Forest Struggle - Part 2 -

Guns And Promises


Tiffany was in the your cabin.. She turned off all the lights and locked every entry there is.. She stayed inside her room facing her fear of the dark with a flashlight and her phone in both hands sitting in the corner counting minutes since you've been gone..
It's already 30 minutes.. Should I call now???
Trembling to make a call.. She also didn't want to make Mr. Jung worry and ruin the cruise party so she called somebody for help..
" Hello? " the man on the other line picked up..
" S-Sungj-jae? Please h-help me.. " Tiffany cried
" Heeeeyyyy Chicken legs!!! Fancy gun you have here. HAHAHA It works like a pro! " the man was still mocking and looking for you wandering in the wet forest under the cold rain
You jumped in from behind and locked both his arms so the man was unable to move..
" Hmmm... Guess you're no chicken legs now huh Lee? " the man said
" STOP CALLING ME NAMES! Who the hell are you?! " you growled
The man stood silent.. He was moving like an eel to get out of your grip..
" Well?! SPEAK!!! " you're getting impatient.. Your grip on the man got tighter.. Twisting the life out of those small muscles..
" Ow! HAHAHAHA. You really d-d-don't re-recognize m-me? " the man was in so much pain..
" No. Just tell me before everything turnes red! " you threatened the man infront of you
The man laughed again..
What the? Is he crazy or something?! HE KEEPS LAUGHING! He's really getting annoying!
Before you knew it the man slid off YOUR INSANELY TIGHT GRIP like Hudini's Illusional tricks..
Caught you off guard and surprised
That move..
It's so familiar!
*   " That's what you call 'Breaking The Eel' . Knowing this technique would be a LOT of help! Who wants to try this stunt??"   *
The voice kept playing.. You tried so hard to remember that lost memory..
There it is again! AAAIIIISSSHHHH!!!!    You were so unfocused.. Seeing the movement of the man made you go back to your concentration..
" Time's up Romeo! I still hate you for what you did! " this time the man was raging in anger
* BANG! *
" WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?! " you shouted holding your left leg.. Almost a flesh cut but a bit worse..
Seconds later the bleeding was uncontrollably strong..
" Shut up. I still need you alive though.. SERVES YOU RIGHT YOU TWIT! Just a little piece of my mind. I'm watching you Lee! " the man ran off
" Ooooooowwww!!! " you're in pain. You sat down by the tree next to you supported by two hands and a leg.. You ripped a part from your shirt and wrapped it around the open wound.. " GAAAAHHHH!!! " you screamed. Still managed to tie a knot.
Gathering every strength you have left. You looked for the tree where you left Jessica..
Thankfully her temperature came back.. Just enough to stop shivering in the cold despite of her bruises and hurt ankle..
" I think  --- I saw a ---- f-fine s-shed.. A-Are you -- okay? " you stuttered
" I'm alright Sh-Shinyoung --- YOU'RE HIT! " Jessica was worried when she saw blood and attempted to stand up but you stopped her..
" You're h-hurt.. Y-Your a-ankle r-remember? O-On m-my back n-now. " you turned around.. Signaling her to hop on..
" B-But your l-leg.. --  " Jessica reasoned
" N-NOW! " you exclaimed..
Jessica just obeyed and wrapped her arms around your neck.. You went on trying to walk fine finally reaching an abandoned shed 
You kicked the door open and hurriedly put Jessica safely on the floor.. There was no other furniture so the floor would have to do for now..
You sat beside Jessica panting.. Holding your leg in pain.. Trying to fight it and last the bad weather..
Jessica seeing all this ripped her long sleeves to make another bandage and wrapped your wound..
" T-Thank y-you S-Sica.. "
" No. Thank YOU.. You saved me Shinyoung.. "
The coldness was hard to endure.. You shivered...
" I already t-t-told Tiffany w-what to d-do.. If the r-rain st-stops.. we can f-find our w-way back.. " you explained
" Shhh.. You need to rest.. " Jessica straightened her legs and patted her lap
" You s-sure? "  the girl nodded and you gently rested your head on the girl's lap
" Tell me w-when the r-rain stops.. " you shifted your head in the other direction facing the door..
" I will.. " Jessica answered your hair lovingly..
I wish you were mine Shinyoung..   Jessica thought to herself
Remembering to stay awake.. You just stared and fought the drowsiness that's blurring your eyes..
" TIFFANY OPEN UP! IT'S ME! HELLO??? " Sungjae was banging on the door
The girl opened the door and hugged Sungjae very tight
" P-Please help me f-find t-them.. " she cried
Please Fany don't cry.. I can't bear seeing you like this..
" Come.. Let's find them.. I saw a cliff on the way here.. Maybe we'll find them there.. " Sungjae rubbed her back
The two ran as fast as they could in the rain..
" How in earth are we going down there??? " Tiffany looked terrified seeing how high they're at..
" ( WHISPERS ) SHHH.. I heard footsteps.. Hide.. " Sungjae pushed Tiffany with her behind a tree nearby
Good thing they were fast..
" ( WHISPERS ) Who is he? You know him Tiff? " Sungjae looked at the girl
They see a man climbing up groaning..
" UUUGGHH. They'll never find a way out now.. I've destroyed the rope ladder earlier.. " the man straightened himself 
" ( WHISPERS ) He's that man who's after us last time! " she snapped her finger
The man leaned to the rope he made hidden within the leaves and says.. " Nah. I'll get this later.. I have to get out of here.. " 
" ( WHISPERS ) What do you mean?? " Sungjae was clueless
The man disappeared out of sight.. Still hid the rope he had with more leaves before running off
" Come on! He's gone! " She pulled Sungjae and went to the rope.. Threw the leaves away..
" This is really high.. " Tiffany uttered
" What? You wanna save them or not?? " Sungjae's brow raised
" OF COURSE I DO!.. Just go first.. " she pleaded
" AISH. Fine.. " 
Sungjae went down followed by Tiffany.. The rocks were slippery but managed to go down safely..
The two wandered around the forest.. Tiffany's flashlight guiding them..
" THERE! " Tiffany shouted " MAYBE THEY'RE IN THAT SHED! "
Sungjae ran ahead and busted the door open.. Tiffany followed and sees Jessica asleep and you -- Not in a good state..
" SHINYOUUUUNG!!! " Tiffany shouted and dashed towards you..
You were pale white.. Eyes open but irresponsive.. You were shivering like crazy with both fists up next to your face..
" Jessica-sshii! Wake up! " Sungjae went to Jessica..
" H-Huuuh? S-Sungjae? " she blinked her eyes..
" JESSIEEE! " Tiffany hugged the literelly-cold ice princess.. " What happened to you guys???! " Tiffany still worried of your frozen image..
" Oh my god. I fell asleep! Let's help him! " Jessica lifted your head and tried to stand up.. Her ankle was a bit better..
" I'll carry him. " Sungjae said seriously
If Tiffany wasn't so into you I'm not doing this.
" THANK YOU SUNGJAE!! " Tiffany almost cried " LET'S HURRY!!! "
Sungjae carried you on his back while Tiffany helped her bestfriend to walk..
The four of you reached the rope.. Thankfully the rain stopped..
" How are we going up now? Jessica's hurt and Shinyoung is unconscious.. " Tiffany said
" How about we just leave him here? " Sungjae spoke to himself
" What did you say? " Jessica asked
" N-Nothing. Tiffany, you climb up and call for the rescuers.. " Sungjae suggested
" Please.. Keep everything a secret from father.. Take Shinyoung to the hospital.. He really needs it " Jessica looked at you sadly..
" I'll take him to the hospital.. " she climbed up
Great. Just great. Tiffany's leaving with him =.=  Sungjae ranted in his mind
Shinyoung will be fine.. I'll just visit tomorrow..  Jessica thought
The rescuers came not too long and was able to pull up the three from below the cliff..
You were placed in a mobile bed and strapped you in place
Tiffany went in the ambulance with you and rode off.
Sungjae helped Jessica to the reception and warned every staff not to tell her dad the whole commotion earlier. Also to her bruises and hurt ankle. They all obeyed. 
" Sungjae.. I wonder.. " Jessica asked. They were already in her room. Sungjae was treating Jessica's bruises
" Yes? " still placing cold compress to Jessica's ankle
" How'd you got back to the island? You were on the cruise ship right? "
" Oh.. I have a friend nearby one of the beaches so I borrowed his water jet.. " he answered
" Ahhh.. That was convenient.. Well, what if your dad looks for you? " 
" I told him I went back here.. But he promised that Mr. Jung won't even realize I'm gone. They love to play poker.. "
" Okay.. Thanks for helping us.. " Jessica placed her hands on Sungjae as a thank you..
Sungjae was finished and closed the first aid kit..
" Will you help me? " he said seriously
" In what? " Jessica drank water.. She was parched..
" I want Tiffany to like me back.. " 
Heeeyyyoooow! :D

