Great. She's in trouble now.. O.O

Guns And Promises

Tiffany woke up the next morning still thinking of Jessica.. She tried to call her but Jessica wouldn't pick up..


" Any news yet? " you asked


" No.. She wouldn't answer any of my calls or texts.. " she frowned " Does she hate me that much? " she continued


" Give it time.. She'll talk soon.. " you comforted





Tiffany went on with her unfinished work in her room.. Trying to occupy her time off Jessica for a while..








Since TIffany was doing homework you decided to answer the door..



" I'll get it! " you shouted making your way to the door.. Clucking sounds can be heard because of the not-so-heavy crutch you have..




" J-Jessica? How'd you f-find this p-place? " really surprised. The place was secluded and far off the highway..


" I followed TIffany home yesterday.. Long story.. " Jessica quite sweating.. She went there without her driver.. A box of strawberry cake in her hands..


" Peace offering huh? " you said looking at the pink box in front of him..


" D-Dae.. " she answered lowered her head a bit..






" Sooo.. Who's at the door Shinyoung? - - - " Tiffany walked out of her room still wearing her specs..

She removed the thing since she wasn't reading her book at the moment.. She glanced at the door then frozed a minute seeing a familiar face who came to visit..


Noticing the bland atmosphere.. You withdrew yourself from the situation..


" I guess I'll let you two settle this.. "



Clucking sounds were heard again as you went to your room to give them time to talk..




I'll go by the evidences again.. Somehow to end this and deal with that crazy maniac..






The two girls were still by the door.. Tiffany crossed her arms still disappointed of Jessica ignoring her yesterday.. Looking at the pink box.. Trying to resist herself to hug the older girl.. It was Tiffany's turn to be cold this time..


" What do you want? " a sharp eye contact appeared.. 


" C-Can we go in f-first? " Sica asked with I-just-want-to-explain face..


The younger turned around and walked to the living room.. Jessica just followed.. At least Tiffany didn't kick her out..




" Well? " Tiffany said in a sarcastic tone when she saw Jessica put the pink box on the small table in front of them..


The older girl faced Tiffany and held both of her hands..



" I'm sorry Fany.. "



TIffany wasn't able to react.. She stayed quiet and wanted to withdrew her hands back but she couldn't move a muscle..

She just bowed her head.. Her red hair falling forward covering her hiding the sadness and slowly gathering her tears..



" I'm really sorry Tiffany.. I had to be away from you for awhile.. Please don't ask.. " Jessica's voice started to crack..



" Huh? I don't understand you Jess.. " TIffany let her tears run down.. Jessica could feel the teardrops on her hands..



" Please Tiff I'm so sorry.. I really can't tell you why but.. P-Please f-forgive me.. " Jessica turned red.. Crying out tears..


" . . . . . . . . . . . "


" Please let me make it up t-to you.. " Jessica pulled her friend to a warm hug.. She wanted to express how sorry she is..


Tiffany on the other hand cried more and just buried her face on the older girl's shoulder..





* " I know you're bestfriends.. - - -  but there are things that are kept to oneself.. " *





Your voice echoed in Tiffany's conscience...





* " - - - Other than that, she'll probably tell you anything.. " *





The voices continued..


" Tiff? Tiff please stop crying.. " Jessica's voice brought Tiffany back to self thinking..


Tiffany hugged Jessica tighter..


" It's okay.. I-It's just t-that you're my o-only bestfriend.. I w-was scared to l-lose you.. " 


Tiffany thought of giving your advice another try.. Besides.. She felt better when she fought back with her ego back at Nami Island..


" I forgive you Jess.. " she continued..



Jessica pulled off to see Tiffany's face and smiled.. 



" Yah.. You won't be Eye-Smile princess looking like that.. " she said wiping Tiffany's tears


Tiffany smiled back in relief.. Thankful that they're okay now..


" It was the Ice princess' fault being cold yesterday that made me this way.. " she joked back..


" Aish. Let's just forget that. Hehehe " they both laughed


Jessica remembered the strawberry cake she had and Tiffany was so happy to see her favorite dessert in front of them..


