I'm Jin-Hee


I walked into the school the next day and got stares from everybody that I passed. What was up with this? A girl walked up to me, a large smile on her face. She seemed friendly and I was shocked, my eyes wide as I looked slightly up at her.

"Hi, I'm Hanuel, I saw you run yesterday, you were really good!"

"Um, thanks," I said, shyly.

"You did run yesterday right?" She asked, cocking her head to the side as if looking me up.

"Ne, I ran the 100 meters yesterday."

"Arasso! I got to go, see you around," she said, waving to me as she turned and walked downt he hall to her locker. This was odd, I was suddenly attracting attention.

I slowly walked down the hall to get hellos at every turn, some people thought that I was a new girl that just showed up yesterday. I walked over to Taemin who was talking to another guy at his locker. Gettting his attention, her turned and put on a huge grin.

"Hey Jin-Hee, this is Minyoung."

"Wait, Jin-Hee? Didn't you run yesterday?" Minyoung asked with a smile my way.

Again, I was shocked and took a little bit to respond to the question. Why was I getting all this attention all of a sudden? "Yeah, I did. It's nice to meet you, Minyoung oppa."

He smiled and said goodbye to me and Taemin.

I turned to my best friend. "What is happening? Why is everybody asking me if I ran yesterday? This is all just so weird!"

"I made them all come to the track meet yesterday to see you run," he said with a wink.

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, you're welcome Jin-Hee! Surprise!"

I smiled and pulled him into a huge hug. This was awesome, what Taemin had done for me. I couldn't believe it, he had brought all of these people just to watche me run yesterday. No wonder the stands had been packed when I had ran.

I let go of him and walked to my locker down another hall. I unlocked the lock and grabbed the books that I needed, stuffing them in my bag with a smile on my face. I turned, slamming the locker door closed.

"Well well well, what do we have here, Jin-Hee?"

It was Nara. Immediately my smile was wiped off my face and I stood, looking at her. She had her hands on her hips, a few girls standing behind her with the same pose. They were her friends that followed her around like lost puppies. She had a teasing smile on her face, like she was about to do something that she knew was bad.

"What do you want Nara?"

"Oh, nothing," she said innocently, rolling her eyes.

I sent a glare her way.

The innocent look was wiped off her face a second later and she came towards me, grabbing the collar of my uniform and jerking me forward to where she was in my face. "Do you really think that just by running and placing first would get everyone to like you? Well guess what, think again. I'm going to wipe that little smile right off you face so just give it up."

I glared at her. "What's your problem? Is it because Taemin like me and not you?"

By now a crowd was forming around us, gasps were heard as I was facing the most popular girl in school. I pushed her away and she gasped, open in shock. Then the expression disappeared and was replaced with a glare.

"You just wait, I'm going to get him and then you will regret this."

She walked away and I sighed, the crowd of people surrounding me. I pushed throught them, heading to my next class. This wasn't such a great day after all.

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bnbrow3 #1
Chapter 22: Oh.Meh.Ger!! Too cute author-nim!! Pat yourself on the back... or anywhere else you feel should be patted ^.^
Chapter 13: Oh how much i like this story....
Chapter 22: It was great author-nim, but where were they? some kind of a garden?
Chapter 22: this is such a cute ending!! :D
Chapter 22: *cries silently* all the fluffy....I can't
Ayamegumi #6
Chapter 22: I loved reading ur fanfic!!! I would like to read more of ur other stories too!!!
Isalovestaemin #7
Chapter 21: OMO! Where did he take her? And AAWWEE!! KYEOPTA!! Authornim hwaiting! ❤
Chapter 21: Hmmm I wonder where Taemin took her?
Isalovestaemin #9
Chapter 20: AAWWEE!! KYEOPTA!! THAT WAS SO CUTE!! YAY!! XD ^^ OuO update soon Authornim! <3
Isalovestaemin #10