Sherlock Holmes ^.^

Guns And Promises


Morning came and you got up early. You sat on the couch in the living room thinking..
How can we find her brother? Hmmm.. He just kept anonymous when I started this bodyguard thing.. 
" Morning! " Tiffany appeared in the living room and sat beside you by the couch..
" Hey. " you greeted " Seems like you had a good sleep.. " you smiled..
" Yeah. I did.. " she smiled back. " So uhh.. About my brother.. I still can't reach his phone.. "
" Tell me all about him.. What happened before he disappeared? "
" Well.. - - - "
He owns our company now.. My father died 4 months ago from a car accident and since then I noticed my brother acting different..
BREAKING NEWS: Leo Hwang into a big mess. Hwang Group of Companies in jeopardy? - - - 
" What happened to work? Something wrong? You know I can help with - - - " Tiffany was stopped by his brother and turned off the TV in front of them
" No! I can handle this. You just have to continue in your studies.. And remember: NO BOYS. " her brother said seriously opening a newspaper
" I know.. You have to rest.. " she pleaded pushing his tired brother to his room..
" I love you my sister.. I will always protect you.. Please understand " her brother turned and hugged her tightly
I was pretty clueless and I really can't explain what I felt that time..
" What are you saying?? " she protested " - - I love you too Oppa.. " she returned the hug
That morning was quiet and he left early. Then I thought he was off to work so I didn't ask the maids anymore and went to school..
" I'm very confused myself.. " Tiffany with her head down..
He's mysterious.. I guess he's hiding something..
" Can we go to his office today? Maybe we can find something there.. " you suggested
" Yeah. I guess so.. "
" We'll find him.. "
Both of you had breakfast and went off to the Hwang Building
" Miss Miyoung. " the lady bowed
" Stop calling me that! Anyways can I please borrow the spare keys to my brother's office? "
" My apologies Maam but your brother strictly ordered not to let you in his office.. "
Huh? Since when?? Weird.        Tiffany getting annoyed with the situation
" Uhm. Did he say anything about leaving? Where can we find him? " you added
" Sorry sir we're not allowed to give information but our boss has been out for days now.. " the lady replied
" I'm very sorry but that is all I can tell you Ms. Hwang " the lady bowed 90 degrees to show her apologies
" ( WHISPERS ) Calm down. Tell her we'll look around. I have a plan " Tiffany nodded
" I'll just go around then with my guest.. "
" Go ahead Ms. Hwang.. You can call us here at the reception if you need anything.. " the lady bowed again
" What's your plan? "
" We'll break in.. Do they have cameras there? "
" 2 by the door.. I don't know if the cameras inside are still working though.. Wait! What if we get caught? "
" Leave this to me. We won't be caught. I go through these kinds of things in my other job sometimes. I brought my things just in case " you holding up a black pouch bag
" Remember.. " you continued " - - We will slowly approach the office door since you said 2 cameras are working.. I'll do my thing but keep quiet because these cameras are sensitive to sounds and records them. Lastly.. Stay by my side ok? " you instructed
" You have my support! " Tiffany cheered
As you approached your destination. You took out your instant camera and took a picture of the area in the same angle as the cameras are positioned covered the lens for a second to tape the picture in place.. You did the same in the 2nd camera while Tiffany was quiet not to make a sound..
Wow. I didn't know these kinds of tricks are even possible in true events!    Tiffany pretty much amazed like watching an action movie up-close..
Then you started to pick the lock of the door..
" Done. "
" ( WHISPERS ) The room is too dark.. Should I open the lights?? " Tiffany hugged your right arm as you closed the door behind you..
" ( WHISPERS ) No. We have to stay hidden.. Also not to leave any prints here.. I don't see any red lights so I think his cameras are down. But we have to use flashlights and gloves.. " you said as you hand her a pair of gloves and a flashlight..
" ( WHISPERS ) I see.. Let's split up.. I'll go there, you check his desk.. " Tiffany instructed
Both of you wandered around the dark empty room.. You searched the office desk.. Filled with files and - - - A gun??
Hmmm.. Why does he own one?
Tiffany waved her flashlight and caught your attention..  She must've found something..  You went closer by the steel cabinet and
a small glass table..
" ( WHISPERS ) What is it?? "
" ( WHISPERS ) Look.. I saw my Dad's watch on the table.. So creepy. " she shed the light on the glass table. A silver Rolex
watch was there..
