Do your job Shinyoung!

Guns And Promises

Morning came..






Tiffany sat up stretching.. " Shinyoung??? "     Where is he?


She saw a note by the table next to her..








Goodmorning Tiffany,

           I've already picked up clothes for you from Ms. Jessica.. It's in your closet.. I also made you breakfast..

           I will be out for a while -- You can take my car to school.. The keys are in the pocket of your clothes..

           See you later Ms. Tiffany                                    

                                                                                                       - Shinyoung







" Aww. He's up early for this?? It's only 8am ( SIGHS ) I wonder what's he up to.. "


She went to the closet and found a pink dress      Ohh Jess.. You know me too well     she smiled..














You were on another job. To kill another businessman. You made a new tactic. You introduced yourself as a client and wore decent clothes. Got passed the security and finally get to meet the man.




However, there were 8 men in the big room with you.




" Goodmorning. " the man greeted


" Goodmorning sir. " you greeted as you took off your glasses and put it on the table.


" I see you're applying for a job as head security.. How should I know that you're worthy enough? "


" Sir. I am skilled and trained well in my field to be the best.. " you boasted


" I can show you a bit if you would.. " you offered






The man thought deeply.. " Hmmmmmm.. Well then. Be my guest "










You stood up. " Sir may I please have an opponent? " you requested


" Kim Taehyung! Forward please! Now! " the man ordered






Your plan begins.. You beaten him to a hand to hand fight with difficult moves. You seemed to have impressed the man.


Quickly you grabbed your opponent's gun and shot the 2 CCTV cams out. The 7 guards responded but you shot them all in the right leg unable to move in pain.





Your target seeing all the action pushed an emergency button under his desk activating a buttet-proof glass shield surrounding him. Explains the circular design of the man's desk.





" You're intelligent.. But still.. Even if you had a cannon.. You won't be able to touch me. " the man said





" You've probably haven't noticed my glasses still in there.. What do you say if I told you a cyanide gas about to kill you to death in seconds? " you said as you pushed a button on your watch releasing the deadly gas.. The man held his breath for dear life but still got killed with ugly irritations on the man's skin.


" I'm done here.. " you made your way to the men's room and changed clothes of a janitor heading out of the building leaving everything in chaos.











" Hey Tiff, how are you? Good thing the dress fits you fine. " Jessica greeted


" I'm okay. Anything pink SHOULD fit me. Hehehehe " Tiffany laughed


" Obsessed. Haha. Let's get to class first  - - Wait. What's that in your hand? ( points to the handkerchief ) "


" Oh. This? I just felt tike having this in my hand.. It goes well in pink you know! " Tiffany defended


" Whatever you saaaayy.. " Jessica smiled






How are you Shinyoung? I hope you're fine.. 






Hours later..





Tiffany was daydreaming.. She got to her senses when Jessica elbowed her seatmate " Tiff. Seonsang - nim's calling you. "


" Huh? Yes seonsang-nim? " she stood up


" I asked you to read page 78. Read it for us. "


" Oh. ( reads page 78 ) "


" Good. You're with us now. "


" Mianhamnida Seonsang-nim " took her seat


" ( WHISPERS ) You spaced out again.. What are you thinking of? " Tiffany stayed quiet





= AT A CAFE' =





You were sitting in your usual place. By the window drinking coffee.. Having late breakfast since you picked up clothes and food for Tiffany, you went straight to work..





I still wonder who that man could be.. 




You were thinking deeply. Something caught your eye..

A black figure similar to that encounter last time..





Can that be him?? I Have to get him!  you hurriedly stood up making your way across the room where that man was.


Until you bumped into a waitress. You helped her up.


" Oh sorry miss. I didn't mean to - - " you looked to check the table again. He was gone.





Dammit! He got away again!





You turned your attention back to the waitress. " Are you okay? I'll just pay for the wasted coffee.. I'm sorry "


" No sir it's ok. It's my fault I wasn't looking.. "


You still paid for the coffee anyway " Sorry for the trouble.. Here.. '


The waitress bowed and continued her job..





You approached the table tha man was occupying before and found the man's black cap and a note.









He knows who I am! This is bad!


You got mad and crumpled the paper and went back to your table.






Tiffany shouted and waved at you with Jessica by her side smiling.





" What brings you here? "


" Our classes ended early. So we decided to come here. Jessica owns this place " Tiffany smiled


" Really? "


" Yeah. Do you come here often? I'll put you on the VIP list. Order anything you like " Jessica added


" I'll remember that " you answered with a straight face


" Something wrong? " Tiffany asked looking worried


" It's nothing "


" Are you sure? " Jessica joined


" Yeah. It's ok. "


" I still can't believe you're only 19! Tiffany told me earlier " Jessica changed the topic


" Well I've been through a lot but I managed to go on my own "


" Please tell us! We're friends right?? You can tell us! " Tiffany adds


" I was.. Uhh.. I came from an orphanage.. I lost my family when I was 10. There I met my first bestfriend.. He calls me Batman and I call him Robin. His name was Changmin. "





Oh.. Explains the handkerchief he lent me last night..





" And? - - " Jessica waiting.


" Mysterious men took over the orphanage and everything was chaos.. Boys were trained to hold a gun and to be chosen in the group but Changmin and I tried to escape with the other kids.. I lost him that night.. I tried to save him but he told me to run.. And I escaped.. "


" Where is he now? " Tiffany asked


" Do you want to see him? " the two girls nodded


" Follow me.. Let's get flowers first.. "










The two girls kneeled and offered flowers. You stood behind them quietly..


" Hello Changmin.. I hope you're in a better place.. " Jessica greeted


" Changmin-ah.. Thank you for saving Shinyoung.. If only you were here.. You don't know how much he misses you.. "





You were surprised by Tiffany's words.. You were about to tear but you held it in..



Sweet Fany..  " Guys I have to go.. Dad wants me home early today.. Thank you Shinyoung. " Jessica left



Tiffany stood up.. " You ok? "


" Yes.. Thank you Fany.. " 


" Welcome " she smiled..


" Let's head home? " Tiffany nodded








Finally! :) Hey there readers :) 100 reads! Ooohhh.. That was fast I just wrote this 2 days ago hehehe :D

Please subscribe or comment if you like my story VIOLENT RECTIONS ARE ACCEPTED :D

2 updates in 5 hours ( well time added when I was editing the past chaps and prolouge thingy )  hahahaha :))) Please do continue reading ^.^ Will be back after I eat late Brunch :D Been typing the whole morning for you guys :))


Keep supporting beloved Tiffany <3 hehehehe :))


Dorky author will be back \o/


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Chapter 27: i loved the epilogue <3
Chapter 27: YESHH SEQUEL !!!!
Chapter 22: I think SungJae is the bastard... I THINK.. LoL xD bwahahahaha XD
TheLoneWolf #4
is you is boy or girl???
princeXie #5
Chapter 26: good work and you're the awesome author....
Chapter 26: I really really liked this fic! :D Good work author!! Don't stop writing!
ArielleKim #7
Chapter 27: I feel like it's not yet the ending, so Sequel is a must!!! ^^V
Chapter 27: SUCH A BEAUTIFUL ENDING Q______________Q
I'm so proud of you for thus kind of ending :'D
I mean this was so, so awesome - I mean I confessed to Jessica >.<
I mean Jessica >.<
Sequel? Of course! Me want one!