

Nara was back again, all over Taemin Oppa. I guess she had figured out that he had kissed me because she wouldn't let him out of her sight and every time we were near each other, she interrupted. It was, after all, men were fair game until they had a ring on their finger. Taemin was fair game.

I knew that Nara hated me, it was evident in the way she looked at me. But why would she hate me? She didn't have a reason to. Perhaps it was because people were opening up to me, noticing that I was there. I wasn't a ghost anymore and in her eyes, that meant more competition for men. But there was only one person that I was interested in and it just happened that she was chasing that same person.

Nara clung to Taemin every second of the day. Walking through the halls, she would have her arm linked in his and when he would pass me, he wouldn't notice that I was there. Every time that this happened, my heart broke a little more. He was with her, he goofed off with her and laughed with her all the time. I was turning back into my invisible self. Nara knew that she was breaking my heart, she knew where to hit when it came to hurting someone and she hit home every single time. She was a master in seduction.

They passed by me in the hall again after class, her arm once agin linked in his. She gave me a venemous smirk as they passed by, concluding that she had won him over as he once again hadn't noticed me. But the game wasn't yet over. Nara was cocky and she wouldn't know what to do if something happened between her and Taemin. I would do the thing that she was doing to me right now.

Nara batted her eyebrows at Taemin. "So oppa, I was thinking that we could go somewhere after school. Maybe hang out?"

"Sure, it's not like I have anything else to do," he said, smiling down at her. He was utterly and completely under her spell and she had the upper hand. She was taking advantage of him and he had no idea, falling straight into her web of hatred and lies that she wove around herself and the others that happened to get trapped in it.

I stopped walking, gripping the straps on my bag over my shoulder. Once again, another piece of my heart had been torn. He was causing me the most pain. I thought that we were best friends, maybe a little more than that. But as soon as he gets around a pretty girl he completely forgets abouts us, what we have, or maybe what we used to have.

"Great!" Nara squeaked with a huge smiled and a cute giggle added in. Once again, Taemin smiled at her. Had he forgotten what he had been doing the past few months? What happened to walking or driving me home every day?

I walked over to my locker on teh opposite side of the hallway, the two of them walking out the front doors and into the sunlight. I spun the combination to my locker, taking out the needed books for my homework. Closing the door, I realized that the bag was very heavy. Taemin might remember and break it off with Nara to take me home. It would be nice not to have to walk carrying this.

As soon as I walked into the sunlight, Taemin's red truck caught my eye. He was leaving the parking lot with someone in the passenger seat. He had forgotten after all. I stood on the front steps of the high school, watching as the two of them drove off towards town.

The walk home was lonely and the bag was heavy. I had a ways to walk before I got home. The secure feeling that I get when Taemin was with me was gone and I felt like every time I passed a shadow or alley in between houses that someone would jump at me. I was nearing my old, lonely house and I fished out the keys to the door as I walked, not wanting to stop in the middle of the street. Unlocking the door, I dropped my bag on the couch and closed the wooden door behind me.

Collapsing on the couch, I stared up at the ceiling. I'm all alone through the day and night. Sighing I was left quietly to my thoughts. Taemin and Nara were the only things that filled my head, my thoughts trained on them. He had barely talked to me today, even in the class where we sat next to each other. All he seemed to do was stare straight ahead and think about something or someone. What was so great about her? What did she have besides popularity that I didin't? Parents that gave her everything, or maybe money?


Two hours there was a rapid knock on the front door. I was in the middle of studying for a test in one of my classes. I set down the notebook and book that I was studying from, sighed, and got up to answer it.

I pulled the door open and stared down emotionlessly at the person that stood before me.

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bnbrow3 #1
Chapter 22: Oh.Meh.Ger!! Too cute author-nim!! Pat yourself on the back... or anywhere else you feel should be patted ^.^
Chapter 13: Oh how much i like this story....
Chapter 22: It was great author-nim, but where were they? some kind of a garden?
Chapter 22: this is such a cute ending!! :D
Chapter 22: *cries silently* all the fluffy....I can't
Ayamegumi #6
Chapter 22: I loved reading ur fanfic!!! I would like to read more of ur other stories too!!!
Isalovestaemin #7
Chapter 21: OMO! Where did he take her? And AAWWEE!! KYEOPTA!! Authornim hwaiting! ❤
Chapter 21: Hmmm I wonder where Taemin took her?
Isalovestaemin #9
Chapter 20: AAWWEE!! KYEOPTA!! THAT WAS SO CUTE!! YAY!! XD ^^ OuO update soon Authornim! <3
Isalovestaemin #10