I'm sorry.. :(

Guns And Promises

You're upset.. You found a nice small park not too far from the mall.. You decided to lie down under the shade of a tree..






Facing the wide blue sky.. Your hand under your head for support.. A dark figure leaned down on you blocking the view just when you're about to doze off..






" Shinyoung-Oppa? Is that you?? "




You blinked a few times.. " A-Amber? Heeeeeyy! How are you dongsaeng??? " you sat up






Amber was one of the kids in the orphanage 15 years ago.. You haven't heard anything from her after the incident..





" Yeah.. I'm okay.. How's everything with you oppa? " she sat next to you..




You just stayed quiet and stared blankly forward.. " Something wrong? " Amber rubs your back..

" I really don't want to talk about it honestly.. How are you? Do you have a family? "

" Same thing.. They died.. It was an awful accident.. Now I'm living alone.. Luckily I have a good job in my hands.. "

" Sorry about that.. I also have a job too.. - - And I'm nearly quitting.. ( sighs ) I'm still thinking about it though.. "


" T-That'sgreatbutIreallyhavetogonow~ " she picked up all of her stuff and left..


Before you could even say anything, she was gone.. " Annyeong? ~ " 




Weird. She's not like this back in the day.. Maybe she changed a lot after losing her parents.. ~ Aigoo poor kid.. :(




Not too long.. You see a familiar tall guy walking towards your direction.. Drinking soda..



" Oooooh hey!~ I didn't see you there! ( chuckles ) Like my new pants? I just bought it after you ruined the last one HAHA " Sungjae is now 3 feet away from you.. You never bothered to stand up..


" What the hell are you doing here? " you asked monotoned


" What? Is it bad to walk here now? If you were just to ask politely well I'd tell you SIR that my car is across the street.. ( points to his car ) Got a problem with that? " Sungjae sounding sarcastically..


" Just get outta here before I lose my respect. " you said with your teeth together bottling every anger in you because people are passing by.. 


" Okay Mr. I'm-so-smooth-bodyguard. " he teased and went on his way..








I still have another trick up my sleeve Tiff.. You'll be mine! >D    smirking to himself.. Sungjae drove off..











" Tiff! Slow down! As I've said, I'M NOT WITH HIS PLANS!!! " Jessica shouted from the top of her lungs.. People are looking but she couldn't care less now..


" LIIIES! " Tiffany shouted back


They are now coming to an empty alley.. Jessica was able to catch up to her stubborn friend and pinned the younger on the brick wall.. Both hands on Tiffany's shoulder with a surprisingly tight grip..


" LET ME GO! I hate you! " Tiffanny wiggling herself free

" WOULD IT KILL YOU TO LISTEN FIRST?! " they never fought like this before.. Tiffany just stayed quiet and bowed her head low..


" I have NEVER agreed to him. Yeah he asked me when we were in the island BUT I NEVER SAID YES! - - - "


" They why you ignored me the other day? Did he told you to do that too?? "


" What? NO! Sungjae told me that if he sees you with me talking he said he'll do something bad to you until I make my decision to join in or not.. And I didn't.. I CHOSE YOU! THERE!! I SAID IT! " Jessica is crying tears now with a cracked voice.. She let go of the younger's shoulders..




So that's why when she apologized she didn't want me to ask why..




" Why didn't you tell me you like him? " TIffany raised her head to face Jessica..



" I didn't want to choose.. If I was selfish enough and chose to go with Sungjae's stupid plan, I knew I'd lose you.. I don't want that to happen.. "


Tiffany was too speechless now.. She just hugged the blonde in front of her.. 


" Sorry.. I'm so sorry for being insensitive.. I'm sorry that you have stupid Tiffany Hwang as your so-called bestfriend.. " she continued sobbing..


Jessica smiled a little and pulled off the hug..


" Stop crying will you? How can you be Eye-Smile princess now if you look like that?? " Jessica smiled and wiped Tiffany's tears


" It's because of the Ice princess being so cold to me the other day that made me this way.. " Tiffany joked back


" You should go.. Talk to him.. " 


" What about you?? " Tiffany looked at Jessica with sad eyes..


" I'll be fine.. This will pass eventually.. Go.. "


" Thank you Jessie.. I love you.. " Tiffany kissed Jessica's cheek and hurried off.. Jessica waved weakly in return..






At least one of us is happy.. Take care of her Shinyoung.. :(









Tiffany creeked the front door open.. The whole house was dark and empty..

It was already 7 in the evening..



He's not home yet?? AISH. I'll call him then..







" Sh-Shinyoung? Wh-Where are you? " Tiffany asked shyly

" I'll be home late. Lock everything and don't wait for me okay? Bye. " you hanged up..




He hates me :'(((







You went back to the Hwang building to continue investigating.. You got in and went to the top floor.. Since you don't have your equipment with you.. You decided to break in through the window..


Reaching the top floor.. You see another empty room next to Leo's office.. You went inside ( the room was not locked ) and out the window.. Tip toed your way carefully to the next window.. You stretched your long sleeves and covered your arm.. You elbowed the thin glass and jumped inside..


You stood up and brushed the cracked pieces and looked around..




No more bloodstains.. Replaced vases.. The desk was also clean.. 


" What the - - ? Did he return? " you uttered.. You saw a small note on the desk with - - MR. HWANG'S WATCH? O.O


You read the note:








What?! Who the hell is this guy?! How'd he knew about me taking out my bandage today?!



You angrily pocketed the note and the watch and went home..



Opening the door.. It was very dark.. Only the light coming from the TV can be seen.. Approaching the couch you wee Tiffany fast asleep with her phone in her hand.. You took out your phone and see 13 messages and 15 missed calls from the girl..


" Aish. I told her to not wait for me.. " you mumbled..


You carried sleeping Tiffany to her room..








This is just a short update for now guys >.< MIANHE~

3 more to come and hopefully I can post this today.. ^.^***




THANK YOU FOR PATIENTLY WAITING! :))) You're close to finding out the culprit so KEEP READING! :DDD




- DorkyAuthor still editing xD HAHAHA :)))

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Who do you think he is? O.o


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Chapter 27: i loved the epilogue <3
Chapter 27: YESHH SEQUEL !!!!
Chapter 22: I think SungJae is the bastard... I THINK.. LoL xD bwahahahaha XD
TheLoneWolf #4
is you is boy or girl???
princeXie #5
Chapter 26: good work and you're the awesome author....
Chapter 26: I really really liked this fic! :D Good work author!! Don't stop writing!
ArielleKim #7
Chapter 27: I feel like it's not yet the ending, so Sequel is a must!!! ^^V
Chapter 27: SUCH A BEAUTIFUL ENDING Q______________Q
I'm so proud of you for thus kind of ending :'D
I mean this was so, so awesome - I mean I confessed to Jessica >.<
I mean Jessica >.<
Sequel? Of course! Me want one!