" ( WHISPERS ) Hey.. The carpet.. - - Why are there bloodstains here?? " you kneeled down to inspect the carpet..
Tiffany was terrified to what she saw.. Slightly tearing up  What happened here??
Someone was shot.. And I guess a struggle occured.. Explains the broken vase..
You stood up to Tiffany trying to calm her down.. " Be strong for me Fany.. We'll solve this.. " you rubbed her back..
Youngie - - -  is my brother dead??
Strange thing is.. This place hasn't been entered by anyone.. The room is so dusty.. And the vase should've been replaced by now by the staff..   
" ( WHISPERS ) There are cameras here.. Maybe there's footage of this incident.. Let's ask.. " Tiffany nodded wiping her tears..
You took back the cam pictures and locked the door as it was never been intruded..
" WHAT DO YOU MEAN MISSING?! " Tiffany snapped
" Sorry Ms. Hwang but we really can't find that footage.. " the man explained
" Will you please leave the room? We'll take over from here.. " you said seriously and the man walked out of the surveillance room
" I guess someone stole it - - Or deleted it.. " you said as you continued to search for the missing video on the system
" Who could it be? My brother never had any trouble with people.. " Tiffany frowned sat on a soft sofa behind her..
" Let's review.. " you sat beside the girl bringing out a zip-lock bag containing the gun earlier... Some suspicious transaction papers and photos from the bloodstains..
( The whole area with the broken vase and Mr. Hwang's Rolex watch in it's exact places )
" Is that from his d-desk?? " Tiffany pointed out the gun
" Yeah. I found it in one of his drawers.. "
" What do we do now Shinyoung? " Tiffany's voice cracked again.. She felt like losing hope into finding her only brother.. Her only family left..
" I guess we have to call it a day.. Besides I think you're tired.. Let's go home.. " Tiffany nodded
You packed your things and went down to the parking lot across the big building..
" Shinyoung.. Your car is missing!! " Tiffany exclaimed
" WHAT?! " your eyes widened to Tiffany's remarks.. You still searched for your car but yeah. It's nowhere to be found..
" There's no bus here to my place.. And in this time in the night.. We have to walk.. " it was already 9:30pm..
" Mworago?! " Tiffany in a puzzled face
" You heard me. "
" But it was a looooooooooooong driiiivvveeee " she whined
" Don't worry.. I'll carry you home. "
" W-WHAT?!?! B-B-But - - - "
" No but's. I'll carry you on my back. " you said as you squat in position..
" A-Alright t-then.. " Tiffany agreed and spread her arms..        Good thing I wore jeans today..
You started walking..       She's not that heavy.. I can do this.. 
Tiffany was turning red..
" Shinyoung? "
" Hmmm? "
" You won't leave me right? " Tiffany rested her head..
" N-Never.. " you were too nervous to answer her question..
" - - Even if you're not my bodyguard anymore? "
" Ye-Yes.. I-I'm not l-leaving you.. " Tiffany fell asleep on your back with a smile carved on her face..
You reached your house after 2 hours and a half of walking.. It was 12am..
She hasn't eaten dinner yet..
You put her to bed comfortably and went into the kitchen to prepare something..
Tiffany woke up with a grumbling stomach and sat up rubbing her eyes..
" We're home? Gosh I'm so hungry - - " she stopped when she saw a bowl of ramyun and a pitcher of water beside her with a note..
Hey.. You haven't eaten dinner yet so I prepared this in case you wake up hungry.. I hope you like ramyun..
                                                                                                                               - Shinyoung
" So sweet.. He's done so much.. " she said as she started to eat ramyun vigoruosly.. She was pretty much hungry that time and so thankful that it's still hot.. Not too cold. Just right..
Thank you again Youngie :">
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Chapter 27: i loved the epilogue <3
Chapter 27: YESHH SEQUEL !!!!
Chapter 22: I think SungJae is the bastard... I THINK.. LoL xD bwahahahaha XD
TheLoneWolf #4
is you is boy or girl???
princeXie #5
Chapter 26: good work and you're the awesome author....
Chapter 26: I really really liked this fic! :D Good work author!! Don't stop writing!
ArielleKim #7
Chapter 27: I feel like it's not yet the ending, so Sequel is a must!!! ^^V
Chapter 27: SUCH A BEAUTIFUL ENDING Q______________Q
I'm so proud of you for thus kind of ending :'D
I mean this was so, so awesome - I mean I confessed to Jessica >.<
I mean Jessica >.<
Sequel? Of course! Me want one!