New Student


Any other day, I wouldn't have cared that there was a new guy at school. But today, he followed me to the track. There I was sprinting and I turn my head and there he is! Walking around like he owns the place! He was looking at me, no, staring at me! Was there something wrong with him? Who would want to look at me?




There was a new guy in our class. Not the usual. He was actually good looking, really cute with a smile that could brighten the world. His name was Taemin, or that was what he had announced to the class from the front of the cramped room. Then he came and sat down next to me since he had no other options. He would probably be like all of the others, staying clear of me for no apparent reason.

I sighed, keeping my eyes to the front of the room as he slowly sat down. Sliding into the seat next to me, he turned and flashed me a friendly smile. Did he seriously just do that? I was invisible to everybody else and yet here this boy was just smiling at me like I was his best friend. I didn't even know him and I didn't really want to.

The class was taking notes which I didn't care to write down as the teacher's lecture droned on and on. The lecture could rival a robot. It was said in such a boring tone that I just wanted to fall asleep right then and there.

There was a small tap on my shoulder. It was probably just my imagination so I ignored it, continuing to day dream in my own world. There was another tap on my left shoulder, this time harder than the last. Groaning inwardly, I turned my head to respond, peering at the boy next to me through my glasses.

"Do you have a piece of paper? I left my notebook at home," asked the boy named Taemin.

I blinked, he was asking me for a piece of paper. I quickly glanced behind me to see if he was talking to another person. I was the only other person that was sitting at the back of the classroom.

"Um, do you have a piece of paper that I could use?"

"N-ne," I said, fishing out my notebook and tearing out a piece of paper for the boy sitting next to me.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

Was he really asking my name? Why was he being so friendly to me? Was he going to pull something later? Nobody had ever been this nice to me, much less talked to me.

"I'm Jin-Hee," I said quietly.

"I'm Taemin," he said, smiling and offering me his hand to shake.

I just looked at it and looked away, finding something interesting on my desk to hold my attention. He slowly drew his hand away from me, seeing as I wasn't going to take it anytime soon. I glanced over at him to catch him staring at me. Why? He was starting to make me feel like I was actually here and it was making me uncomfortable. I swallowed loudly, why was this happening to me?



Now I was out practicing and he was walking on the opposite side of the fence down the sidewalk. His head turned to meet my golden gaze and held it until he had turned the corner. He actually looked at me, noticed that I existed, that I was a human being.

I stumbled to the ground at the finish line. So much things have changed in my life today and I could no longer stand to think about it all. It was so confusing becasue he was the first person to talk to me as an individual, as a real person. I had too much on my mind to practice on the empty track now. Nothing will ever be the same.

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bnbrow3 #1
Chapter 22: Oh.Meh.Ger!! Too cute author-nim!! Pat yourself on the back... or anywhere else you feel should be patted ^.^
Chapter 13: Oh how much i like this story....
Chapter 22: It was great author-nim, but where were they? some kind of a garden?
Chapter 22: this is such a cute ending!! :D
Chapter 22: *cries silently* all the fluffy....I can't
Ayamegumi #6
Chapter 22: I loved reading ur fanfic!!! I would like to read more of ur other stories too!!!
Isalovestaemin #7
Chapter 21: OMO! Where did he take her? And AAWWEE!! KYEOPTA!! Authornim hwaiting! ❤
Chapter 21: Hmmm I wonder where Taemin took her?
Isalovestaemin #9
Chapter 20: AAWWEE!! KYEOPTA!! THAT WAS SO CUTE!! YAY!! XD ^^ OuO update soon Authornim! <3
Isalovestaemin #10