I'm back :))) FINALLY FINISHED. The internet a while ago went nuts and didn't respond.


I know I'm not the only one who's experienced this but yeah it was SO FRUSTRATING. 

Plus, I don't have this part in my notebook so I came up with this JUST now.-_______-
I had a hard time without my notebook to guide me with the ideas I came up with..
If the story's getting messed up please bear with me >.<      * sits and cries *
- bows nonstop -
I just felt bad that I wasn't able to update right away so I made this impromtu chapter :'(
I hope you guys would like me again \o/ HAHAHAHA :DD
Hello to readers! *^.^*       * waving crazily *

See you in the next chapters.. :D
- DorkyAuthor writes again.. \o/
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Chapter 27: i loved the epilogue <3
Chapter 27: YESHH SEQUEL !!!!
Chapter 22: I think SungJae is the bastard... I THINK.. LoL xD bwahahahaha XD
TheLoneWolf #4
is you is boy or girl???
princeXie #5
Chapter 26: good work and you're the awesome author....
Chapter 26: I really really liked this fic! :D Good work author!! Don't stop writing!
ArielleKim #7
Chapter 27: I feel like it's not yet the ending, so Sequel is a must!!! ^^V
Chapter 27: SUCH A BEAUTIFUL ENDING Q______________Q
I'm so proud of you for thus kind of ending :'D
I mean this was so, so awesome - I mean I confessed to Jessica >.<
I mean Jessica >.<
Sequel? Of course! Me want one!