
Guns And Promises

" Hmmm.. Bodyguard eh? " you said thinking deeply.
















" Hey Tiff, you wanna come with me to the mall? " Jessica asked her bestfriend. Both of them walking down the hallway..








Make way for the Princesses! HEY! MOVE! I CAN'T SEE THEM!




Tiffany sure gets prettier everyday :">




Babo. She won't notice you knucklehead



- Students spazzing over the two. Just like fans waiting for their idols creating a crowd-like paparazzi -








" Sure! Let's take my car then " Tiffany smiled.






Moments later.. Jessica noticed something..






" Fany.. Isn't that car following us? "


" What? Eottokae???? " Tiffany panicking


" Drive anywhere. Forget the mall. JUST TRY TO DITCH THEM! " Jessica ordered


" DON'T PRESSURE MEEEEE! " Tiffany snapped






They've been driving around and still being followed





" Are they gone Jess? " TIffany asked


" LOOK OUT!! " Jessica's eyes widened when a car appeared out of nowhere..







Luckily the two cars didn't crash..






" What the hell?! UGH! " Tiffany moaned massaging her forehead " You okay Jess? "


Jessica nodded fixing herself.







" Hey Tiff! Open up! "


" Key???? " puzzled face on Tiffany then the two girls got out of the car






" Hey baby.. Missed me? " Key continued arrogantly





Show-off  Jessica got irritated..





" We're you the ones following us?? " Tiffany asked


" I believe you owe me a date. I mean --- " Fany cut him off





" I've said this once -- I WON'T GO OUT WITH YOU! BACK OFF WILL YA?! " Tiffany snapped


" Hey. You've caused us half tank from the long drive earlier. You have to paaay.. " Key with a mishievous smile.


" HERE! JUST LEAVE US ALONE! " Tiffany yelled as she threw bills on his face


" Hahaha. Not with that.. " just then 4 boys circled them.. The other two held Jessica dragging her away from Tiffany


" LET ME GOOOOOOO! " Jessica resisting the strong grips but failed.


" SIIICA! STOP THIS NONSENSE KEY! " but he wasn't listening and leaned closer.






Tiffany's mind was totally blank and froze in the moment.. Just when Key was about to kiss the girl..






" OUCH! " massaging his head -- " WHO THREW THIS! " he picked up the stone he found which probably the object that hit his head..






A man walked to them wearing a black outfit and shades on.







" Get a room will you? "


" And who are you supposed to be??! " Key answered


" None of your business. Just let them go. "


" Who's he Tiff? Your boyfriend?? What does he have that I don't?! " Key turned to Tiffany for answers


" NO! And even if he is, he's a lot better than you are! "


" Babo. You lack everything. " Jessica added causing the two boys holding her arms to laugh a little.






Key glared back at his two friends. " GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! " charged towards the man in anger holding his silver bat.

To his surprise, the man just dodged to the left leaving Key stuck in the bushes flaming with anger






" I really don't play baseball kid "






His 4 friends trying so hard not to laugh at the mishap..






" WHAT THE?! -- GET HIIIIIIIIM! " then they surrounded the man hesitating to make a move.


They try to make a hit but the man kept dodging and ended up punching themselves.






All on the floor exhausted and bleeding. The man walked towards the two girls.. 






Who is this guy???


WOW. He didn't even hit anyone.. Impressive! 






Looking back at the boys..


" What? Want to get hit for real huh?? " the man held his fist up " KAAAAAAAAAAAAA! "


( Ka = Go! in Korean. I think. Hehe. I saw a translation once ^.^V Sorry if I used it wrongly -bows nonstop- )




Scaring the boys out of sight without breaking any sweat..





" Thank you sir -- Uhhh.. " Jessica stopped


" Lee Shinyoung " you said removing your shades


" Oppa sent you huh? " TIffany asked arms crossed


" I'm not sure but I was told to be your bodyguard " you answered formally


" Aish. Babo " TIffany shrugged






So much for being a savior. I knew accepting this job is a bad idea





" You know what? You're not worth protecting after all.. " you walked away


Jessica giving what-the-hell glare at Tiffany


What? * Tiffany mouthed





Cold Fany. What are you sayiiing! He's so hot! DOOOO SOMETHING!





" Alright! MIANHE! " Tiffany shouted





She's prettier in person than in the pictures in the email -- What am I saying?! She's a client. Keep it there..





You looked back " You should be getting home now Ms. Hwang "





How did he? --- UGH. What kind of a bodyguard are you?!?!






It was getting dark. Something caught your attention..






" GET IN THE CAR NOW! " you exclaimed pulling out your handgun from your back pocket.


Tiffany froze still.. " GET INSIIIIDE! " Jessica pulled Tiffany in and locked the doors.


" OW! It huuurts! " Tiffany holding her wrist still in daze


" What's wrong with youuuu? Stop being so stubborn! " Jessica scolded






" Who's there?! " you shouted walking slowly reaching the side of TIffany's car. A black figure started gunshots running away.

Unfortunately, one bullet passed your left arm. Not serious. Just a small cut.





