Sure Thing


I felt like crying again, the emotions that were holed up in me for so long finally surfacing. I couldn't handle this much emotion bubbling up inside of me. The coolness of the window of Taemin's truck that I had my face pressed against helped calm myself. I didn't want to look at him, I just wanted to be left alone. We drove down the highway, to an unknown place. I trusted Taemin so I didnt' worry too much about it.

Sighing, I watched the objects outside fly by in a blur. My thoughts were haunting me, that girl's glare. She was looking at me when she had done that. There had been nobody behind me that she could have been staring at. She had seen me like a human being, as competition for Taemin's attention. It almost felt like I was on ground zero, beigh fired at with my emotions and now this. It all came rushing at me at the same time. I thought that I was invisible to everyone but him. It kind of bothered me, but then it also felt good. It felt good that she hadn't ignored me. I was starting so seem less like a ghost in the school every day. All becasue of Taemin.

I was left with my thoughts, the sound of the red pick-up truck on the road, and the steady breathing of Taemin. He kept stealing glanceds at me from the driver's seat of the truck. Maybe I could finally live a normal life now.

I stared out the window, not wanting to meet his gaze. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and hide from the world. My breath left condensation on the window that disappeared quickly. I watched the repeated process. It wasn't that cold outside since it was towards the end of spring. I stared at the line for the side of the road was so steady, unchanging. What if everything was unchanging like that, just curving and staying straight.

Sometimes I think that I will bend so much that I break. That's what I'm afraid of. Nobody wants to be so damaged, but I'm afraid that me heart is so broked that it can't be fixed. It can be mended but never be fixed. A heart can only be broken so many times.

"Jin-Hee," said Taemin, bringing me out of my haunting thoughts.

I looked up and noticed that he had grabbed my hand. I blushed, this was where we had left off. He pulled me to him so that his lips could lightly touch my forehead, I closed my eyes. Maybe this wasn't so bad, I could get used to this. Nothing had changed between us, no dead ends, no fears that kept us up at night. Everything would be all right.

I hadn't worn my glasses today, instead, I had put in contacts and a little mascara. I had never worn makeup before. But being with Taemin had made me want to be a girl and wear makeup, perfume, and dress cute. Just something about him.

He let me go and I laid my head in his lap, my body stretching across the bench seat as he drove down the highway. Something had made me unafraid to do this. His intoxicating scent filled my senses and I closed my eyes again. I could fall in love with him over and over again. He gave me so many reasons why I should trust him, why I should let him have my heart.

"Just ignore Nara."

My eyes widened as I looked up at him. Had he known that the thoughts of her had been what was bothering me? "How did you know?"

"I can tell that something was bothering you and I figured that it was her," he said, taking his eyes off the road for a second to look down at me. A smile graced his face and I smiled back, it felt right this time. "You finally did it right."


He nodded, fixing his eyes on the road again. He slowed as he entered the next town, I wondered where we were going. My question was answered when I saw the sign of a smoothie shop from where my head rested on Taemin's lap. I sat up as he stopped and got out of the truck.

"Why don't you stay here, I'll get something for both of us."

"Arasso," I said as he closed the door, a smile on his face that reflected in his beautiful eyes. How he made my heart pount was incredible. It felt like it would beat right out of my chest, the way he made it race. Just the way he made me feel when I was around him was mesmerizing. It was like I was going crazy, I couldn't control myself.

He returned with two drinks and I smiled taking one. He drove me back home. So this is what he drove all the way out here for. The smoothies were amazing. When we got to my house, he pulled into my weed grown driveway that was once gravel. He got out coming to the passenger side of the truck and opened the door for me.

"Ladied first."

"Oppa, thank you."

He grabbed my bag out of the back of the truck and walked me to the door. I blushed as he got near to my face. Then he kissed my cheek, making my face turn ten shades of pink.

"Goodnight Jin-Hee."

"Goodnight Taemin oppa," I said as he turned around, waving as he got into the driver's seat and drove off. I watched with a smile on my face as he was gone in the distance, his red truck reflecting the bright afternoon sun. I found you, I found love. He was the one for me, he was the one for me when everything was falling apart. A tear sparkled as it ran down my cheek. The tear was out of happiness, happiness that I had found something that was worth something. I found his love. That was a sure thing.

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bnbrow3 #1
Chapter 22: Oh.Meh.Ger!! Too cute author-nim!! Pat yourself on the back... or anywhere else you feel should be patted ^.^
Chapter 13: Oh how much i like this story....
Chapter 22: It was great author-nim, but where were they? some kind of a garden?
Chapter 22: this is such a cute ending!! :D
Chapter 22: *cries silently* all the fluffy....I can't
Ayamegumi #6
Chapter 22: I loved reading ur fanfic!!! I would like to read more of ur other stories too!!!
Isalovestaemin #7
Chapter 21: OMO! Where did he take her? And AAWWEE!! KYEOPTA!! Authornim hwaiting! ❤
Chapter 21: Hmmm I wonder where Taemin took her?
Isalovestaemin #9
Chapter 20: AAWWEE!! KYEOPTA!! THAT WAS SO CUTE!! YAY!! XD ^^ OuO update soon Authornim! <3
Isalovestaemin #10