Forest Struggle - Part 1 -

Guns And Promises

" Are you Ms. Jessica Jung? " the man asked


" Y-Yes.. Who are you? "


" You were one of those girls Shinyoung is with right?? " the man ignored Jessica's question



Something's not right.. I have to do something.. WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY!?



" Y-You didn't a-answer my q-question yet.. Who a-are y-you?? " Jessica stuttered in nervousness.. Slowly taking steps away from the man infront of her..


Ignoring the girl's question again.. He laughed..


" So you are? HAHAHA. I'll show you something " the man roughly dragged Jessica near the cliff's end..



" Watch it!! HEEEYYY!!! LET GO OF ME!!! HOW'D YOU GET IN HERE?! ARE YOU EVEN INVITED?! " Jessica was in a state of panic trying to make a run from it but he's too strong for her..


" Heh. You talk to much.. Like the view? "


" Hmph! " Jessica shrugged. The man still has a tight grip on her hands..


" Look .... Out...  Below... " the man whispered to her ear


" Huh? " before Jessica could even make another move.. The man pushed her off the cliff!



" AAAAACCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!! " she screamed..


Jessica fell down 16 feet below landing on a muddy puddle.. " Owwwww.... " she tried to stand up but her ankle was hurt..

But she managed to help herself up.. " I have t-to warn Sh-Shinyoung.. " she mumbled weakly.








You were checking the thermometer..



" Hey not bad.. You're all better now.. " you said happily


Tiffany just smiled and sat on her bed.. " I liked it better when I was still sick " she joked

" Don't get your hopes up.. Hahaha " you laughed

Tiffany pouted " Is Jessica here yet? " she asked.. She knew that her friend will come to visit..


" Come to think of it, it's been 15 minutes.. She told me she'll be here 10 minutes ago.. "








" Hel-lo? " a girl was crying on the other line..


" Sh-Shinyoung h-help m-me.. -- " Jessica pleaded


" Jessica?? Where are you?! " you looked at Tiffany.. She was startled from your reaction..


" The cliff - - - and a m-man - - - I'm s-s-o scare-d-d - - - - " 



* TUT * TUT * TUT *



" Cliff?? Jessica?? Hello?? Hello!!! " Tiffany looked at you with worried eyes.. You tried calling back but you can't reach her line anymore..


" A cliff she said?? AISH. We have to help her!!! " Tiffany exclaimed

" No. I'll go.. You must stay here.. It's too dangerous if both of us is out there.. Lock everything " you stood up and picked your handgun and a flashlight pacing back and forth the room to yours.. You wore your jacket..


" I want to go with youuu..  " she backhugged you..

" The man is still out there.. I told you I can't risk your life.. " you cupped Tiffany's face " I want you safe.. "


Tiffany was about to tear.. " Don't answer the door for ANYONE.. And i-if I'm not back in 30 minutes.. Call for help.. " you continued heading towards the door..


" WHAT?! I can't wait that long!!! " you turned back and hugged the girl tight.. You kissed her forehead..

" Trust me.. I'll be back.. " TIffany had no choice but to follow what you reminded her..




Be safe Shinyoung.. I don't know what I'll do if I lose you.. :(




" Jessicaaaa?? Jessicaaaaa?? " you shouted with a handgun on the other hand, the flashlight in the other..



What cliff was she talking about??



You pointed out the flashlight on the sand and spotted some small footprints..



This must be Jessica's.. 2 pairs??? Seemed like she's dragged.. He IS here!   you concluded



You followed the trail and lead you to the exact spot where Jessica stood before she fell..



" I never thought you were this clever Lee.. " a voice spoke from behind.

You felt a pointed knife at your back no other way but to just stand still.. The man snatched your handgun and put it in his back pocket..


" Who are you and how did you know my name? " you asked facing the wide scenery of the cliff

" You haven't changed chicken legs.. Have fun! " the person pushed you but you managed to cling on to a small branch..


" Who are you after?! " you said still hanging on the branch


" You'll know soon.. CHICKEN LEGS!!! " the man leaned over and cut the fragile branch with the knife he was holding..


You fell the same as Jessica did.. Your skills saved you from a hard fall with small scratches..



Chicken legs?? Now where did I hear that from??  you knocked the side of your head to remember..  I HAVE TO FIND JESSICA FIRST.


Checking your watch it was past 15 minutes from the time you left the cabin..


I still have time..



" Jessica??? Jessica where are youuuu?? " you yelled out


You heard someone crying and followed it..

Thunder was also close by and started to rain heavily..






You were drenched and at last found Jessica shivering..


" Sh-Shin-y-younggg "


" I'm here I'm here.. Get on my back.. Maybe there's some shed nearby.. " you took off your jacket and made Jessica wear it so that she could somehow maintain her body temperature..


The rain was pouring hard..


" Stay with me Jessica! Remember, you can't fall asleep!! Jessicaa.. " you tried to keep her awake.. It's a bad thing for a person with bruises and wet to lose consciousness..


" Yes.. Yes.. " she answered.. You were already rushing to find shelter..




* BANG! *



A bullet raced almost hitting Jessica in the head.. It made you more furious..


" Hey Chicken legs!!! Couldn't stay away! HAHAHAHA "



* BANG! *



You ran faster to take Jessica some place safe to hide..


" STOP HIDING YOU COWARD! " the man's voice echoed through the rain.. He was using your handgun..



" This tree is big enough to keep you from the rain.. " you placed the girl into a big hole in the big tree..

" I'll handle him.. Keep yourself awake okay? " Jessica nodded still shivering









Afternoon SONES! :)))

I think this update is looooooong. HAHAHA :D I dunno how I'll cut this part here. :DDDD


Am I boring you guys??? Tell me what you think ^.^



Hello to new readers out there! Gosh. Sugar rush again. HAHAHAHA :DDDDD


Update coming right up! ^.^






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Chapter 27: i loved the epilogue <3
Chapter 27: YESHH SEQUEL !!!!
Chapter 22: I think SungJae is the bastard... I THINK.. LoL xD bwahahahaha XD
TheLoneWolf #4
is you is boy or girl???
princeXie #5
Chapter 26: good work and you're the awesome author....
Chapter 26: I really really liked this fic! :D Good work author!! Don't stop writing!
ArielleKim #7
Chapter 27: I feel like it's not yet the ending, so Sequel is a must!!! ^^V
Chapter 27: SUCH A BEAUTIFUL ENDING Q______________Q
I'm so proud of you for thus kind of ending :'D
I mean this was so, so awesome - I mean I confessed to Jessica >.<
I mean Jessica >.<
Sequel? Of course! Me want one!