" Let's invite Shinyoung to eat too! " Tiffany said excitedly clapping her hands

" Slow down.. Hahaha There's enough for you little red-head. I'll get him " Jessica stood up and walked to a door.. Unfamiliar she mouthed TIffany * This door? * pointing at the wooden door.. Tiffany nodded and went to the kitchen to get spoons..






" You guys already made up? " you said smiling

" Y-Yeah.. Hehehe I brought some cake.. Wanna eat with us? " Jessica asked

" Of course. Hehehe I'm hungry in there. HAHA " you laughed.. Jessica supported you to the couch..


Tiffany ran back excitedly with 3 spoons in hand.. Jumped on the couch sitted between you and Jessica


" Aish. This choding can't hold her dessert. " Jessica smiled looking at her dorky friend giving her a spoon

" Sorry. Hehehe Here's your spoon Shinyoung " showing her beautiful eye-smiles at you again

" That smile was better that yesterday. I'm glad you two are okay.. AGAIN. " you teased

" YAH! That's how friendships are! " Tiffany slapped your arm a bit

" I thought we're eating here eh Tiff? " Jessica reminded of the pink pastry Tiffany was dying to taste




AISH. She really likes him.. WHY CAN'T STOP BEING JEALOUS?! >__________<




" OHHH RIIGHT! THE BIG STRAWBERRY'S MIIIIIINE! " her eyes lit up and sliced the part with her precious strawberry in it..


You and Jessica just stared at her eating the piece quite vigorously.. Jessica found you staring in amazement..


" Not to worry.. She's always like that to everything pink " Jessica laughed and ate her piece

" Sorry. It's just new to me to see this side of her Hehehe " you laughed scratched you back neck..


Tiffany turned to you as she heard everything.. Smiled and made a peace sign with her fingers acting cutely as ever like a kid eating an ice cream xD ( Does it make sense? HAHAHA :D )



Afternoon came and Jessica had to go because she has a long trip back home considering that she doesn't have a driver at the moment.. The two girls bid goodbye and happy..



Tiffany was still finishing her homework.. ( Don't worry, she's almost done. :D ) Perfectionist freak so yeah.  She'll work long hours if she has to. You were in your room still putting the pieces together with those photos still in your hands in front of your laptop..


* BING! *


The laptop sounded indicating that there's a new email..

You clicked the envelope icon and read the message.. It was another ' costumer ' ... A different anonymous account from the last one..




Shim Joonghyun..      ( You had many aliases protecting your true identity )


I will pay you a big amount of 1,000,000 won to kill this boy.. But I warn you..

Other men are also after this kid. I WANT YOU TO KILL HIM FIRST!

If you fail.. You know you'll be in danger.   - And your girlfriend -

Think about it.




GIRLFRIEND?!?! Is he talking about Tiffany?! We're not even official yet! And how come he knows about her???!!




You continued reading the shocking email..






Your target would be: YOOK SUNGJAE








Your eyes went wide in disbelief. You hit the table with your fist..




How the hell am I going to do this?! I'm still bandaged. Not till this weekend. How am I going to tell Tiffany that I'm about to kill her friend?...











HEYOOO! :))) 


Waving hi to my new subscribers and readers out there :D * waving like a dork *


I guess this is a long update :D I got bored being alone here at home so I wrote for you guys :DDD


18 chapters already and almost to the middle of the story xD HAHAHA That was fast :D

Sooooo expect more chapters to come xDDDD


I'm open to all of your comments people! Leave some so I would know what you think of how the story progresses :D


- DorkyAuthor off to spazzing again xD


Stay tuned for the next updates! \o/








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Chapter 27: i loved the epilogue <3
Chapter 27: YESHH SEQUEL !!!!
Chapter 22: I think SungJae is the bastard... I THINK.. LoL xD bwahahahaha XD
TheLoneWolf #4
is you is boy or girl???
princeXie #5
Chapter 26: good work and you're the awesome author....
Chapter 26: I really really liked this fic! :D Good work author!! Don't stop writing!
ArielleKim #7
Chapter 27: I feel like it's not yet the ending, so Sequel is a must!!! ^^V
Chapter 27: SUCH A BEAUTIFUL ENDING Q______________Q
I'm so proud of you for thus kind of ending :'D
I mean this was so, so awesome - I mean I confessed to Jessica >.<
I mean Jessica >.<
Sequel? Of course! Me want one!