I want to know you more..

Guns And Promises

After Tiffany showered..





AISH. I forgot to ask for clothes!





Tiffany peeked out and saw a pair of clothes on the bed.






Oh. Such a gentleman..      Tiffany smiled..

After fixing herself she walked out and followed the smell of food..





Gosh I'm sooooo hungry.. He cooks?? Hmmm.. I like him already HAHA.





Tiffany excitedly went to the kitchen..


" Smells good! What are we having?? " Tiffany popped her head beside you..


" Oh. Uhhm. Fried rice and kimbap.. " you answered


" OOOOH!! MY FAVORITE! - - and uhh.. How's your arm? " Tiffany looking at your bandaged arm..


" Never better.. Still hurts though but it'll pass.. "







Tiffany sat by the kitchen table.. Happy.. " Thanks for the clothes Oppa! " you were lost by Tiffany's bright eye-smile..






AISH. She's really pretty.. GOTTA - - SNAP - - OUT - - OF - - IT!       you tried to look away and concentrated on preparing the table..






" I told you.. We're of same age.. You don't have to call me Oppa.. "     You can be cold but you're too childish. HEHE







I forgot.. UGH. With that body? I'm guessing he's in mid-20's. Why do you have to SOOO look good in black V-neck clothes??! >w<







" You don't believe me? How old are you? "


" I'm - - - Uhh.. 18 "


" I'm 19.. Only a year older.. But still - - Don't call me oppa.. " you said as you hand Tiffany her chopsticks..





You two were quiet for some time..





" Is this your permanent job? " Tiffany breaks silence


" Uh. No. But this is my first time on a bodyguard duty.. "


" Really? What's your other job then?? "


" You don't have to know.. " you continued eating


" Pleaaaase? i really want to knooow.. "


" What would you say if you knew I'm a hired killer? " you said seriously..


Tiffany stopped for a while..





That's why I don't spill secrets.. Shouldn't' have told you that.. 


KILLER?? No wonder he's so skilled..





" And also.. You're - - the only friend I have.. "





Aww.. i feel sad for him.. 





" Say something please? .. "


" Hmmm.. I don't mind at all.. Call me Fany from now on I trust you.. " Tiffany smiled





That smile again.. - - You're a good person after all Fany.. 





Tiffany continued eating..


" You know? That smile of yours is really pretty. Suits you well.. " Tiffany blushed.. " - - I bet boys would line up to be your lover.. "


" Uhm. No. I actually don't entertain suitors for a long time.. My brother is really protective.. "


" Oh.. " you stood up holding your plate.. " Hmm.. Just knock when you need me.. "


" Goodnight.. "


" Goodnight Shinyoung.. Thanks again.. " Tiffany smiled







God Fany! Stop it! >.<








Hours later..











AAAAAAAACCCKKK! Thunder??! Aiiiiiiigooo. Great. The lights also went out!!!! Eottokhae?!?!    Tiffany sitting in the corner covering her ears.. Frightened as hell..



















Tiffany bravely got up to the door and sees you with a flashlight..






" I just thought maybe you'd  - - - "


You were stopped by Tiffany's sudden hug..


" I'm s-scared.. " Tiffany started to tear on your chest as the thunder gets louder










" Do you want me to stay here? " Tiffany nodded..







4 HOURS PASSED and still the lightning won't stop and it was pretty late..

Both of you in the corner Tiffany in your arms covering her ears stiff..






" I don't think the storm will stop.. '


God. She's shivering.. 





" Here.. My bestfriend gave me this.. It reminded me to be strong.. I hope Batman can help.. "


You pulled out your handkerchief and tied it around Tiffany's hand like a glove..





" B-Bestfriend? "


" Yeah.. He gave me that when I met him.. "






He's so sweet.. I feel safe in his arms..






" You should sleep now.. I'll be here.. "


Tiffany slowly laid her lead on your lap holding the handkerchief tight and closed her eyes.






Thank you.. Shinyoung.. 





Minutes later and you noticed Tiffany sleeping soundly with a smile on her face..






It's like you've been carved by angels Fany.. But I'm only a bodyguard.. - - -  who truly cares for you..



You carried her slowly not to wake her up to her bed and pulled the sheets over her body..






" Goodnight Tiffany " you said as you walked back to your room..


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Chapter 27: i loved the epilogue <3
Chapter 27: YESHH SEQUEL !!!!
Chapter 22: I think SungJae is the bastard... I THINK.. LoL xD bwahahahaha XD
TheLoneWolf #4
is you is boy or girl???
princeXie #5
Chapter 26: good work and you're the awesome author....
Chapter 26: I really really liked this fic! :D Good work author!! Don't stop writing!
ArielleKim #7
Chapter 27: I feel like it's not yet the ending, so Sequel is a must!!! ^^V
Chapter 27: SUCH A BEAUTIFUL ENDING Q______________Q
I'm so proud of you for thus kind of ending :'D
I mean this was so, so awesome - I mean I confessed to Jessica >.<
I mean Jessica >.<
Sequel? Of course! Me want one!