We meet again..

Guns And Promises




You woke up early.. It was 8am..



I'm hungry.. Hehehe I'll just have breakfast with her again when she wakes up..


You looked at sleeping Tiffany.. You locked the doors and windows and went outside.. As you were walking you saw Jessica by the shore lying down on one of the chairs..




" Good morning! " you greeted

" Morning Shinyoung " she smiled

" The Island seems empty.. Where's everybody?? " you asked taking another chair beside her

" Dad took them all on a cruise.. "

" So the three of us are the only ones here? "

" Yeah.. I wanted to spend the day with you guys " she laughed " Where's Tiffany? "

" She's still sleeping.. " 

" Too bad.. Hmmm.. Wanna have breakfast? I'm hungry " she said rubbing her tummy

" You look funny when you do that " Jessica glared at you a little

" Hahaha. I totally forgot why I was out here. Let's eat! " you smiled


Both of you went to the resort's cafe' to have morning breakfast..




From: Tiffany

Message: Where are you? :(




" Uhmmm.. Excuse me Jessica.. I need to go.. " you gave her a warm smile " Thank you for breakfast "

" You're welcome.. " she just faked a smile


I wish I was Tiffany right now.. :(








" Where were youuuu? " you walked into her room..


" I'm sorry.. I strolled the beach.. " you lied avoiding to make Tiffany jealous and see her do silly things again..

" Are you hungry? Tiffany nodded


You placed your backhand on her forehead.. " You're heating up Tiffany.. Told you not to drink last night.. "

" I'm sorry.. " 

" I'll call room service.. "


Tiffany's headache also got worse. You stayed all day.. Fed her.. And gave her medicine.. From time to time you also monitored her body temperature..


" Shinyoung? "

" Hmm?? " you placed a new blaket and covered Tiffany's body

" Thank you.. " she smiled weakly

" It's nothing.. Get some rest.. Hopefully, your fever would be gone later when you wake up.. " you smiled


Tiffany closed her eyes again fast asleep..




= JESSICA ( Still at the cafe' when you left earlier ) =






It was her dad calling her..



" Honey? "

" Yes dad? "

" There will be some important visitors that will be on the island in half an hour.. Will you meet them in my behalf? "

" Really? You want me to work now??? "



Jessica gets a little irritated when she's jealous.. Still, she didn't mean what she said.. ' Work ' was just another word for responsibility.. She's still in college but Mr. Jung wanted her to experience what she'll handle in the future..



" Jung Sooyeon! Did you just used that kind of tone to your father?! " Mr. Jung growing mad on the phone

" Sorry daddy I didn't mean that.. I'll get everything ready by then.. " she apologized

" Okay then. I'll call back later to check on you.. " Mr. Jung ended the call coldly



Aish. I'm so sorry daddy.. :(



Feeling guilty she went to the reception and asked the staff to prepare the whole place... The guests have then arrived shortly..

A meeting was also held. Jessica lead the discussion..


" I am here to preside in behalf on my father who is currently in a small vacation.. I am his eldest daughter Jessica Jung so please feel free to ask me anything about this venture. " she bowed


She handled ' WORK ' well and finally settled a partnership deal after the long hours of meeting.


" It was nice doing business with you young lady.. Your father has taught you well.. I apologize for coming here on a short notice.. "

" It was my pleasure Mr. Kim.. Thank you so much.. I will send to you the contract papers as soon as possible "


The visitors finally left.. It was almost 4pm when it all ended..







" Yes dad? " Jessica sounded tired

" How was the meeting? Were they tough honey? "

" No dad. Actually, they've already agreed to be our business partners for this year " Jessica proudly announced

" Really? That's good news! Anyways we kinda extended the trip.. We'll be arriving tomorrow.. Is it okay with you?? "

" Yes dad. Just enjoy the cruise. I'll keep an eye out here.. "

" Thank you honey.. I have to go.. I love you. "

" I love you too dad.. " Jessica ended the call



What a looong daaayyy... >.<



To: Shinyoung

Message: Where are you guys? Want to swim? :)


From: Shinyoung

Message: We're here at the cabin.. Tiffany got sick so I had to take care of her..


To: Shinyoung

Message: How bad is she?? Did something happened last night?


From: Shinyoung

Message: She drank too much.. Long story..



Tiffany NEVER had any drinks before.. What'd you do now Tiff? :(



To: Shinyoung

Message: I'll be there in 5 minutes..




Jessica decided to visit her sick friend.. She went back to her place to take a quick shower and change.. All finished she made her way to your cabin..

It was already dark around the island.. Jessica was walking alone and bumped into someone when she had to cross a dark spot.. It was the quickest way so she had to take it..


Owww....  she met the floor.. The person helped her brush off the sand on her clothes but the girl still can't recognize who that person was..








AYO! :)))

Quick update. Hehehe :D How are you doing guys? :)))


I have to go because I'll be doing a medical for college admission =.= It would take a while..


I'll be baaccckkk!!! Subscribe and comment ^.^



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Chapter 27: i loved the epilogue <3
Chapter 27: YESHH SEQUEL !!!!
Chapter 22: I think SungJae is the bastard... I THINK.. LoL xD bwahahahaha XD
TheLoneWolf #4
is you is boy or girl???
princeXie #5
Chapter 26: good work and you're the awesome author....
Chapter 26: I really really liked this fic! :D Good work author!! Don't stop writing!
ArielleKim #7
Chapter 27: I feel like it's not yet the ending, so Sequel is a must!!! ^^V
Chapter 27: SUCH A BEAUTIFUL ENDING Q______________Q
I'm so proud of you for thus kind of ending :'D
I mean this was so, so awesome - I mean I confessed to Jessica >.<
I mean Jessica >.<
Sequel? Of course! Me want one!