone.

"we need to practice.." answered Minji.

Once Bom broke the hug, Dara pulled her for a tighter hug, then the other girls joined and shared a group hug. Their maknae's sadness made them really sad.

During practice, Minji was not focusing at all. She made lots of mistakes and took so many rests. Though the girls asked her to go home, she refused. 

The leader decided the will go home earlier than they thought they would because Minji is not in the right state of mind for practice. 

All the way home, Minji didn't say a word and that was the case all the day. She would only answer the other's questions. 

Once they reached home, Bom went to the kitchen to find Minji's breakfast still on the table. "Gong Minji!!!" she yelled calling her. Minji went straight to the kitchen knowing what Bom will talk to her about. The other girls followed Minji. Seeing the food on the table, they changed their stares to Minji. 

"You didn't eat a thing all the day ??" asked Bom, arms crossed. "I...I..ate ??" answered Minji.

"what ?" asked Bom with her mother-like tone.

"I ..I ..bought some food on my way to practice earlier.." lied Minji.

"don't lie to me young lady !!..stay here..I will make you dinner.." said Bom and pulled the chair for Minji to sit.

Minji just stared blankly at the empty chair. Standing there like a statue, she felt four hands pushing her slightly to go and sit. She looked around to see 2NE1's couple giving her a sweet smile and encouraging her to eat.

 Minji sat there and Bom started making dinner still with her clothes. Now and then, she'd look to see what Minji is doing and every time she was spacing out. 

She looked around to put the plate on the table but Minji was not there. She put it down and walked fast to Minji's room. she opened the door and found her on her bed putting her earphones and closing her eyes. 

She walked closer slowly and sat on the edge of the bed. She shook Minji slightly and took off her earphones "wake up baby ..why did you run away ?!!" She asked with a sad tone. Minji opened her eyes, they were red enough for Bom to figure out she was crying.

Bom kissed Minji's cheek and played with her hair "stop crying baby please, I know it hurts, but you're hurting yourself even more..are you trying to harm your body ?? you need food..go take a shower and come to eat..c'mon" said Bom.

"I don't feel like moving unnie..I don't want to eat..I don't want to think ..I don't.." She was interrupted by Chaerin who went in followed by Dara to check on the maknae. 

After some time of trying to make her eat, she said " please leave me alone..please..I don't want to eat..I'm sorry for being a burden..".

"you're not baby Mingkki..please don't cry more..please.." said the girls and left the room.



It has been three days already and Minji is not eating, not talking, is not practicing like always. It has been three days and Minji is not the same. It has been three days and Minji is not Minji.

The leader, can't take it any longer, seeing her maknae losing all life spirit, decided to make a move. It was 3 afternoon, after practicing, she excused herself to go and buy some things she needed. Dara wanted to go with her but she told her to stay and help Bom make Minji eat something.

Almost an hour later, the van was in front of a big mansion. CL went out, pulling her hoodie to avoid attention. She rang the bell and a voice responded.

After a little talk, the big door opened and she went in. She waited in the living room for some minutes then, Yerin appeared in her pajamas, eyes red, hair messy. 

She bowed "hello are you ?" 

Chaerin stood up and bowed back to her "hi..I'm ?"

Yerin looked at herself and said "fine ..what brought you here ?"

Chaerin looked at Yerin with a grin "fine ?? actually I'm here to know why you and Minji broke up.."

Yerin ducked her head and sighed. "I am leaving..that's the best for us .."

Chaerin looked more pissed "the best ? what makes you think it's the best ??" 

"I'll go away..I will not be around for some long time..this relationship will come to an end let's just end it.." replied Yerin.

"let's just end it ?? not even trying to make it work.. ? just giving up ?? how can you ??" asked Chaerin raising her voice a little.

"It won't work..I know" said Yerin still with low voice.

"you know ?? why didn't you know it won't work when you said you are hers forever ?? why didn't know it won't work when you promised to never hurt her ?? why didn't you know it won't work when you kissed her ?? why ??" said Chaerin almost yelling now. 

Yerin just looked at her doesn't know what to say, tearsfalling down. 

Chaerin stood up and before leaving she said "we trusted were like a little sister for us..we gave you our maknae and you broke her !!" 

She left the living room and was about to get out of the mansion when a voice called "young lady..!!" she looked around to see a middle-aged woman standing signaling at her to get closer. She walked back and bowed to the woman. The woman bowed her head back. 

"can I have a little talk with you ?" said the woman.

"yes ..of course.."replied Chaerin politely. 

"not here ..would you please come with me in my car ?" 

"okay ma''s okay.." 

Chaerin and the woman left in the woman's car. Yerin was left in the Living room crying her eyes out.

"I am Yerin's aunt.." said the woman. 

"I am Chaerin..close friends with Yerin's girlfriend and with Yerin herself.." answered Chaerin. The women shook hands.

" I know who you are miss Lee..".



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Timea583 #1
Chapter 24: wow,again perfect chapter :)and thank you! :D
whatever1 #2
Chapter 24: Yay this is the best
Timea583 #3
Chapter 23: dont worry,this is amazing story :)fighting!:D
Timea583 #4
Chapter 21: amazing :)you are really good!