" Hmm.. Whoever he is, he's not used to guns.. " you said holding your injured arm


" Oppa you're bleeding!! " Jessica pointed to your left arm. The two shocked from what they saw..


" No worries. Just a flesh cut -- But we have to move ladies. We can't use this car anymore.. Let's take mine. " and the two obeyed.











" What was that all about?? I'm scared " Tiffany buckled herself. " Me too.. " Jessica added

" I guess he's on to one of us.. " you said as you started the engine.. Or is it me??





Something appeared behind and bumped your car causing all of you to jerk forward





" AAAAAAACKKK! " the girls screamed

" What the? --- HOLD ON! " you commanded.






He anticipated this?? --- Clever. BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH!






You drove faster and found a dark empty alley and camouflaged your car. Turned off the headlights. Awaiting the enemy to pass by..

" ( WHISPERS ) Stay hidden.. " you said and the two bowed low out of view.




Suddenly, you felt Tiffany's cold hand on yours with worried look on her face..




" It will be alright. I'm here.. " you assured as you pushed a button which changes your car's plate number undetected..

You three waited patiently and see a black Audi slowly driving past you..




" ( WHISPERS ) He's gone oppa.. " Jessica sighed


" Don't be too sure yet.. Wait here.. " Tiffany wouldn't let go.. Held you even tighter..





No please.. You're already hurt..





" I don't want anyone to get hurt further.. " Tiffany pleaded


" Trust me.. I'll be fine.. Lock the doors ok? Please don't cry " Tiffany nodded wiping her slight tears..





Please be careful..




You set out quietly holding your handgun..





Who could that maniac be?? He must've left.. He's gone..





You walked back to your car.


" We're safe now.. " you said


" Oppa you're bleeding badly.. Let us cure you.. " Jessica worried


" It's fine.. I can manage Ms. Jung I've experienced this a lot of times.. And please don't call me Oppa. We're just in the same age " you explained




Jinjja?? Same age as we are?? And how did he knew my surname?? 


Same?? WITH THAT SKILLS?! Whoa. Really unbelievable!




Puzzled faces written all over the two girls. You decided to break the silence..




" Uhm.. May I drop you off to your house Ms. Jung? " you asked formally


" Ahh... Sure.. I'll lead the way.. May I also ask how you knew my surname? " 


" Oh. When I was given this job this morning.. The man somehow attatched small information about Ms. Hwang. You were there.. You're her bestfriend right? And also your father is famous around the Seoul industry.. " you said..


Jessica nodded  " Is there anymore in the email? " Tiffany joined.


" There was a picture.. Your school address.. Your birthday.. And a small detail with your friends.. The man was anonymous.. " you said remembering the email's details..





Anonymous? Hmm.. Only one epreson knew me like that.. 










" Goodnight Fany.. Thank you again Shinyoung and please call me Jessica instead " Jessica smiled





Tiffany was quiet..





" How long have you been like this? "


" Probably half of my life - - I don't really wanna talk about it.. "





Tiffany stayed quiet..


" Anyways.. Let's go to your house so you can rest.. "












" Are you sure this is the place?? Looks haunted mansion to me "




Something's not right..





" Aish. Of course I am sure of my own place! - - But why is it too dark? "




Where is everybodyyyy??





" I can't leave you here.. We're going to my place tonight.. "


" WHAT?! I have school tomorrow!! I can't wear the same clothes again you know! " whined Tiffany


" Then borrow extra clothes from Jessica in the mean time.. Contact someone when we get home to let them know you're okay.. Do you have any siblings? "


" I have a brother.. Aish. What's going oooon???? '





Such a disaster! I can't go with this guuuy! - - - But he's protecting me now.. I'll have to trust him..





" We're here.. '






WOOOOAH! This is a house??? Everything looks fancy!






You lead Tiffany to her room..





" Luckily I have another room here.. There's a towel in the bathroom and - - - you can wear my clothes for the night.. "


Tiffany blushed.. Looking down... " T-Thank you.. Uhh.. Your arm - - I should - - - " you cut her off..


" It's okay.. I can manage.. You can shower first.. Are you hungry? " Tiffany nodded


" Ok.. I'll just - - Go and prepare dinner.. " you left the room.. Geez.. Seems sooo awkward unlike earlier. At least she's safe so is my job and money.. Ok Ok..





Gosh I pity him.. What a loooong night.. Tiffany showered.

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Chapter 27: i loved the epilogue <3
Chapter 27: YESHH SEQUEL !!!!
Chapter 22: I think SungJae is the bastard... I THINK.. LoL xD bwahahahaha XD
TheLoneWolf #4
is you is boy or girl???
princeXie #5
Chapter 26: good work and you're the awesome author....
Chapter 26: I really really liked this fic! :D Good work author!! Don't stop writing!
ArielleKim #7
Chapter 27: I feel like it's not yet the ending, so Sequel is a must!!! ^^V
Chapter 27: SUCH A BEAUTIFUL ENDING Q______________Q
I'm so proud of you for thus kind of ending :'D
I mean this was so, so awesome - I mean I confessed to Jessica >.<
I mean Jessica >.<
Sequel? Of course! Me want one!